Page 2 of Forbidden Desire

He nods, then turns around to face me with a smile. “It’s good to see you after all these years, kiddo. I’ve missed you at the dinners I have with your father.”

And that’s one hundred percent my fault. After my fashion company took off, I barely had time to myself, let alone making time for dinner with my father. The most I can manage is one or two phone calls a week, and since Beau’s surprise arrival I’m now wondering if I ever called him this week at all.

My dad wouldn’t have missed the chance to tell me about Beau coming here, which only adds one more thing to my to-do list — make a call to my dad. “How about I make up for that with breakfast and dinner every day while you’re here?” I ask, the question surprising even me, since I’m sure that will backfire in the worst way possible.

The bright smile he showcases has my heart stuttering in my chest as I stare at the dimples on his cheeks. “That sounds great, I’d love to hear more about your fashion company.”

I nod. “Sounds good, I guess I’ll see you in the morning before I head out then.” Part of me is hoping he’ll choose to sleep in, but another part knows that won’t be the case. If there’s anything I know about Beau it’s that he’s always on time for things, and I doubt this will be any different.

Without saying anything else, I hurry from the guest house and rush through my front door. I lean against the door, shutting it loudly along the way, and try to catch my breath. I’m not sure what made me invite him over to eat with me every day, but I can’t take it back now.

There’s no doubt it has everything to do with the attraction I feel towards him, but I need to get a grip on that. Sooner rather than later. I’m not stupid enough to think that he’d ever look at me as anything more than his best friend’s little girl.Kiddo. I scoff aloud at the name.

I lock the front door, then head throughout the house and turn out the lights, before making my way to my room. There aren't many times I’ll walk through this door and wish there was someone else waiting for me in bed, but that’s all I find myself doing now. What would it be like to wake up to the love of my life?

Or to wake up in the morning with him waiting to get in the shower with me before heading downstairs and making breakfast for the two of us? I shake my head at the questions, knowing that a family isn’t in the cards for me right now, not when I can’t give any guy in my world a chance. They can’t be trusted. In my experience most only want me on their arm to get them ahead in the world.

I’ll pass on that.

My gaze cuts to the window, and I walk over to it, watching as the lights in the guest house go out one by one. There’s a spark of hope bubbling inside of me, but I’d be an idiot to think anything of it. I can’t.

Chapter Two


There’ssomethingdifferentabouther, but I can’t quite place it. Maybe it’s because it’s been a couple of years since I’ve seen her. I shake my head, then run a hand through my hair. My bags are sitting in the back of my car, but I’ll get those in the morning. Right now, I want to enjoy a quick hot shower and head to bed. If I’m going to do this job right, a good night’s rest would be best for me.

While I walk through the house, my eyes scan every inch of it. Piper was right when she said it’s sparsely decorated, but what is here is high quality. There’s a large sectional sitting in the middle of the living room, with end tables on either end of it where a potted plant sits.

I walk over to one of the plants, brushing my fingertips over the leaves, and chuckle. Fake. Makes sense if the house isn’t used at all. My smile doesn’t waver as I take in the marble countertops in the kitchen and the stainless steel appliances. Each room is painted a different, bright color, and I’m secretly hoping the bedroom isn’t as bright as the rest of the place.

When I get to one of the doors, I poke my head inside and take in the small room. Luckily, this wall is olive green, and goes well with the floral bedspread lying flat and neat over the mattress. That has my shoulders relaxing, there’s at least hope that the other room isn’t bright too.

I twist the knob to the next room slowly, then step inside, taking in the larger room with a smile. The wall is tan, with a plaid comforter set covering the mattress, and definitely more room for me than the other room. It also seems as though I get a medium sized walk-in closet, with a large bath.

My body immediately leads me into the bathroom and I flip the switch, bright light casting a glow over my face. I squint against the brightness, but slowly step inside and nod appreciatively at the stone wall where the shower’s located, then the jacuzzi tub situated next to it.


That’s the first step right now.

I quickly run through the shower, then step out and wrap a towel around my waist. Before I get situated, I walk back through the house and lock the door, along with turning each light out. There’s not even a creak as I head back up the steps, something I didn’t realize I’d love.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a nice place, but it was built nearly a hundred years ago and I haven’t been able to bring myself to fix the stairs. Each inch of my own house creaks with a gust of wind, that’s not the case with this one. I’m willing to bet even a tornado wouldn’t be able to blow this house away.

My mind wanders back to Piper as I slip my clothes back on, and the way she acted with me. I’m sure it’s weird seeing me, especially after a couple of years, but she was very nervous around me. I shake my head, I’m sure it's nothing, and that we’ll get on solid ground with our meals together.

I crawl into the bed, then lean over on my side to stare out the window. The moon is casting a soft glow into the room, and there’s suddenly a restlessness inside of me. Sleep doesn’t always come easy, not since I was a little boy, and the sleeping aid I usually take at night is in the car.

Sure, I could walk out and get it, but maybe I could use this restlessness to my advantage. Since I’m having breakfast with Piper in the morning, I’ll draw up some options for her addition and see what she thinks. Instead of getting a good night’s rest like I’d planned, I head back downstairs and turn the lamp on next to the TV, then grab the paper I always keep on hand.

There’s something I’ve always loved about drawing up things, even though I haven’t been able to do much of that since my company became insanely successful. It didn’t start off as well as I had hoped in the beginning, but with enough hard work, I’m the one most people schedule when they need a contractor. Well, not me any longer, but my company.

I have some of the best contractors that work for me, and I could’ve easily let one of them come do this job. But, something told me to come myself and I went along with that instinct. Now I’m here, and I’m going to give Piper the best addition she’s ever seen.

According to my notes, she wants something added to the back of her house that’s a combination of a yoga studio, and workspace for her fashion designs. Tomorrow, I’m sure I can study the area and come up with something more concrete, but I have a decent idea of how to go about things right now.

My phone pings with a text while I’m in the middle of drawing, and I see John’s name on the screen. John knew I was coming here today so I’m sure he just wants to make sure I’m settled into his daughter’s guest house. That was also a stipulation in the contract. Piper wanted whoever worked on her house to stay in the guest house. That way things could get done quicker without the contractor having to travel to and from her place.