“Yeah, kind of impulsive, don’t you think?”
“I was scared and not thinking clearly. I just wanted to get to you. You would think he would have gotten a clue from our last run-in with each other.”
“What if it’s all an act to catch us off guard?”
“I don’t know, baby, but I will find out. Will you be alright here for a little while? I need to contact my team, and I can't do it so out in the open.”
“Yes, I'll be fine; go and do what you have to do, and then take me home.”
“I love you,” he said, kissing me. It hurt to breathe, but I felt the meds working. As a doctor, I knew the recovery from the type of pneumonia I had would take weeks to resolve, and I was almost tempted to risk the long flight to see Sabina. I miss her so much.
I already missed Edric, but I was tired and knew I was safe to close my eyes and fall asleep. The only bad part was when I did, I saw my car exploding in front of me. I try to think of all the good in my life, beginning with Edric, our friends, and my work. Once I do, it seems to do the trick, and I sleep in peace for a while. When I opened my eyes again, Kyle was with me.
“How do you feel?” He questioned as he picked up my wrist and looked at his watch. “This is a good sign, and your pulse is steady.” He said and then took my blood pressure next.
“Um, newsflash, I'm a doctor too, and I could have told you I was fine, so you need to bust me out of here because I want to go home.”
“Wish granted, your scans are clear. You scared me back there. I kept thinking I might have missed something during your first examination.”
“Will you stop? You are an amazing doctor, and I trust you with my life.”
“And I trust you with mine. I’m sorry I went dark and morbid; it’s the fear of losing you.”
“If it comforts you, it hasn't been a picnic for me either. What about Paolo? Did you see him after he tried to deliver the flowers to me?”
“I did; he was on duty when he left the flowers with the nurses. He was quiet and went on to continue his shift. He stayed to his usual routine and left about an hour ago.”
“What is going on? This is all kinds of crazy fucked up.”
“Yeah, it is, but Edric assured me he got it covered and told me to act as normal as possible until he finds out more.”
“Where is Edric? He's been gone for a while,”
“He's close, I promise, and besides, you needed the sleep, and I'm happy you got some rest. He's ready whenever you can be. Should I send in Nai to help you dress?”
“I'll be alright; just help me out of bed. My legs feel like lead.” Kyle held my hands as he pulled me forward, and I swung my legs over to the side.
“Okay, let's take this slow, you've been down for a while, and I don't want you to take a face plant to the floor.” I smiled, knowing that would never happen, but my best friend had a flair for drama. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and hoisted me out of bed. Once my feet touched the floor, pins, and needles ran through me. It was normal and uncomfortable until the blood flow reached my feet.
Once I was steady enough, I used the bathroom and cleaned up. Yup, I was a sight, and Kyle came armed and ready for the mini-makeover. I needed to look a little more human. It's not that Edric would care, but no one likes to be sick, especially doctors who make the worst patients.
When I emerged from the bathroom, Kyle leaned against the wall, staying near if I needed help. He said, “You look good, not that your man will care one way or another.”
“Yes, not great, but good enough to go home. I promise I will not do anything to jeopardize my health.”
“Not that you had to make a promise, but I appreciate that you understand this is no joke, and your condition can worsen if you don't get the proper rest.”
“Kyle, will you sit with me for a minute?”
“Of course; what is it?”
“How do I say thank you for saving my life? If you didn't use your body as a shield to protect me, I would not be here right now. I keep replaying that night in my mind, and it's horrifying and a miracle that we didn’t die. Thank you, you brave man.”
“You're welcome, and don't give me too much credit because I didn't think twice about it. It was just an instinct to protect you, like how Edric wants to do that for you.” He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug. I got the hint when Kyle cleverly pointed it out.
I wasn’t expecting Edric to crash into my life when he did, but if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. I love Edric George, and I will no longer doubt his love or my ability to love him in return.