Axel says. “He’s not happy about it. Mom isn’t quite as upset, but we convinced them to write you back into the will.”
“What? They’re here? And you convinced them?”
I take the seat beside Wendy. “Want me to call them in?”
Fortified by the presence of my brothers, and now fiancées, we sit around the table as they have the secretary get our parents. We’re lined up on one side and they sit on the opposite side.
Knight insists on being the one to do this. “Mom. Dad. We appreciate you hearing us out this morning and rewriting Wendy into your will. Now we have one other bomb to drop.”
“Really? Dictating how I conduct my affairs isn’t enough? What more could you want?”
I consider saying that we want their blessing for our marriage, but we’ll be fine without it.
“We’re engaged.”
Dad coughs and sputters and pushes away from the table. He stands and paces.
Mom forces a smile and says, “Engaged?”
I lift Wendy’s hand to reveal the ring.
Mom’s smile grows more genuine. “For real engaged?”
Knight says, “It’s for real, the way Wendy deserves it. For love.”
MomandDadareat our house for Christmas Day. It’s the first time they’ve come over since our big reveal last week, which was promptly followed by Wendy moving in.
Dad does his best to remain cordial. He’s truly trying to accept our relationship. Mom’s openly good with our choice now that she understands we’re committed to one another. She didn’t know about the business deal marriage and had it out with Dad. She keeps him on a tight leash now.
But Wendy had a stroke of insight that we have to get our parents up to speed on everything. It won’t be long before people talk about how quickly we’re getting married, and shortly after that, they’ll do the math on when the baby’s due.
Wendy reasoned that we tell our parents about the baby now, so they feel included. That allows them to address it with friends and family however they wish.
Christmas dinner wraps up. The gift exchange is over. Dad’s gift was the nicest of all. He stepped out of the business deal with the man who wanted to marry Wendy. It was a huge contract, so we appreciate the consequences of not going through with it. One of the nicest gestures he’s ever made.
And now Dad’s getting grumbly about heading home to watch the football game. “Thanks for having us. We better get going.”
“Before you do,” I say, casting a glance at my brothers and sister. They all nod, so I continue. “We sincerely appreciate your support for our upcoming marriage. We know it’s not easy. And we want to be as open with you as possible.”
“I’m trying, son. But teaching an old dog new tricks has never been easy.”
“He’ll come around,” Mom says.
“Speak for yourself, woman.” He smiles at mom. “I just don’t understand why the rush on the wedding. It’s not like you have a contract deadline to meet.” At least he’s able to take himself down a notch.
But we do have a deadline. “That’s what we want to talk to you about. Are you ready for this?”
Mom’s face lights up. I’m pretty sure she caught on. Her eyes move to Wendy’s belly. There’s a chance it was a coincidence because Wendy’s holding a present, but Mom’s smart.
Dad says, “Am I ready? How am I supposed to know?”
Mom swats him. “Hurry, say yes.”