Page 42 of Enchanted Queen

I was still smiling when I felt someone at my elbow.

I spun to find one of the advisors. The one with the entirely blank expressions. She was wearing a fitted black gown which left the skin between her breasts bare. I was sure not to look. It somewhat surprised me to see her dressed as such anyway, as the style for the Dra Skor women seemed to be flowy skirts with a tighter top portion, while leaving a few inches of skin showing between the top portion and the bottom.

“Your Grace,” she said with the slightest head bow.

“It is Morana, or General Morana, yes?”

“Yes. Morana is perfectly fine.” Her face lit up at me having remembered who she was. “I wanted to personally thank you for saving one of our shifters. It was a reckless plan, but it paid off.”

I shrugged. “The plans can be reckless if they are worth it in the end.” My father had always said reckless plans paid out the most in the end, which might have been true if only he would have considered their worth alongside it.

“Indeed.” She paused as Malachi and I took another step forward, next in line now to speak to Kian. “Well, I hope you have a fun first ball in Dra Skor.” She leaned in and whispered, “And should you like to make it even more fun, you should find me later.”

I had been in the room, what? Five minutes? And already I had an offer of the sheet mingle variety.

“Thank you, but I cannot possibly. Not as a guest here and considering your status here.”

She cocked her head as if trying to figure me out. “I can be very persuasive.”

I smirked. “I am sure you can be, General.”

Malachi and I exchanged a glance and then we were moving forward to see Kian, Savanna next to him.

Kian let out a happy sounding roar and rushed to nudge me with his head.

Fortunately for me, I was in somewhat decent shape from training in Nerede. If I had not been, I was sure I would have gone tumbling.

“Well, hello old friends,” I laughed.

Savanna also walked over, a very forceful waddle of her huge reptilian feet.

I had hoped we would see you,a voice said to me, and I knew instinctively it was the dragon to my right, Savanna.

“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Are you two staying safe out there?”

Yes, thanks to you,Kian answered, no animosity.

“Well next time I get the urge to go for a swim, let’s keep it less terrifying,” I offered.

No promises,Kian laughed.

That had me laughing also. “Fair point.”

The whispers about Wylan being responsible for that are nonsense,Savanna added.I was in that water, and no one could possibly be that good of an actor.

It felt good that at least someone believed me. The one person who had been conscious and seen most of the rescue. “Thank you.” I looked over my shoulder at the line and caught Zaire standing there watching. Seething. “You both have a large line, and I don’t want to take up more of your time.”

Okay, but later, when this is over, come with us to the real party.Kian seemed to be smiling as he offered this.

“What?” I asked carefully, as to not repeat a thing he’d told me in case anyone overheard.

Shifters should still be allowed to celebrate, yes?Savanna asked.Together?

I couldn’t help the thrill of excitement I felt at the chance to see them all together like they had been on the shore that day. What was happening to me? I was more excited at the thought of going to a shifter party than I was of a roll in the sheets with Morana.

“Absolutely. I would love that,” I responded vaguely with Zaire in the vicinity.

We will find you before we leave,Kian added.As our guest of honor, it is only right you get to party with both.