Page 104 of Enchanted Queen

I gave my head a shake. “What?”

“I think they should all sing the sea shanty to us telepathically,” Emric provided with a not-so-innocent grin.

I squinted. “You would suggest that.”

It does allow us to all be talking at precisely the same time,the queen offered.

“See?” Emric said as he gestured with both hands toward Esta. “Queen’s orders.”

I groaned as I entered the black water. Normally I liked to wade quite a way out, but we already were and still the water only came to the top of my boots because the pond was that low. “Fine.” I looked up to the darkening sky. “Let’s just get this done before it begins raining.”

I called my magic into my fingertips, my skin beginning to hum. I released my magic to the water, Emric and Dex following. John had stayed back to work on the traitor situation, stating it was the more pressing issue.

The pond finally covered, before I could even ask the shifters to start up the sea shanty, there was a wave of power that rolled low across the pond and it turned clear.

We evidently hadn’t needed the shifters.

Whyhadn’t we needed the shifters? We were all stunned to silence as we looked around.

“Did you send more magic than usual? In an effort to avoid the sea shanty?” Amory asked from her spot sitting on the edge of a downed trunk.

“No,” I answered honestly. “Not at all. As soon as we had it covered, it just switched.”

“I don’t get it,” Emric stated. “We didn’t have to do anything. Just shock it?”

There was far less water here than at the other sanctuaries. I looked to Esta. “Your theory that it is connected to the humans must be correct.”

“Yes, but I didn’t speak,” Otis offered. “Or is it that I can’t speak telepathically anyway?”

I gave him a nod. “I think since you don’t have anything in your blood, any form of using magic, whether it be like mine or like that of the shifters, all this pond needed was to be shocked.”

Well, that was rather anti-climatical,Whit sent.

We should have all been celebrating. Another victory stomp of sorts. All the sanctuaries in Dra Skor were now cleared back to their original colors. Even if a single Dra Skor Enchanted never got to shift again, I had still done something to help Dra Skor. Wylan had still helped.

And yet, in the wake of losing Serkan, celebrating anything felt lackluster.

A sprinkle of a rain drop hit my skin, another soon following, a low thunder off in the distance.

“Yo ho, yo ho,” Emric sang slow and low. Despite the amount of flack I gave him, he truly had a good singing voice.

I sent him a smirk and joined in. “Come find your adventure on the open seas.”

In the full moon eve, there sat she,the queen joined, starting us over.

So there we stood as the sprinkles picked up intensity into bigger, girthier drops. We celebrated the pond being changed back not with a roar of joy, but with song. A song which normally sounded upbeat and light. A promise of adventure. Today it sounded dipped in heartache. Ominous even.

But it also stood as a reminder. Even in our grief, as each of us dealt with it in our own separate ways, whether that was to avoid it, run straight from it, or meet it head on and wrestle with it, even then, we could still find our voices together.

Let’s go to The Drak,the queen sent to me as the song finished and the rain was now unavoidable, the skies opening up and drowning us as if dumping us in the tears we all harbored within.

“Are you ready for that?” I asked.

No,she said honestly.But we will go.

* * *

It was still lightly rainingby the time we made it to The Drak. Esta had flown with Amory and I tucked beneath her body, so we avoided the rain for the trip. A group of twelve shifters met us in the air and traveled with us.