Page 5 of Forbidden Desire

When we pull in front of Dad’s massive home the driver gets out and comes around to the passenger side to help me out first. I smile at him as I take the hand he offers.

“Thank you,” I tell him as I wait as he goes around to open Dad’s side.

I take a deep breath before letting him lead me inside the house.

The smell of bleach instantly hits my nose and I gag. “Dad, you could’ve at least lit some candles.”

He shakes his head with a chuckle as he hurries over to the stand close to the door. “Sorry, honey, I can never remember how to work these things.” I watch as he fumbles with the chord for a wax burner.

“Dad, just flip the switch, it’s not that hard.” This man, if it weren’t for me he wouldn’t know how to work half the things in his own house. I’m sure the rest needs to be turned on as well. “I’ll go get the others on.” Before he can object to me doing anything in here, I scurry away with a smile as he grumbles behind me.

It’s only twenty minutes later when guests start filtering into the backyard, immediately beelining for me with smiles. There are a few people I know who work for my father, but none of the others are ringing a bell. A charge in the air has me turning my attention to the patio doors and my breath catches when I take a look at the man who just walked through the door.


Exactly as I thought, the pictures of him in a suit don’t do him justice. He walks through the small crowd of people with a smile, nodding to a few men that he and my father are friends with and shaking their hands. The suit is hugging his body so nicely that all of the women in attendance are ogling him and it has me wanting to wipe the looks off their faces.

He’s mine, I want to tell them, but we all know how untrue that statement is. No matter how badly I want it to be the case.

Chapter Four


It’slikealightningstrike when my gaze finally finds Piper in the crowd and my eyes widen a fraction as I study her. She’s sitting on a lounge chair, laughing at something an older man says, while sipping a glass of champagne, and I watch as she flings her head back. The dress she’s wearing doesn’t leave anything to the imagination, and I can’t seem to take my eyes off her.

“She looks radiant, doesn’t she?” John says beside me, pulling me from my thoughts.

I nod, clearing my throat. “She does.”

“Have you said hello yet?”

“No, I just got here and a few of the guys caught my attention. I wasn’t sure if she was even out here until the crowd gave her some breathing room.” I let out a nervous chuckle, hoping that my attempt at humor might make him unaware of my wandering gaze.

It’s weird. I’ve never seen Piper as anything other than a child, but seeing her in this dress? She’s definitely not a kid anymore, and she’s gotten even more beautiful as the years have gone by. Just the thought of her peeling that dress off herself in a few hours has the front of my pants bulging. I turn quickly, reaching for a glass of champagne, trying to hide my problem as discreetly as possible.

“How are things going with the house?” John asks.

I smile. “Really well, it’s coming along great.” I’ve gotten most of the addition built, all that’s really left to do is the interior, and she’ll then have a functioning addition to the back of her home. An addition that she loves and her excitement over what I’ve built fills me with a happiness I didn’t know I could feel.

Or was it pride?

Either way, I had to leave as soon as I realized her close proximity had me feeling a way I’ve never felt around her before. Considering it’s never happened before, I thought maybe it was caused by my lack of romantic life and that I was just missing the feel of a warm body against mine. But after tonight? That’s most definitely not the case.

When my gaze falls back onto her, my hand tightens around the stem of the glass I’m holding as a young guy steps in front of her. If John wasn’t standing right next to me, I’m sure the glass would be broken by now, but I’m trying my hardest to rein it in. That all goes to shit when they wrap their arms around each other with big smiles, and a low growl escapes my throat.

John chuckles beside me. “Yeah, I know. Watching her with men is something I have to control myself over too. I know how much you’ve always adored her, but I promise she’s able to handle things on her own. No need to swoop in and save her.”

“It’s just hard. Watching her grow from a little girl, into a successful grown woman and doing all these amazing things. Where did the years go, John?”

“Tell me about it,” he says, then waves at a guest across the lawn. “I’ll be around, enjoy your night, Beau. Thanks for coming. We’ll catch up soon, yes?”

“We will. You have a good night yourself.”

The last thing I’ll be able to do if this guy doesn’t move away from Piper is enjoy my night. And the way he’s looking at her? I’m practically seeing red right now. An idea pops into my head and I smile as I make my way over to her. “Piper,” I say loudly, gaining both of their attention. “Congrats on your launch.”

Her cheeks heat up at the words and I find I like that shade on her more than I probably should. She clears her throat and gestures to the guy in front of her, who I wish wasn’t still standing there, and says, “Beau, this is someone I’ve worked alongside a few times, Winston Jones.” Then she gestures to me and smiles at Winston. “And this is Beau Sunderland, my dad’s best friend.”

Her gaze travels over my body and I almost crack a smile at the thought of her checking me out, but I manage to hold it in. I hold a hand out to Winston, a tight smile on my face as he takes hold of it, and shakes. “Nice to meet you, Winston.” I’m surprised I managed to say that without a hint of anger.