“So, this is why he agreed to your idea and brought Sabina home, right?”

“Yes, and he believed he had made the right decision for Sabina. He loved her and wanted a second chance to prove to his sister that this would be a fresh start for them.”

“What about you, Gio? You’ve already admitted that you were in love with Sabina, and now that she was back where she belonged, what was to come next?”

“I was going to risk asking for her hand in marriage even if it meant Lucas killing me in the end.”

“Holy shit,” Patch muttered under his breath. I looked over my shoulder and told Patch that I needed the room. Gio looked as if he was going to be sick.

“Sure thing, I’ll be outside,” said Patch as he shot cold daggers at Gio.

“Gio, you should know better than anyone that secrets do not stay buried forever. If this ever gets back to Bourne, you are as good as dead.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” he said and downed another shot of scotch.

“Look, after our first conversation and what you revealed, I made a judgment call not to tell Bourne.

“And now?”

“I don’t know, but what is clear as day is that Bourne Atwater will never move past his hatred for you. He will never be over the fact that Sabina acted recklessly and took the bullet meant foryou that could have killed her. But, instead, it killed their child, and in the end, he chose his love for Sabina over his hatred for you.”

“He doesn’t deserve her; no one does. Sabina is an angel and too pure for men like us.”

“You’re right, and no one knows that more than Bourne. But, tell me something, did you honestly believe Lucas would bless a union between you and his sister? An arranged marriage? Really, Gio?”

“I don’t know, and I guess I will never know because your friend killed him.”

“No, he avenged his woman whom Lucas kidnapped and hurt. You know it would have never come down to that had Lucas agreed to walk out of her life and leave her be.”

“If Bourne believed for one second that a man in Lucas's position would ever do that with a clear conscience, then it was Bourne who was misguided. Lucas made poor choices, but they were out of love and all in his sister's name.”

“So, where do the Sabato brothers fit in all of this? I need to know of their connection and why my woman has a target on her back?”

“Anthony Sabato is dead; this I can confirm.”

“How did he die?”

“He died living up to the oath he bled over when Lucas sliced his hand to protect at all costs. A bullet to the brain took him down, and if Paolo is enacting revenge in his brother's name, it makes sense to go after the one person he holds responsible for his brother’s death.”

“Ellen? She has nothing to do with this and never even knew of the Santoro Family until she met Sabina at her clinic when she took the bullet meant for you.”

“As if I will ever forget. And now, another innocent woman is caught up in an unfortunate situation, only this time, I’m not responsible for it.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“The same day Paolo lost his brother from the bullet fired from your rifle, Edric George. So he’s going after what you love the most because you took away what he loved, and that was his brother.” The room began to spin, and all I saw was red, which led me to pull my gun from my back and point it directly at Gio. “You lied to me, you sonofabitch! You knew exactly who the defector was when I questioned you about it. What happened to Ellen falls on you, Gio, because you had the power to prevent that car bombing. I should fucking end you right now,” I shouted so loud that Patch came rushing back in with his gun, armed and ready to take down any threat.

“What the fuck, Edric?” shouted Patch.

“Stand down; I’ve got this,” I said, not lowering my weapon for a second. “Call Oleg and have him send in his team to extract Gio because if I do, he’s leaving in a body bag.”

“Edric,” he placed his hand on my shoulder, but I jerked it back.

“Don’t question me, Patch, and make the fucking call,” I demanded, and Patch left me to deal with Gio. “Now, back to you,” I said, still aiming my gun at him.

“Edric, will you please lower your weapon so we can talk? I am no threat to you; clearly, you are in charge here, so let’s work this out because I don’t intend to die today.” I eyed him suspiciously for a second, then dropped my gun and placed it in my side holster for easier access. “Thank you,” he sighed in relief.

“I didn’t do that for you,” thinking of Ellen and her plight to save lives and not end them began to wage war on my mind. “Now, this alleged war brewing on the streets and around Ellen’s clinic, is that real? Or just a smokescreen created by Paolo?”