“Do you like apple cider?” she asked him.
“I do. You?”
“I’m not entirely sure. I think so. I know I’ve never tried apple cider doughnuts.”
“Let’s go,” he said. “Afterward, I’ll give you a chance to drive my car.”
He came around to her side of the car and offered her his hand to get out. Which she took. She left her walking stick in the car because her legs weren’t tired and with Kit by her side... She stopped herself. She was supposed to be getting stronger on her own.
And she was.
But she also realized she didn’t want to be on her own all the time. She craved this kind of interaction. Perhaps he did as well? And while she wasn’t sure what he was struggling with, it was obvious he had some things going on, too. She wasn’t so self-absorbed that she’d missed that.
“Do you mind if I have to hold your arm while we’re walking around? Or I can bring my walking stick...”
“I don’t mind,” he said. “I’m sorry about earlier. I just feel bad that someone hurt you.”
“It’s not your fault,” she assured him. “But I don’t want to talk about it. I just wanted you to know what you were getting into with me. I hate lying.”
Elle and Dash had faked being married to help Rory’s recovery but when she’d found out the truth, she’d realized she couldn’t tolerate lies. It wasn’t that she thought they’d done it for a vicious reason, it was simply that she didn’t want to have to look at the people closest to her and have to watch her back.
“I’m not a fan of liars either,” he confided. “But sometimes white lies are necessary.”
“I don’t see how.”
“To save hurt feelings or sometimes when it’s not your secret to tell,” Kit said.
He’d given this a lot of thought, she realized. Should that concern her? “If I asked you for the truth, would you be honest?”
He took a deep breath and then tipped his head as he looked down at her. “I would.”
“Then that’s all that matters,” she said. Both Dash and Con had done things they regretted, so she knew how difficult it could be to revisit the past when Kit may have been a different man. But all that mattered was that she trusted him now.
He led the way into the shop, which smelled of fresh apples and cinnamon. They had a café in the back and Kit bought them apple cider doughnuts and hot apple cider. When they were done with their snack, he showed her how to drive and let her try driving around the parking lot.
Her legs didn’t give her any trouble, and though she’d only gone twenty miles per hour, she couldn’t help feeling triumphant when she parked the car and looked over at him.
“Knew you could do it!” he said.
Flushed with success, she leaned over, taking the kiss she’d wanted since she’d opened the door and seen him standing on her front porch. Whatever else she was unsure of in her life, Kit wasn’t it.
Kit dropped Rory off at her place and she invited him in.
“Sure. Do you need help with any projects?”
“Always. How’s your house coming along, by the way?”
“It’s in pretty good shape. I hired a company to redo most of it before I moved in. Want to see it?” he asked.
The house hadn’t ever been meant to be his permanent home. It was his base in Gilbert Corners so he could get the jump on Dash when it came to buying up property and figuring out what the Gilbert family was up to. Which right now made him feel slightly icky and his stomach to roil. The closer he got to Rory and her family, and the more he learned about his own, revenge seemed like overkill. He’d dedicated his life to avenging something that might have been a lie told by his father.
“I’d love to,” she said. “I’m curious to know more about you.”
“Like what?” he murmured as he parked in the driveway and turned toward her.
“Well, when we video-chatted, your couch looked so cozy. Gilbert Manor is always decorated for show and I want my place have a more homey feel, but I’m not sure how to create that. Maybe your place will give me some ideas.”