“Sorry, old ghosts,” he shrugged.
“What do you know about the increase of gunshot victims arriving at my woman's clinic? It seems the numbers are growing, and I'm not sure I can trust the source, but I’ve heard of a possible turf war escalating around the clinic, and the staff will require extra security.”
“Edric, if a war were about to erupt on the streets, I would know about it. Let's say I have been afforded certain allowances to make my new role comfortable. However, I still answer to someone higher, and he would have my balls on a platter if I fucked up and allowed violence to come into the province and hurt the innocent.”
“I am not here to test your loyalty to your new boss, nor do I care to get involved in your business and how you run it. Myprofessional dealings with you in the past are finished. However, somewhere along the way, unexpected alliances were formed in friendship, and neither Bourne nor I am testing them now.”
“Okay, fair enough, so what can I help you with?”
“I need to know if anyone in your organization may not be as loyal as you believe. One who is so bold in believing he could attempt an unsanctioned act that would create conflict within your family?” I observed his reaction to my question, and then he leaned back in his chair and sighed heavily before answering me.
“When Lucas took over as head of the family, he believed all previous allegiances to Marco would automatically shift to him because his father appointed him in that role. As you know, it wasn’t true, and many men who pledged their lives to Marco remained tied to him, not to Lucas, but he didn’t realize that then. Lucas was engrossed in his forward-thinking and legitimizing our business. As his right hand, it was my job to make sure his reign continued as smoothly as possible, but from time to time, I would have to take care of an unforeseen issue without bringing it to him.”
“So, keep it on a need-to-know basis?”
“Yes, something like that,” he sighed again and looked almost ill. I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to the cart that held several decanters of scotch and bourbon. I poured us two glasses and handed him one. He took it without hesitation and then asked for another.
“Gio, what happened with Lucas was not your fault. You tried to make him see reason, but after learning the truth about his mother’s murder, I truly believe there was no turning back for him, and teetering on the brink of rage and insanity suited him best because of the tremendous guilt. You must believe Lucas would be here today if he hadn’t forced Bourne’s hand by taking Sabina from him. Bourne would never allow her to return to herbrother, and in the end, Sabina had made her choice, and it was always Bourne. You tried to make him see reason, but by then, he carried so much hate that he was just gone, and the brother you remember did not exist anymore.”
“I know this, Edric!” he shouted, then shattered the tumbler he held. He didn’t flinch when I knew the glass pierced his skin. “He was my brother, and I know he lost himself to the unknown truths hidden from him and his sister. What he did on that day taking Sabina was out of desperation to hold onto something that was never real. Sure, he loved her as children, but then he grew as a man and changed. He wanted the brass ring, and to have that, he chose what side to be on, and sadly, it was no longer his mother or sister. You cannot rewrite their story because it ended long before their mother’s murder. He made his choice, and as much as I miss the man I considered my brother, I know I cannot carry his death on my conscience, not when I did everything I could to prevent it.”
“I’m sorry, Gio, I am. Bourne would probably kill me for divulging personal information to you, but I believe it will help you sleep better at night.” He was still holding the broken glass in his hand but then perked up at the mention of Bourne.
“What is it?” he asked, then pulled out a handkerchief from his suit pocket and cleaned up his bloodied hand.
“Sabina is happy, safe, and is expecting a baby in the fall. She found love with Bourne, and she’s never been better.” He sighed and placed his head down so low that I didn’t see the one tear that fell from his eye until he straightened up in his chair to look at me.
“She will make a beautiful mother because she has love in her heart; she always did no matter how her family treated her.” But, when he spoke of Sabina, something changed in his expression, and I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.
“You love her, don’t you?” he looked horrified hearing what I just said but couldn’t hide the truth in his eyes.
“Yes, I do and probably always will. My heart stopped beating when that precious angel took the bullet meant for me. No one could predict she would do that, and when the unthinkable happened, even Lucas was stunned by his sister’s actions. No matter what they put her through, and I put her through under her brother’s command, it didn’t matter nor stop her from protecting me.”
“Did she ever know how you felt?”
“No, and I want to keep that part of the story between us. It serves no purpose sharing this with Bourne or Sabina.”
“Did Lucas ever know?”
“No, and if he did, I’m sure he would have ended my life because he probably would have seen it as a betrayal against him for having feelings for his sister. She was too innocent to be a Santoro and Edric; I tried my best to watch over her when I could.”
“I know that, and Bourne may never believe that, but I do, and it will stay between us. Now, is there someone who you believe would take a chance at defecting?”
“No one I could say right now without having 100% proof. Will you give me some time?”
“You have twenty-four hours to get me the information, or I will go to Valentin, and I know you don’t want me to do that. You couldn’t help Sabina how you wanted to, but I can help Ellen and will do everything I can to protect her. If it means going up against you and every fucking soldier you have in your army, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
He stood up and extended his non-injured hand, and said, “I’ve been so advised,”
I left the former Santoro estate knowing that Gio did not want further bloodshed, but the warning still had to be issued. I knewwhere I had to go next. I knew what I needed, like my next breath, and that was Ellen. I love this woman, and I want her with me forever. She has an invisible wall preventing her from trusting what I say is true, but I’m not giving up and will not allow Ellen to either.
“I am so happy to see you; I may not let you go,” Kyle said as he continued to twirl me around in his arms.
“Yes, it’s not an illusion; I’m real and very much here in the flesh,” I said before poking him in the shoulder to put me down. “So, fill me in on what I’ve missed.”