The doctor directed me to her room, and seeing her lying in bed hooked up to machines broke me. I collapsed to the floorwith my head buried in my chest. I howled out my pain and pounded the floor until my knuckles ripped open and bled. The nurses came rushing through Ellen’s door and tried to help me, but I told them to get out and leave me alone. I needed to feel this pain because I deserved it for putting her in danger of being taken from me.
The night rolled into the day, and the day rolled into the night. It’s been three days, and still no change in her condition. I was buried in grief and didn’t close my eyes once, hoping she would wake up and flash her beautiful eyes at me. But, when I finally did, the respite was short-lived. “Sir,” I heard a soft voice call out to me, and for a second, I believed my love had awakened. I opened my eyes and practically jumped out of my chair as the nurse cautiously approached me.
“What is it? Is Ellen okay?”
“Yes, she’s stable; it’s you that I’m concerned about.” She said and then gestured over to my hands.
“This is nothing, and I’ve had a lot worse,” rolling my eyes up at her.
“I’m sure you have, and I’m not questioning how macho you are.”
“Will you reach the point you’re trying to make,” I snapped.
“Alright, Mr. George, your hands are gross and close to becoming infected. This room is sterile; consider our patient if you don’t care about yourself.” Usually, I would never allow anyone to speak to me in the tone the nurse used, but she was right. I wasn’t sure how much strength I had left to protest the helpful nurse, so I conceded and allowed her to dress my wounds.
“Thank you. I’ll be right back with a cleaning kit.” After dressing my hands, I thanked her. I should not have been a jerk when it was her job to help. “Sir, might I offer a suggestion?”
“Sure, what do I have to lose?”
“You need to keep up your strength by eating and sleeping, even for a little while. Okay, I’ve said my peace. No need to take my head off,” she shrugged and began to leave when I called her back.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
“My name is Tatianna, and I’m on call for the next ten hours, so I’ll stay with her if you want to take care of yourself for a little while. I promise I will call you if anything changes.”
“Okay, I could use some air. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome; everything you need is down the hall. Um, a very colorful man dropped off a bag for you.”
“Yeah, that’s one way to describe my friend, Patch.”
“Yes, I believed that’s his name when I asked if he wanted to leave you a note. I left it with the bag.” I opened the bag and read the note, smiling at his words. Yeah, Tatianna was right; he sure is colorful.
Hey Asshole,
I’m leaving your gear and phone since you haven’t bothered to check in with any of us. Kyle is fine and worried about Ellen, but I told him to remain back until she wakes up. I’m staying and will be at Ellen’s house awaiting your call.
I folded the note and stashed it inside my bag. I wrapped my hands in plastic and took a hot shower, washing away the nightmare that had clung to me since Ellen’s kidnapping. I stepped out of the bathroom with a billow of steam following me out and was surprised to see who was waiting for me.
“I figured you needed a home-cooked meal,” she said in her sing-song voice. She looked beautiful and visibly pregnant. I took Sabina into my arms and couldn’t stop the tears and pain building up since I’d been here with Ellen. “It’s okay, we’re here,and we will get you through this,” she patted my shoulder. I released as much as I could until Bourne stepped up to us.
“What can we do?”
“You’re doing it by being here,” I said, wiping my face with my sleeve. After the shock wore off from seeing Sabina and Bourne, I asked, “How are you here, Sabina? Are you feeling alright?” Should you be flying this far along into your pregnancy?”
“I’m fine, and are you kidding me? The plane Bourne flew me out on was better than the plane the crown prince of Saudi Arabia flies on.” She giggled, and then I watched Bourne pull her close to his side, his hand gravitating to her stomach where their child was growing. “Okay, I will leave this casserole dish with you. Please eat and catch up with Bourne while I go and sit with Ellen.”
“Thank you, Sabina, I mean,” I couldn’t even get the words I wanted to express without falling apart.
“I know, and it’s going to be okay. Ellen was there for Bourne and me during our darkest times, and now it’s our turn to be here for you; you have to let us, okay?”
“Okay,” she gave me a hug I needed, and then it was just Bourne. “Your wife is amazing. Don’t you ever forget that,” I said and watched Sabina walk away.
“Mate, it’s the one thing I never doubt, not even for a second. I hate to do this to you, but we do have matters we need to discuss, and since Patch has cleared this room, there’s no better time to talk.”
“Look, Bourne, if you are questioning my decision about Paolo,” he raised his hand for me to stop, and I kicked the chair, feeling frustrated because this was the last thing I wanted to talk about. “I should get back to Ellen,” I began to get up and was stopped again, this time with Bourne standing up and blocking my way.