Page 53 of Enchanted Queen

She was quiet. Too quiet.

“You do not think we can do it, do you? That’s why you don’t want them brought in on it yet.”

She shook her head and huffed out a smoke ring.It is not that I don’t want it to be so. I do. And it is not that I do not trust you at all. I trust you enough to allow you to try. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t let you near our sanctuaries.She paused.But after nine years, I will not allow myself to let hope gain wings. Should I be stuck in this form forever.

It shattered my damn heart to hear her voice that. “I am sorry.”

It is not your fault, Keir.

I noted it was the first time she had called me that. “Only my father’s.” Magic flared in my palms, and I let it glide over my skin, giving in to that stinging buzz which I often let remind me that not only was I still breathing while my father wasn’t, but that I was damn powerful also. I would never bow to another tyrant again. “And if what I wanted mattered, you’d already be in your human form.” Queen Esta and I finally had an understanding, dare I say a budding friendship. So I felt she deserved my honesty.

She took one step forward until her head brushed up against me. She reached her snout out until it touched my hand. My magic still burned in my palms, and she shivered a little as she felt the buzz of it.

A smile tugged at my mouth. “I did warn you.”

She snorted.I thought we already established this.

“That dragons were forged in fire?”

No, that it excites me.She shook her body slightly.I can barely feel a thing through all these scales anymore.

With that, she turned and put out her wings, smacking me in the head with one as she slipped off the balcony edge and showed zero remorse for it.

Goodnight, Keir.

“Goodnight, Queen Esta.”

As I heard her fly away, I noted that we had done nothing with the vials of water like I should have with her near, but I found I was laughing. The queen of Dra Skor was something else. It wasn’t until after she left that I checked the rail for the ring. There it sat.

She hadn’t taken it.


“Do we really have to go over this a tenth time?” Dex groaned.

I agree with Muscles,Malachi sent me.

“Yes,” Amory and I said at the same time.

We were in my room going over the plan for when Jorah arrived in the morning. We had it planned down to the very hour. Nothing was going to go amiss. And if it did, Malachi and the queen were getting them the hell out of there and flying them directly to the Wylan ship which would again be waiting offshore at an agreed upon place.

The queen, I was fairly certain, had fallen asleep. But instead of being annoyed, because these were important matters we were discussing, I felt a bit honored that she felt comfortable enough around all my men to fall asleep. She had also diligently listened the first three times John went over it.

Suddenly she jerked awake. Head snapping toward the skies.

Though it was still weird to see this creature reacting to things I couldn’t personally see or hear, I knew another shifter was likely reporting something to her.

She let out a snarl and smoke. Malachi’s wings began readying for flight without so much as a word.

“Esta?” Amory asked as she gave Malachi a nod and he immediately took to the skies.

I need to go to Keld. One of the other land dragons may be partially responsible for what happened to Kian.

My breath caught. Anothershifter?

“Not without me you don’t,” Amory stated as she rose.

“And me?” I asked nicely.