He was sitting at the breakfast bar drinking a cup of coffee. It was quiet, and the room felt still. I poured myself a cup and wanted to talk to him, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready, so I went back upstairs to get dressed. I did my hair and applied light makeup before choosing my outfit. I checked my appearance one more time and was satisfied with the results. He was typing on his laptop with his cell phone to his ear. He looked up, and his eyes furrowed as I observed his eyes moving up and down my body. I could swear I saw the color in his eyes change and knew they went from anger to arousal. Finally, he concluded his call and then shut his computer.

“You look beautiful,” he said as he walked over to take me into his arms.

“I thought you were mad at me,” I whispered.

“I’m many things right now but not oblivious to how beautiful you are.”

“Thank you for the compliment; it’s nice to hear.”

“You’re welcome, but again, the thank you is unnecessary, but protecting and keeping you safe is. I won’t stop you from working. However, I’ve assigned a team of my best men to monitor the clinic. The security is for your safety, and I will not take any risks when protecting you. You can go about your day and not worry about the security team. My guys know how to remain hidden but will know where you are. I’d like you to wear this bracelet; it’s wired with a tracking device. If you disagree with this, you are not going.”

“Edric, is this necessary?” I asked as he secured the cuff around my wrist.

“Yes, it is, Ellen; I will not compromise, not on this. Agree and adhere to what I have in place, or force me to go back on my word. Now, are you going to? Or am I removing you from that hot as fuck outfit you are wearing? Because I can, and you know if I take one step closer to you, you are not going anywhere but upstairs, back to the bed where I will fuck you for the rest of the day.”

Holy hell! I am in so much trouble loving this man. Edric was standing so close that I felt the heat of his words warm my skin and drench my panties.“Okay, I promise to be careful and do as you say.” I raised my hands in surrender.

“Seriously? No argument? You will follow the security protocol?”

“Yes, I will, and I’m sorry for being difficult. I know it doesn’t seem like I am, but I’m trying and promise to do better. Promise me you will be here when I get home?”

“I’ll never be too far away, sweetheart, and don’t remove the bracelet.”

“So, you’ll know where I am at all times?”

“Do you need me to answer that? Or I can show you how I feel about your defiance.” My breath hitched as Edric pulled me into his warm embrace, kissing me as if his life depended on it. “Go before I throw you over my shoulder and fuck you for the rest of the day.”

I drove further away from my house, and the need to turn around and go back to Edric was strong. I let out a calming breath and called Kyle to tell him I was on my way in. If anyone could help me see that Edric is the best thing that has ever happened to me, it’s my best friend. I know I could call Sabina, and she would tell me to floor it home and tie my man to the bed, but she cannot be objective regarding Edric. I know I’m confused about many things, but not about belonging to Edric George. I messed up this morning and didn’t say what I should have, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel them.

It's why I needed some space from him today. I can think better when I work, and the time away will give me clarity to begin saying all the right things I want to tell him. A man like Edric doesn’t profess his love to just anyone; he’s made that known from the beginning. He’s confided in me about his past and the abandonment he felt from his parents.

Edric knows what he wants and has made it no secret that it’s me. I love him too and want to give him all of me, but it’s more than words. Edric also needs me to show him I’m all in. Edric is exceptional and deserves so much more from me. Once I talk it out with Kyle, I’ll know how to approach my man tonight.My man?I better get used to how that sounds because he is, and Edric will not allow me to forget it.



I was amazed at the restraint I used regarding my stubborn woman. However, the thought of locking her away did cross my mind after she mentioned returning to work. I knew she wanted to say something else, but something always held her back, as usual. I was that person for pretty much my entire life, living a half-life when everyone around me was finding their piece of happiness. I never believed I could have what Bourne or the rest of the hopeless romantics out there, but here I am in love with Ellen Chantal, who keeps me at arm’s length and constantly guessing.

When she wouldn’t open the door to me, it took everything I had not to kick it the fuck down. I couldn’t go on a run because that would mean leaving her, and she didn’t have a punching bag in the house for me to hit about a hundred times. I called Patch to ensure all systems were up and running, and when he told me to fuck off, I knew I had one less thing to worry about. Ineeded the other me to do what I couldn’t, so my next call was to Bourne.

“You mean to tell me you never did an investigation on her? Not even after you began seeing her?” he asked, almost amused.

“Yes, Bourne, I didn’t think I needed to. Will you do it?”

“No, because I already have.”

“What the fuck? And you didn’t tell me this why?”

“Do you think I would honestly put someone in Sabina’s path if I didn’t know every last detail about her? And now they are best friends, and it would be a shame if something in her past interfered with that friendship.”

“Is there?” I hated to ask and felt I was betraying Ellen with just the question.

“No, not one parking ticket or bad grade.”

“What about her parents? Family? The postman who delivers her mail?”

“All clean. Her parents were pretty remarkable doctors. Cecilia and Peter Chantal met in medical school and joined at the hip from day one. The couple each came from wealthy and influential families. They left their very lucrative practice and joined Doctors without Borders, helping third-world countries trying to make a difference right up until their deaths. So please don’t beat yourself up over it; you had to know, and now you do. Did she pass the test?”