Page 6 of Forbidden Desire

He nods. “Likewise. Anyone who’s a friend of Piper’s is a friend of mine.”

If he keeps looking at her like she’s his next meal, we’re going to have a problem.. I’m about ready to push him away from her, but I’m sure that wouldn’t be appropriate at a time like this.

The music flowing through the speakers changes to something slower and Winston smiles at Piper. “Would you like to dance?”

Piper shakes her head, a polite smile on her face. “I’m sorry, Winston, I have two left feet, seriously.”

He smiles at her, as if that would change her mind, and says, “You can’t be that bad! How about just one?”

She sighs. “One, that’s all you get.” Then she walks off with her hand in his, and I have to stand and watch as he spins her around the makeshift dance floor. It doesn’t take long for the other guests to gather around the two of them, enjoying the music as well, but my gaze is only focused on Piper.

After an hour of watching her laugh and smile at others, I walk back through the house and head into the study where John keeps the good stuff. Just as I’m about to throw back the glass of whiskey, John walks into the room with a smile. “Seems like we had the same idea.”

I force a chuckle, even though it’s the last thing I want to do right now, and nod. “I’d say. What are you doing here?”

“Really needed a glass of whiskey, and all I have out there is champagne.”

I nod in understanding. “Needed the good stuff.” He slaps my back with a chuckle as he walks over to the cart, pouring his own glass, before lifting it in the air. “Cheers to friendship and Piper’s success.”

At least we can agree with the first thing, I’m starting to wonder about the second. Does her job come with meeting all these attractive young guys? I curse at myself, this isn’t the way to think about her career, by being a jealous caveman. “Cheers,” I mumble, then clink my glass against his before chugging the brown liquid.

There’s a knock on the door before it opens and Piper pokes her head inside. “I figured I’d find you two in here,” she says with a chuckle, then walks over slowly. With each sway of her hips, the bulge in my pants only seems to get worse. God, so not appropriate with her father standing next to me.

I clear my throat and clap John on the back. “I have to use the restroom, I’ll meet you back outside .” My gaze stays on the ground as I walk away, for fear that I won’t be able to stop myself from launching at Piper if I steal another glance at her.

One thing is clear, I’m going to show her just how beautiful she is to me before this night ends. I push through the office door, then hurry down the hall until I find the bathroom door. As soon as I close the door behind me, I walk over to the sink and splash some cold water over my face.

The knock on the door has me rushing to turn the water off and swing it open, eyes flashing with surprise when I see Piper standing on the other side. She smiles softly at me, the movement sending my heart beating wildly. “Gonna let me get in there, or stand in the doorway all night?”

I shake from my thoughts and she steps aside to let me walk past. Before she shuts the door, I press my hand onto the cold wood and say, “You look beautiful tonight, Piper.” Judging by the gasp, she wasn’t prepared for me to call her anything other than kiddo.

Hopefully, she realizes I see her. I see her beauty after years of being blinded by the friendship I share with her father. Could I ruin that friendship by going through with my plan? Sure. Can I bring myself to care right now though? No, I can’t.

When I walk back out to the party, it seems as though the crowd has grown by at least a dozen more people. I have to push through guests to get from one end of the yard to the other, and I’m really hoping there’s not any other surprise guests showing up. This yard may be large, but I’m not sure it can handle anymore people milling about.

It doesn’t take much for my gaze to snap to Piper’s frame as she steps back onto the patio, John smiling brightly beside her. I watch as the two of them walk to the center of the yard and John grabs a microphone from the DJ before looking at Piper. He’s talking, but all I can seem to focus on is how brightly Piper’s shining under the twinkling lights.

Her blue eyes are bright, the happiest smile I’ve seen as she listens to the words her dad says, and she brings her hand to swipe a tear away. Before I can study her any further, John’s booming voice knocks me from it as he says, “Cheers to Piper!”

The crowd around us cheers loudly, and that’s when I notice the shift. Her smile morphs from her bright and happy one, to something more forced. There’s a pinch in her eyebrows as she smiles at the crowd, and I don’t like that she feels the need to put on a show for everyone here.

Before I can think better of it, I walk up to her with a small smile, and hold a hand out to her. “Want to get out of here?”

John clears his throat, trying to smile at the guests while leaning closer to me. “Beau, what the hell are you doing?”

I give him a small smile. “John, she’s uncomfortable here.” There’s nothing wrong with the truth, and I’m sure he would understand wanting to take her away.

He looks over at Piper and frowns. “Is that true?”

Piper sighs and nods slowly. “I didn’t want a big celebration like this, but figured it was the least I could do since I’ve been so MIA lately.” She looks over to me. “Yes, please, let’s go home.” As soon as her hand comes into mine, there’s a rush that moves through me, and I pull her through the crowd.

Instead of putting her in the limo waiting for her, I let the driver go home for the night, then lead her over to my SUV. I open the door for her and double check that her dress is off the ground before shutting the door. My hands are sweaty as I slip into the driver’s seat, turning my gaze over to her.

She’s staring at me, studying me in a way that has my body shaking with need for her, but instead of making a move that John could see, I pull away from his house and head towards hers.

“You didn’t call me kiddo,” she whispers, but her gaze isn’t on me when I look over at her and instead she’s looking out the window. “Why?”

I sigh, not sure if I should tell her the truth, but knowing I can’t keep it inside either. Not when I’m currently living right across the lawn from her. “Let’s talk about this when we get home.” I’m thankful when she doesn’t say anything else, and I continue the drive to the house.