“Oops, I forgot to warn you about Edric's jealous side,”

“Oh, yeah? Tell me more,” she playfully asked as Patch loved all the attention from Ellen, but I wasn't jealous; I was happy because my woman was too. She'd been through hell and needed some downtime to laugh and smile. I missed it and will do anything to keep it there. I took the opportunity to casually mention Antonia and ask Ellen the question plaguing me since I saw Paolo arrive at her house.

“Hey, baby,” I said, getting her attention.

“Darling?” she batted her eyes at me, making Patch laugh.

“Ah, you are adorable,” I had to kiss her at least once before I went on. I loved it when she was relaxed. “Okay, since we’ve been discussing Patch and his culinary skills, are we expecting more deliveries from Antonia?”

“The pantry is well-stocked at the moment, so I’d say no, but I could always call and request something special if you’re in the mood for anything particular.”

“No, I was just wondering. I know Nai mentioned she’s been keeping you well-fed for a while now, which I am grateful for.”

“She’s a wonderful woman, a blessing in my life. I guess I’m one of many strays she takes care of.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Nai didn’t tell you about her catering business?”

“No, she didn’t mention it.”

“I guess it wasn’t important, and it’s not like she keeps it a secret. Antonia has her business, but there are a few of usstrays she cooks for, too. I offer to pay all the time, but she refuses. So, instead of fighting a losing battle, I give money to Nai, who does much of her ordering when supplies run low. Antonia doesn’t make much money, and it would kill me to know she’s struggling. She’s a wonderful woman, but you know that already.”

I listened as Ellen innocently talked about her friend and how she cares for others. Patch shot me a look, and we both concluded that Paolo might be just another client, but it’s also possible he will use Antonia to get to Ellen. After we ate and enjoyed the light conversation, Ellen was visibly tired, and I brought her upstairs to rest. She didn't want to but quickly gave up the fight when I gave her a stern look. I kissed her forehead and saw her eyes were closed and asleep. I texted Kyle that she was resting and that I was turning her phone off.

I returned downstairs to see Patch with his headphones on, surrounded by his laptops. He removed them and rubbed his hands together, his signature move when he was excited about something good. “Well?” I questioned.

“I got the fucker, and he's more connected than you realize. I think it's about time we pay a visit to Gio,” he turned one of the screens toward me, and what I saw made me step back.

“Fuck me!” I said as I gripped the back of my neck.

“Um, no, thank you,” said Patch as he continued pulling up more proof that I should have trusted my instincts regarding the overzealous guard from the beginning.

“Be serious for once; how did I not make the connection sooner?”

He closed the laptop screen and swiveled around in the chair to face me. “I hate to bring up the obvious, risking a punch to the gut, but the truth is that you bailed for four months, and now you’re playing catch-up.” I didn’t comment because he was right, I wasn’t here, and I left my woman unprotected and vulnerableto any threat that may hurt her or the clinic she founded. I felt like shit, and the regret weighed heavily on my mind because of all the times I accused Ellen of being stubborn and closed off; well, I’m no better.

I should have boarded my plane the minute our call disconnected. Instead, I trashed my office and took a verbal beating from Kaz, who was right to put me in my place. My stubbornness held me back, but I’m here now, and I’m never leaving my woman again. I turned to Patch and said, “Ready to storm the castle?”

“Fuck yeah, I’m ready,” he said, throwing his fists high.

“Good; get your gear, and I’ll meet you outside. I have to make a call, and then I’ll be out.” I called Kyle to see if he could come over and stay with Ellen while I was out dealing with the problem. As luck would have it, he was on his way over to check on her, which I was grateful for in more ways than one. I only had to wait about ten minutes until he arrived.

“Hey, thanks for coming over. Ellen is upstairs and asleep. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone, but do not let anyone in here, and here’s the code to set the alarm.”

“Got it, she’ll be safe with me,”

“I’m counting on that,” I said, patting him on his back. Kyle is a good man; I know he will look out for her.

“You’re going after him, aren’t you?” he asked.

“Take care of Ellen,” I said, then I made my way to my truck. I typed out the coordinates so Bourne and Oleg could monitor what was happening here when we spoke to Gio. Valentin was privy to the new developments but turned over everything to Oleg to assist and handle what would come next. First, he would decide if Gio remained an ally or an enemy that needed to be put down. We gave no warning to Gio; why should we when he didn’t reach out as agreed? Patch drove the truck right through his gate, with guards shooting at us as we made our way to hisfront door. I returned fire but not to kill, just to clear our path until we got inside, which was easy enough since Gio met us at the door with orders to his guards to stand down.

“I’m unarmed, so I will ask you to lower your weapons and come inside,” he said.

“After you, fucker,” Patch shouldered him with his gun as he went inside. He led us down the long hallway to the library. Once inside, he opened a cabinet and retrieved a bottle of scotch, asking if we wanted a drink, but we declined.

“What is it with this room? Doesn’t it give you the creeps that you’re standing on hallowed ground? You know, since so many lost their lives here?”