Jorah smiled over at her warmly. “Well thank you for not killing him. Is that your queen I see over there?”
Amory nodded and gestured toward Esta.
“I am sure you are both exhausted, but I am afraid we need to be airborne shortly,” I offered.
Each of the guards had a backpack, the only luggage they all had for a day’s trip.
“Adventure awaits,” Owen said excitedly.
I walked with Owen, behind Jorah and Amory, as we made our way to the shifters.
Jorah’s breath caught. “Pinch me,” she whispered.
I grinned.
She gave a quick bow to Esta. “I am honored you allowed this visit, Your Highness.”
I assumed Esta responded somehow.
Jorah naturally went right over to Whit. “A winged wolf. Oh my goodness. Never mind my blubbering, but you are all beautiful. Keir let us know the truth of your Enchantment in the letter but seeing it in person is...unbelievable.”
Amory gave me a knowing smile.
“Was I this enamored when I saw Esta for the first time?” I asked her.
Amory snorted. “She had you in her talons and all you did was grin.”
Owen laughed. “Sounds about right. Nothing usually fazes Keir.”
Jorah reached out for Whit but then drew her hand back. “Sorry. So sorry.” Whit was kind enough to push his head into her hand and must have sent her something in greeting.
“Jorah,” Owen warned.
Jorah wiped at an eye. “I know, I know. I am crying, aren’t I?”
I’m a little offended the queen of Wylan isn’t crying over me,Malachi sent to all of us.
“You shouldn’t be,” Owen offered with a shake of his head. “You are magnificent.”
Malachi moved closer to Owen and must have said something because Owen laughed.
“Unbelievable,” I muttered to no one in particular. “It took them 4.2 seconds to befriend all of you while I had to bust my ass for more than a week.”
“I’ve always been more charming than you,” Owen threw out.
“I’m sorry,” I feigned innocence. “You did sayalarming, because I know you did not just saycharming.”
“Better looking too,” Owen added to Malachi as if he didn’t hear me.
“Entirely more conceited,” Jorah added as she finished being awestruck by Whit. “Ignore those two,” she directed toward the queen, “I know we need to be on our way. Please tell us what we need to do.”
Whit moved forward and bowed slightly, offering Jorah to ride with him.
I tried not to take it personally. He hadn’t ever offered me a ride.
Owen gave me a glance, as if wondering if Whit could be trusted.
I gave him a shrug. “If she falls off, she can use her magic and catch herself.”