I behaved like a voyeur watching him, which should bring me peace, too, but it did the opposite. I felt suffocated and conflicted by the mixed messages I sent Edric and needed to run. I had to find an escape to breathe and be alone. I looked over at him again, picked up my sneakers, and bolted for the door. I needed to feel the ground under my feet and forget about the man I had left in my bed. I made it beyond the edges of my property and ran outside it, completing one full lap before I heard Edric call out my name. I didn't turn around as I picked up my pace, effectively blocking him out. That lasted only a few more yards before he caught up and stopped me from going further.
“What are you doing?” I shouted in frustration as he lifted me off the ground as if I was weightless in his arms. I struggled to be free, but his arms were as strong as iron, pinning me against him. “Put me down, Edric!” I shouted again.
“No, and stop fighting me,” he said as he held me in his arms and close to his body. “What are you doing sneaking out of bed and out here all on your own without any protection? What the fuck, Ellen? Do you want to get yourself killed?” He shouted back, and his eyes glazed over in anger and concern for my safety.
“What? Now, going for a run is going to get me killed? The sun hadn’t even set yet, and I was safe knowing this land a little better than you do. Come on, Edric, I think your imagination is working in overdrive. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself and have been for a long time without your help, so back the fuck off and leave me alone.”
I pounded my fists on his chest, resulting in nothing since Edric’s body was all muscle. His eyes flared again, but this time with a different spark I hadn't seen yet. He placed me down and leaned forward, placing his hands on his knees. He took a deep breath and then stood tall and shouted, “Fuck!” I stepped back, and before I could completely turn, he did what I knew he would do.He loves showing me that he can quickly regain the upper hand.He placed his arm between my legs, no doubt feeling for proof of my arousal. Yes, this little chase turned me on, and he damn well knew it. There wasn’t anything I could hide from him, and it pissed me off because he loves being right. Well, so do I. Game on. He lifted me over his shoulder, and for added measure, he slapped me hard on my ass. I shrieked in surprise when his hand came down again, making me feel the burn.
“We will discuss this back at your house, but know this: you don't get to talk to me the way you just did without consequences.” He took the path that led back to my house quickly without stopping. He got us inside, slammed the door, and engaged the lock. He placed me down on the couch and let out a breath. He paced my living room, walking back and forth until he finally spoke.
“What were you thinking? Especially after the last few days at the clinic treating gunshot victims.”
“How do you know that?”
“You don't get it, do you? I know everything about you because I'm in love with you. And whether you want to believe the words you said earlier, you are mine, and love me too, despite the fourmonths apart—you love me. I know I should have come for you sooner, but my pride got in the way of doing what's right and what my heart was telling me to do. I told you I went on multiple missions to get you out of my system, but it was useless because we’ve been connected since we met. I should have listened and understood more; I am sorry about that. I will do everything in my power to make it up to you. I promise on my life that I will not fail you or us again.” It took a minute for my brain to catch up and rewind a few steps to what Edric had just said to me. Does he love me? No, it's too soon for that, and just a minute ago, I was mad at him and was doing everything I could to put some distance between us. Finally, he knelt to where I was sitting and took my hands in his.
“I love you, Ellen Chantal, and I can't see my life without you. Please give me another chance to make us right again.” I was silent as I looked into his eyes and saw the man kneeling before me. Tough guys like Edric George do not kneel for women, but for his woman, it’s entirely different. I told my other self to forget all I had thought earlier and to shut up because I would lead with my heart for once. But something inside me wasn't ready to say the three words he wanted to hear, so all I could manage was a more straightforward answer.
“Okay, you've got another chance, don't fuck it up,” With that, I got up and walked upstairs to take a shower giving him some time to ponder that his ‘woman’ just one-upped him. I probably won't get many chances to do this, so I will take my little victory and enjoy it for a while.
The door to the shower opened, and a very naked Edric came up to stand behind me. “Well, that didn't take long,” I told him as he began to wash my back. I loved how his hands tenderly touched me and massaged my ass where he had slapped me earlier. I flinched for only a second, and then his mouth foundmy neck, and he began to kiss me, awakening every need I felt for this man, overpowering my every thought.
He made love to me this time as he washed and kissed every inch of my wet body. I came hard as Edric remained inside my body, riding out his release. My body slacked in his arms, knowing I was exhausted and needing sleep. He read the signs and carried me out of the shower to take care of me. No one has ever done this for me. He tucked me close to his side and held me in his arms.
“Sleep, baby, I’ve got you. Don't worry; it won't be easy to sneak out on me again, so you might as well sleep.” He kissed the top of my head, and knowing he was right, I fell fast asleep with Edric holding me tucked into his side.
I was always a light sleeper before I joined the military, and then years later, I required even less while serving in my Special Forces unit. So, I knew Ellen was apprehensive and hesitant about our relationship after I officially claimed her as mine and told her how I felt. It stung a little that she didn't say the words back, but a man knows when it's real, and she cannot hide her feelings by being angry about our separation. It’s no longer an issue; that time is over, and we are moving forward without looking back. Yes, we will have to discuss Sabina and Bourne at some point, but I believe that showing up here and putting everything on the table would soften her. I’m determined to make her see that today is a new beginning for us. She shifted a little in her sleep, but her eyes remained closed, which pleased me because I knew my woman was tired. You could see the fatigue in her eyes due to the long shifts she alwaysworks. I know this is her clinic and staffed with dozens of nurses, but who would run it if it wasn't for her efforts and Kyle's?
I carefully moved out of bed and reached for my discarded jeans sans the boxers. Now that I was back in Italy, I knew I had to contact Gio Costanza and Valentin Vasiliev. Something still bothered me about the alleged “turf war” Paolo casually mentioned. Our contacts are worldwide, and now that I have a personal connection in Italy, I keep a closer eye on what's happening so close to my woman. Valentin returned to New York, and new alliances formed, appointing Gio in charge of the Italians; however, under the reign of the Russian Bratva and their leader, Valentin Vasiliev. No, something is wrong, and I will find out what it is. I checked a few messages on my phone, nothing too urgent, until I saw one from Bourne asking me to call him. I looked over to the bed where Ellen was still sleeping before quietly leaving her bedroom. I dialed his number, with Bourne answering quickly.
“Atwater,” he said, probably not checking the number before answering.
“It's me, you called?”
“Enjoying your vacation?” He asked with a sarcastic tone.
“I haven't been here long, but it's good so far,”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were taking this little side trip so soon after the Rolov mission?”
“Look, you, of all people, should understand why I am here, and since you mentioned the mission, you already know it went down without any issues, and I was owed a few fucking vacation days to myself.”
“But you are not alone; you are with Ellen, are you not?”
“You know I am, so get to your point, or I'm hanging up.”
“Relax, I’m just giving back what you razzed me when I fell in love with Sabina. You’re welcome, by the way.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I practically shouted back, which made Bourne enjoy his moment a little longer.
“What is it with you, Edric? I would have thought you would sound a little happier since reuniting with your woman, and why I said, ‘you’re welcome’ is because my wife has never stopped singing your praises to Ellen. My wife is hopelessly romantic, and she knows love when she sees it and has not given up on you two reuniting. Sabina couldn’t be happier when she received a text message from Ellen informing her that you had shown up at the clinic and you were being your natural overbearing self.” He laughed. I wondered when she had time to do that, and then I remembered Ellen leaving me for a bit to status with her staff, and I remember watching her with her phone clutched in her hand.
“Please give Sabina my sincere thanks, and I’ll call her soon, hopefully with an updated status.”