Cindy pops her head in. I’m so self-absorbed, I forgot she’d be here since she works for my brothers. She was in the auction too, also won by her stepbrothers. I guess she hasn’t quit her job to live a fantasy life with them.
“What’s going on? Is everything okay with your brothers?”
“I can’t blame them.” It’s hard to finish my thought.
“What happened?” She looks worried.
“Is it terrible to have sex with our stepbrothers?”
She rolls her eyes. “I took two wrong turns driving here. I might not be the best person to ask for advice.” She sits next to me and takes my hand. “Are you concerned about the act of sex, or is your heart the question?”
“Have you told your parents yet?” Living in a bubble versus living openly makes a big difference.
“My dad was upset that I walked out of my wedding, which he’d carefully crafted as a business deal. And when he found out I hooked up with my stepbrothers…” I flop my hands as if presenting myself. “Who wants tarnished goods? He was so mad he wrote me out of the will and said I better hang up my roller skates and get a real job.”
“There are so many things wrong with that. You’re far from tarnished. You only do roller derby for fun. And who—”
Knight, Axel, and Nova file into the room looking insanely stern. Cindy and I wish each other well and she leaves.
“We’re glad you’re ready to see us.” Nova rushes to my side.
“I’m so sorry for the way I treated all of you.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Axel says.
“I did, but I’ve come to my senses, and I have to be completely honest with you so you don’t find out otherwise. Dad wrote me out of his will. And I realize I said I wanted to figure life out on my own, but family was my safety net.”
Saying it out loud, I understand why my brothers separated themselves from my dad’s empire. They didn’t want to be controlled like this.
“That’s what family is supposed to be. In our case, it’s money. In other families, it’s warmth, compassion, and support.”
“And now I have none of that.”
“You do, you have all of it with us.” Knight waves me off when I open my mouth to speak. “We’ve been talking this morning. There’s something we need to know. If we weren’t your brothers, would you have been open to a relationship?”
I’m stymied by his question. Did I have trouble with the timing, the sibling thing, the number of guys, the speed I fell for them? “It’s so hard to say.”
“You were auctioning yourself. Anyone could have bought you. If you’d hit it off with strangers, would you have committed to them?”
“I can’t answer that question.”
“Because I just figured it out. I know who I am. I am a woman who’s admired the way you stood up to my dad. Without him, you built your business from the ground up. You were a role model for me to escape my wedding. And even when I was clinging to him for understanding, you clung to me. You found your own supportive family in your motorcycle club. I want to be a part of that. I want to not just have one man, but three men who love me.”
It’s their turn to be shocked.
“I don’t just want to role play sex games. I know which role I want. I want to be your…” I stop Fantasy Wendy just in time. She jumped in and was about to say ‘wife’.
Knight kneels and takes my hands. I love it when he does that.
“You don’t have to say anything you’re not ready for. You’ve been through a lot. And I know I can speak for these fuckers when I say, you’ve just made us the happiest men in the world.”
We end up in a hug that I’m finally happy I can fully enjoy. Fantasy Wendy joins us. Maybe Real-World Wendy and Fantasy Wendy aren’t all that different.
“One more thing. I’m ready to commit to the three of you, but I have one important requirement.” I pause.