Shit. I’m all messed up. She chooses to learn that so she can skate safely. She doesn’t need me there to catch her, to protect my little sister.

I wish I could get a better read on her. It terrifies me that our relationship doesn’t feel superficial to me, yet I’m not sure how she sees it. After the wedding fiasco, we might never be able to break down her walls and convince her that love can be different.

Sitting in the bleachers with Nova and Knight, knowing that they feel the same for her as I do, and the rest of our club surrounding us, I realize that what works about this is that we are willing to share her.

That’s what works in our club. We share responsibility for each other. In that light, it’s fine to want Knight and Nova to be part of the relationship. We’ll share responsibility for Wendy.

We have a big mission ahead of us—convince her that she’s special. I hated her saying she wasn’t special the other night. The truth is that my brothers and I might not be worthy of her.

But she may never be ready to go public with us. She might have her fun then pick guys her own age. A headache sets in. I wouldn’t be able to handle her dating another guy. I scan the bleachers, my eyes landing on a guy her age, and I automatically want to strangle him.

The crowd goes wild as the final whistle blows. I stand and cheer. Our girl’s team won. Time to celebrate by doing some more role play with Roll Play.



Theendsofmybraids blow backward below my helmet as we fly down the road. I’d gotten a ride with Beatrix to the derby arena, so no problem figuring out what to do with my car when my brothers offered to take me home.

The ride to my brothers’ house gives me time to sort my thoughts. Hearing them and many other members of their MC cheering us on, I realized how much they support me. How much each member of the MC supports all of the other members. They’re more of a family than we had at home.

Our parents don’t approve of the guys being in an MC any more than they approve of me doing roller derby. None of us kids grew up the way our parents wanted us to. That’s not my fault, or my brothers’. We are who we are.

It’s a turning point for me to realize I’m not wrong. I can choose my path. And right now, the path I’d like to explore is with my brothers. But that’s all it is—an exploration.

We turn into the Cherry Ridge foothills, winding our way to their isolated home. Good thing they pay someone to keep their road plowed, the snow is starting to stick. The bumps and bruises that plague me after every bout seem less with my new sense of freedom.

Pulling up to their house, Axel lowers the kickstand, then hops off. I start to dismount but he sets his hand on my shoulder. “Hang on.”

He helps remove my helmet. “I’ve had a goddamn boner watching you sweat and grind with all those women. I need you, Wendy.”

“I need you too.” Being consumed by a physical need for someone is new for me. And we get along so well otherwise. In our little bubble. We’re a long way from exposing ourselves. Clouds move in front of the full moon, protecting our space with darkness.

“I want to fuck you out here where it’s wild and raw under the night sky. Nothing between us and the world. You good with that, Roll Play?”

The play on words of my derby name rings so true with my guys. “Which role should I take now?”

“Be mine.”

That feels too intimate. I don’t want them to think I’m committing to more than I’m ready for. “Axel—”

He puts a finger on my lips. “Shhh, just let me have you.”

My heart says yes, but my head is still a mess. Is silence my way of chickening out, not being clear that I’m one hundred percent ready to commit physically but struggling with the rest? Or is my surrender enough?

He grabs the ribbon holding one of my braids, pulling a single end slowly as he watches it untie. Then he fishes the other braid from behind my shoulder, pulls it forward, and removes that ribbon. He hands one to each of our brothers.

“Get her naked and on my lap, then tie her hands behind her back.”

There’s a pause while they visually check in with me. I nod, my breath coming with audible heaviness. They strip my lower half bare. I should be cold in the winter night air, but they’re close and my body’s on fire.

Axel tosses his clothes aside and sits on his bike, his erection standing tall in front of his ripped abs. Our brothers lift me onto his lap and carefully position my feet so they don’t touch anything hot. I question if I’m hotter than anything on this bike.

Nova and Knight work together to bind my hands. The position thrusts my breasts shamelessly at Axel. My sex is open for him. His cock stands ready for me. Correction to my earlier thought. Now, I’ve never felt so free.

The dark sky with twinkling stars. The light breeze that can’t quite cool me off. And the freedom surrendering to my brothers. This is how I want to live.

Axel’s hands wrap around my waist and he adjusts his hips to notch his cock at my entrance. I slide down. My body stretches around him. I stare at him, wondering how I can feel this good.