Page 10 of Enchanted Queen

“I do not need your help, Your Highness,” she hissed. “Isn’t Wylan all about levels of the kingdom anyway? Why are you helping a lowly server?”

Dammit, I’d made her uncomfortable and thus defensive. I put my free hand up. “I know you do not need my help. I’d like to extend it all the same. And yes, during my father’s reign, it is true we were very focused on one’s level in the kingdom. With my brother as king, the walls have been opened and those days are over.”

She gave her head a shake as if surprised I was being so forthcoming.

“We are truly here to help, no ulterior motives,” I offered. It was mostly true. We were here to avoid war.

Her eyes stayed on mine a moment, a sadness covering her features briefly. Her eyes then darted to the guards in the room just before she whispered, “The betrothal was called off a number of years ago. Because—” she paused as if grappling for words. “I sense you’ll figure it out on your own soon enough, but I’ll just say because of the disease and leave it at that.”

“Thank you, Mina.” I followed her with dishes, John scooping up some and helping as well. Likely to eavesdrop. We placed them all on the counter for her, not wanting to head back into the kitchen and insult the cook or bartender. “I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I was simply wondering.”

Her lips briefly turned at the corners. “I would pay to see your friend try to woo her though.”

“Oh come on now,” I laughed. “Hecanbe endearing.”

She gave her head a shake, laughter in her eyes. “Have a safe trip, Your Highness. You all were not as I thought you’d be.”

“Things are not the same in Wylan, Mina. I am here to prove that.” I gave her an extra coin of gold on the counter. “An extra tip for having to put up with us and any extra tensions we may have caused your establishment. We hope to return for one last meal before we sail for home, so hopefully this is not goodbye.”

John thanked her also and we turned to leave.

“Prince Keiran?”

I turned back around to look at her. “Yes?”

She reached out and gave me a maternal sort of pat on the shoulder. “Be careful.”


“Only ten guards for the ten of us?” John asked at a whisper. I had wanted to put up a sound barrier in our closed carriage as soon as we boarded, but also did not want to do anything to make the Dra Skor guards in their textured, leather looking black uniforms nervous. Another carriage with the other half of us was just before us, Dex opting to sit with our driver in the front.

“I am sure they are not the only ones. Merely the ones we can see,” I offered.

Emric gave me a nod, oddly serious. “I thought the same thing. They’re there. I feel it.”

We were told it would take us the entire day and were now only a few hours into our trip. I was hoping for a quick nap later in the day to prepare for whatever tension our arrival at Halikaara would bring.

Emric reached into his jacket and pulled out a deck of cards. “One last game? Brush up on our strategy skills before they are needed.”

John gave a sigh and a nod. “I keep thinking about Mina telling us to be careful. She clearly adores her queen, so why would she tell us that?”

Emric cocked his head. “Maybe Dra Skor has a rebellion of their own brewing?”

I gave my head a shake. “I considered that as well, but how can they when their Enchanted are deteriorating away?”

Brakken was the only country in the realm who had a non-Enchanted ruler, so the queen of Dra Skor was Enchanted. Maybe that was part of the issue. Was she as haggard looking as some of the others we had seen in Keld?

Yet Mina had said that the queen could handle herself.

It was going to be an interesting few days. I was ready for the decidedly fake introductions to be made so we could offer up our assistance and get on with the show.

After a few hands of cards, the carriages suddenly halted.

Dex slid open the window which separated him and us. “There is a small stream we must cross. One of the horses of the other carriage is spooked.”

“Do you mind if I stretch my legs?” I asked our driver. It was partly true. My legs were extremely cramped in our carriage, but I also wanted to see what was going on.

“Not at all, Your Highness.”