Page 9 of Forbidden Desire

I should be able to get a decent amount of work done today, as long as my mind doesn’t betray me anymore this morning.

After about two hours, I decide it’s time to make myself a lunch and head into the guesthouse out of breath. It only takes a few minutes to make my sandwich, then I make my way back to my workstation and take a seat on the metal barstool situated in front of it.

It seems as though my mind was playing tricks on me for those two hours, though because as soon as my eyes land on the large workbench, all I can think about is bending Piper over it. Would she bask in the idea of anyone being able to come up to the house and catch us, or would she beg me to take her inside and finish on the kitchen counter?

I personally wouldn’t mind either scenario, but the idea of someone catching us in the act has my dick stiffening in my pants.

How could I have overlooked how beautiful Piper has always been?

There’s something ethereal about her, a shine that I can’t seem to keep my eyes off of, no matter how many times I try to tell myself that it’s a bad idea. I shouldn’t be watching her every move whenever she’s around, or tracking my gaze down her slim figure when she’s looking better than I could ever imagine.

What I should be doing is getting this addition done and over with, then getting the hell out of here. If I had known this would be my reaction to her, I never would’ve shown up for the job. I should be sitting in my corporate office right now, handling meetings and taking calls.

Instead, I’m standing outside, the sun beating down on my skin that’s likely making it red, and doing the work for the contractors that workforme. I have to remind myself that I chose to do this. I wanted to get my hands dirty.

Am I being honest with myself though? If I thought I’d be attracted to Piper, would I have let someone else take on the project? I already know that answer — I’d be more possessive than I am now. Even with Piper’s father standing feet away, there was a second last night when I almost forced Piper to stay by me rather than go out and dance with that friend of hers.

I curl my lips in disgust at the thought, hating the way it makes me feel, and shake my head. Lunchtime is over.

The sun is just sinking below the horizon when I finally set my tools down for the remainder of the night. I’ve managed to get all the boards cut, along with put into place inside the addition and I’d say it was a successful day after all. I’m about to open the door to the guesthouse when headlights flash along the siding and instead, I turn to watch Piper make her way up the drive.

She stumbles as she gets out of the car, not yet noticing me standing under the small light above my head, and leans down to take her heels off. This woman really hates those damn heels and it has a chuckle vibrating from my throat.

Her gaze snaps up at the sound and she shakes her head. “Not a word.” That’s all she says as she hurries up the porch steps and into the house, not bothering to spare me another glance before shutting the door behind her. Part of me wants to follow her, but the other part of me forces my feet in the direction of my own place.

I’ve barely had time to shower and change when there’s a soft knock on the door and my gaze widens at seeing Piper on the other side. ‘Piper. Everything okay?”

She sighs and points her thumb over her shoulder. “Want something to eat?”

My stomach growls at the idea of food and I laugh. “I guess that’s a yes.” Before I can slip my shoes on, I arch a brow in her direction and ask, “Are you sure?” Considering the way things ended last night, I wasn’t sure she’d want me to interrupt her for dinner tonight.

Piper nods and blows out a rough breath. “The company would be appreciated, or else I might go insane on my own.”

Sounds good enough to me. I slip a pair of slides on, then follow her over the lawn and onto the porch. She leaves the door open for me as she makes her way through the entryway, then disappears around the corner and into the kitchen. I kick my shoes off before following her into the brightly lit room, watching as she lifts the lid off the crockpot and scoops some of the contents into a bowl.

The rich smell invades my nostrils and there’s no containing the rumbling of my stomach at the scent. Piper looks over to me with a smirk and slides the bowl across the counter. “Had a casserole cooking all day, feel free to take some back over to the guesthouse with you. Lord knows I won’t be able to eat all of this on my own.”

My eyes scan the bowl she holds in her own hands, which looks more like something you’d give a small child, and I frown at the sight. “You don’t want more than that?”

She freezes with her spoon in the air, then shakes her head. “Not all that hungry. I ate while at work today.” The way her eyes quickly dart back down to the bowl in her hand has me wondering if she’s telling me the truth, but I guess it’s not my place to worry about.

Piper is a grown woman, I’m sure she can handle herself better than anyone else could. She wouldn’t do anything to harm herself, would she?

I wrap my mouth around the spoon and my eyes roll into the back of my head as the flavors burst through my mouth. “This is amazing.” I’m mumbling through my bite, which is probably rude, but I can’t bring myself to care. As soon as I swallow my bite down and look at her, mouth open to speak, my lips snap shut at the heated look she’s giving me.

Her stare is focused on my mouth, then falls to my throat, before slowly coming back up to my gaze. She clears her throat and shrugs. “It’s alright, I guess.” Then her gaze darts down to the floor, the half-full bowl no longer in her hands, and I watch as a pink hue covers her cheeks.

I never thought a blush would look so sexy on someone, but I have to admit I love seeing it on Piper. “You pack whatever you don’t want,” I rasp out before taking another large bite from my own bowl.

As if needing the distraction, she immediately turns to the cabinets and grabs a large storage container for the food. I can’t help my eyes as they land on her ass, which is being hugged tightly by the leggings she has on — a far contrast from the pantsuit she was wearing when she got home.

Is there anything shedoesn’tlook good in?

Probably not.

She brings the container over to me and sits it down gently, making sure not to let anything drip from the sides. My eyes widen at the contents and I shake my head. “This looks like the entire crockpot.”

Piper nods. “Because it is. I have no use for it.”