“Yup. Do you doubt me, asshole?”

“Not for a second,” I said in return.

We bypassed Ellen’s clinic and headed to Rome, just outside Lazio. Gemelli University Hospital is a trauma center better equipped to handle Ellen’s injuries. The trauma team met us at the helipad and rushed Ellen inside to examine her. I felt powerless to help her; all I could do was wait.

“Oleg has been in touch; he secured Paolo at the safe house with Arun, the hacker. He’s waiting on further instructions from you.”

“I can’t even think about it right now. Is Valentin still in the country?”

“For now, but not sure for how much longer.”

“Patch, I can’t leave her, so decide for me; I don’t care. Nothing is more important than Ellen right now.”

“Edric, I have no problem concluding my mission and will not lose a night’s sleep over it. However, when your woman questions you about it, you will look into her eyes and tell Ellen the truth without regret. Can you do that?”

“Patch, I don’t have to justify my reasons to anyone, especially not to Ellen. She knows who I am and the life I lead. Do you think for a second that she thought I would slap him on the wrist after what he did to her? My woman, Patch, mine!” I shouted, causing some of the visitors to look our way. He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me down the hall from anyone who could hear our conversation.

“Let me go and back the fuck off,” I pulled my arm back from Patch before he shoved me back toward the wall.

“Listen, you and I need to work out a few things to be on the same page. You pissed me the fuck off back there when we captured Paolo. I mean, what the fuck was that? I’ve never had to prove myself and fall in line.”

“I can’t do this right now with you, and I thought since you flew in and rescued us, I thought you had forgiven me and moved on. I know we are brothers, and I have never treated you less than one, but what the fuck, Patch!? I needed him out of my sight, or I would have killed him myself. Ellen was the priority, and she still is. So, either get over your shit or get out of my way.”

“Sure thing, boss,” when he said it this time, it was in his usual tone of sarcasm. He winked and said, “I’m sorry, okay?”

“I bet that hurt?”

“More than I can ever explain, so don’t make me repeat it.”

“Listen, about the other business, do whatever feels right or just, and hand it over to Oleg. I have to get back to Ellen.”

“I called Bourne, he’s been in touch, and he’s here. I imagine he’s with Valentin as we speak.”

“Great lead-in, Patch; couldn’t you tell me this sooner?”

“What? And risk not seeing the Hallmark moment between us?”

“You really are an asshole,”

“Yup, it takes one to know one. Now, go see your woman and give her a big kiss from me.” He laughed as he walked away, and it took everything in me not to deck him one.

“I’m looking for the family of Ellen Chantal,” a doctor asked and approached me.

“Yeah, that’s me; how is she?”

“She’s stable but not out of danger yet,” he said grimly. “Come, let’s sit down and discuss my findings.” I followed the doctor into an empty office and took a seat. “As I stated, her condition is critical. Therefore, I’ve placed her into a medically induced coma so her body could heal from injuries she sustained.”

“Which are?”

“On top of having pneumonia, her right lung has collapsed. She’s intubated and hooked up to a ventilator to help her breathe. In the ICU, she will be under constant monitoring, and once I’m confident that she can breathe without the assistance of the machine, I will take her off the vent. She has three broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder, which I’ve set back into place. Fortunately, she didn’t sustain any internal injuries from the fall, but a pneumothorax is quite serious and can be life-threatening. Any longer in the elements, we would be having a different conversation.”

“When will we know?”

“I know you want answers, but this is the best I can promise now. You got her here, and now it’s a matter of time. Beyond that, I can’t promise anything more.”

“Can I see her?”

“Yes, I’ll take you to her.”