Con’s blunt talk had been what she needed to hear. He was the biggest, baddest-looking dude she knew. And if even he had been scared of love...well, it reassured her somehow.
“You brat,” Elle said, turning to Dash. “Woody is not a villain.”
Dash just shrugged and smiled. “He does pretty much plot to get rid of Buzz. I mean that’s not heroic.”
“You know that’s not what I was thinking,” she pointed out.
“Sorry you couldn’t guess it, babe,” Dash said, pulling her into his arms and kissing her.
“I think we should stop now before things get more intense,” Indy said. “What other games do you have?”
“Monopoly. I saw it on the shelf,” Dash replied.
“I’m not playing that with you,” Rory said, shaking her head. “You’re a dick when we play that.”
“How about Uno or karaoke then?” Kit suggested.
“Ugh, I suck at singing,” Con said.
“You’re not supposed to be good at it,” Elle pointed out. “Yeah, let’s do karaoke!”
Everyone agreed and Kit came to help her get the microphones set up with her TV screen.
“This night is more fun than I thought it would be.” Kit’s voice was soft, wistful.
“Good. Why didn’t you think it would be fun?” she asked him.
“I’m used to parties at my aunt’s house. Lots of small talk and circulating waiters... This is, well, more homey.”
She turned closer to him, looking into his intense brown eyes, searching for something that would reassure her about whatever it was he had to talk to her about later. “Homey is what we do best.”
He quirked one brow at her. “The big parties at Gilbert Manor don’t seem homey.”
She nodded at that. “They aren’t. But that’s for show. That’s for the town and the company. Nights like this when it’s just the three of us...and now our partners. Those are the best.”
He pulled her into his arms, his hands around her waist. “Am I your partner?” he asked gruffly.
She put her hand on his jaw. “I think so. I mean until—”
He kissed her to stop her from talking, which concerned her. The kiss was nice but she knew he’d done it to hush her.
When he lifted his head, he gave her a contrite look. “Sorry. I can’t explain anything now. Being here with your family tonight has given me a glimpse of something that I didn’t know I was missing.”
His admission struck a chord in her. What kind of upbringing did he have? He’d told her about the tragedy and the things that had torn his family apart. But his aunt had surely provided for him... Yet maybe she was a bit like Rory’s own grandfather had been. More concerned about image than about them.
“I’m glad to hear that,” she said softly. “I was sort of pushing you to talk but I get that we can’t now.”
“I’m willing to look away for a few minutes but if you two are going to be making out, I’m not sure I can handle it,” Dash interjected.
Everyone laughed and Rory couldn’t help but blush because she knew that his comment was directed toward her and Kit. But her embarrassment faded as the group brought the mics over and song choices were made. Rory sat on the couch next to Dash as Elle and Kit sang “Rock Your Body” by *NSYNC.
“You were right to move out, ladybug,” Dash murmured. “I was worried this would be too much, but I can see now that you’re becoming your own woman.”
She tipped her head against the back of the couch and looked over at her older brother. “Thanks. I know I was right.”
“Seems to run in our family,” she said with a laugh.