Page 54 of Enchanted Queen

Dex pointed to me. “If he goes, I go.”

Do I look like a transportation device to you?She squinted.Do not answer that any of you. Just hurry up and get on. I do not have time for this.

Rather than ride in her talons like I had before, Amory climbed up onto her back. I followed, sitting behind her, and Dex behind me.

In another two moments, we left John, Emric, and everyone else behind, the beat of the queen’s wings carrying us to Keld.

Dex tried to scoot back an inch. “Uh. Let’s not make this weird.”

I let out a sigh. “You’re making it weird by saying that.”

“Yep,” Amory agreed.

Twisted dragon that she was, the queen decided then to go downward into a roll before gliding over the top of some horses grazing in a meadow. The result was that Dex had his arms around my chest, holding onto me for dear life, I had one hand on the queen’s wing, the other arm wrapped around Amory.

“Very funny, Es,” Amory groaned.

She started sputtering. Laughing.

Dex called out, “If I am going to have to spoon my prince, some warning would at least be nice.”

Her response was to tilt like we were going to roll again, Dex’s breath catching as he held me tighter.

The queen let out a blast of fire likely because she was laughing so hard she couldn’t help it.

“I think I prefer the talons,” I said to no one in particular. “As long as they aren’t feeling in a stabby way toward me.”

“So does she,” Amory offered, “But her arms ache if she carries too many of us for too long. And I doubted she reallywantedto take any of us.”

The wolf I recognized as Whit dropped down to fly with us, along with another dragon on our left. While the queen was rather sleek for a dragon, this one looked rougher. He washuge.

“That is Serkan. He is one of the elder dragons,” Amory explained. After a moment, while we all just stared at this other dragon, she added, “He chooses to stay in some caves near The Drak. His wife, whom he is heart bonded to, is stuck in her human form in Arava.”

Now that was a special sort of hell I hoped history would never repeat again. “I cannot imagine.”

Focus on the mission, Princey.

That voice hadn’t been Esta’s.

Amory snorted.

Why are they along anyway, My Queen?Serkan asked, of course including us all.

Education?was her response.

Serkan let out a roar, like that pleased him.

The queen took off higher as we headed over a wooded area, the creatures on either side of her moving higher with us. The way they flanked her almost gave me chills. I knew they often ran patrols together, but I was sitting atop an actual dragon with another to the left and a winged wolf to the right. Though I knew we were not going on a fun trip, and I had no idea what sort of hell would break loose when we landed, I still took a moment to enjoy the sun peeking in and out of the clouds as we flew to Keld.

Once finally there, the queen landed in a wide street I recognized. The tavern we frequented our first few nights in Dra Skor was not far from here.

People ran in the opposite direction as we landed, which I found odd. Normally the people were welcoming of the shifters. Dex and I exchanged a look. There was a charge in the air I normally welcomed, one which promised a fight.

Amory scrambled off the queen’s back, so we did also. The queen began stomping toward where Malachi was on the beach with a land dragon I hadn’t seen before.

I saw one man on a roof of a business, watching what was going on, while putting in some ear plugs.

Mina and the tavern owner were also peeking out the door. She looked out anxiously before looking to me and back out over the people.