Page 130 of Enchanted Queen

My back was to him for only a moment when my magic immediately flared. I sent it out to shield my back, and while Zaire crashed into it in surprise, I spun and grabbed him by the throat. Not with my magic, but rather my flesh to his. I did release my magic to pin his man down, knowing that where Zaire was concerned, a fair fight could not be accounted for.

I pinned my eyes on Zaire, giving him my undivided attention. “You would attack a man with his back turned because you have no honor. Are we done here?”

When he didn’t answer I increased the pressure. “Are we done?”

“Yes,” he gasped from around my grip.


I took my leave, knowing that I might not be going back to my room because of whatever plan was going on, but I still needed a break from ballrooms and crowns all the same. Why the hell couldn’t I have fallen for someone without a crown? It would have made life so much simpler.

“You are glowing,” Malachi said in the hallway, his steps behind mine and Dex’s.

“I am pissed off and need to use some serious magic,” I admitted.

There was a pause and the steps turned to clomps of hooves.Hop on before you break something.


The bonfire was by far the best part of the evening. Malachi had taken me to use some magic in the meadow by the pond before bringing me to it, and the atmosphere was brimming with excitement. There was a hope I hadn’t felt in Dra Skor since I stepped foot here. And it filled me with pride to consider that I had helped deliver that to them.

The shifters stuck in their shifted forms had faced scrutiny and whispers from their own. Now given this glimpse that things would not always stay as they were, they were far more excited than the ballroom was.

Malachi, back in his human form, had handed me a flask of whiskey and given a speech about how if anyone took me, or any of my men, Esta would have them automatically moved to the bottom of the lottery drawing for the order of being shifted back. That combined with his earlier move had successfully nipped the napping.

Nipped the napping?

I was more than a whisky flask in, so it was what it was.

Dawn was beginning to lighten the sky by the time Malachi gave me a ride back to my room. Another reason the nap was good and nipped, we had all stayed up the whole night. I had to admire Dra Skor’s way of doing things, partying late with the very people who were trying to forcibly take me.

Malachi landed on my balcony and shifted into his human form as soon as I got off. “I am ready to stand guard.”

“We are both going to pass out the minute we lay down and you know it,” I laughed.

“All the same, I have ordered help.” He turned and looked to the empty balcony around him, the only thing there the two lounging chairs which always were. “Which should all be here with me. Unless we changed your room after all.”

The balcony door opened and Esta stood there, still in her pink gown. “I sent them away.”

“There was a plan to grab Keir in the works,” Malachi argued.

“Yes, I know,” Esta responded. “I am still considering moving him.”

“To your room?” Malachi asked.

Esta pinned him with a glare. “You may leave, Malachi.”

Was that truly what she was planning? To go from the arms of Zaire straight to mine? “Malachi, you should stay.”

That brought her bright green eyes to mine. “He should go.”

“No. He should stay.”

She squinted at me. “Are you drunk?”

I gave her a shrug. “Not anymore.”

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Unbelievable. Malachi, go.”