“Edric, sooner or later, you will have to decide about work and how big of a part you want to play in the business.”

“Bourne, I don’t know what I will do in the next ten minutes, let alone decide about our company. But first, I need Ellen to wake up so I can look into her beautiful eyes. As far as what happens after that? I’m not sure.”

“Fair enough, mate, and I’m sorry that I asked. I’ll be leaving here tomorrow for London to status with Kaz, and we will take it one day at a time, okay?”

“Thank you, Bourne, for everything, especially bringing Sabina here. She may just be what Ellen needs right now. She has to be okay; she has to. I never believed I would ever find the love you found with Sabina, and I’m not just going to let it go without a fight.”

“You won’t; that amazing woman is not going anywhere.”

“Thanks, Bourne.”



“It’s dark, and I can’t see my hand in front of me, but I don’t care if it means getting far away from Paolo. It’s getting hard to breathe as I run as fast as possible when I don’t know what is in front of me. I don’t know how long I was out here when I heard his sinister voice calling for me.

“Cara, you know there is nowhere you can hide from me, don’t you? This was my brother’s home, and I know every inch of this land, so come out before I have to come and get you. You will not like what happens if you make me do that.”

The sound of the breaking branches and twigs was getting closer. I had only one choice: I wouldn’t just sit here and wait for him to find me. No matter how much it hurts, I must run fast until Edric arrives to rescue me. I was thankful to reach a clearing; the moon served as my light.

“Stop!” I heard him call out, and then a shot was fired, making me halt my steps. He was aiming the gun in my direction, but hewas far enough away that I could still run and try to avoid getting struck with a bullet.

“You won’t hurt me; you said it yourself that the first time was a mistake.”

“Come to me, Cara, and I promise I will keep my word and not hurt you.”

“No, Paolo, it won’t matter if I come to you or run for my life; it won’t change the fact that my heart belongs and always will belong to Edric. You’ve put me through hell, and I’d rather die here in this field than take one step closer to you.”

“Fine, have it your way,” he said, and before he could fire off another shot, I ran into the woods as fast as my legs would take me. The first shot hit a tree and came very close to hitting me, but I tried to stay within the trees and just kept running. The gunshots had stopped, and I turned to see if he was still chasing me. And that’s when I lost my footing and fell into an embankment, hitting every rock and branch until I finally stopped falling. My body felt broken after the fall, and before I passed out, I looked to the sky and prayed on the stars that this would not be the ending to my story and that I would have many more chapters to write with Edric.

Finally, I closed my eyes and fell asleep, knowing Paolo couldn’t hurt me in my dreams.“Higher, Daddy, push me higher,” I watched our beautiful daughter laugh and smile as Edric continued pushing her on the swing he put up on the big oak tree in our backyard. I loved our house so much and more so the property it was on. It had several acres for our little girl to run, play, and have little adventures. It was so much fun playing hide and seek with her. Edric is a wonderful father to Cecilia, named after my mother. Edric calls her Cici for short, which she loves so much.


“Hi, are you family?”

“Yes, she’s my sister. I’m Sabina Atwater.”

“Hi, I’m Tatianna, and I have been one of your sister’s nurses. Her doctor has lowered the inducing medication and was hopeful she would wake on her own. If she does, it’s a great sign that she will be off the vent soon. I don’t want to disturb you; I have to change out her medicine bags for her pneumonia.”

“No problem, I’m fine, just sitting here with her.”

Sabina, she’s here with me, but where’s Edric? I need him so much. I could feel the tube down my throat and couldn’t call out if I wanted to, but I could try to move my hand to signal Sabina. I felt my arm lift and then placed down on the bed. I couldn’t decipher the other voice in the room, but I knew Sabina’s, meaning I was alive and had survived Paolo. Did Edric find me? I thought he was there, but I can’t be sure. I need him. Where is he?”

I felt my mind and body fight through the fog, and all I wanted was to be free and reunite with Edric. I felt his presence just like I felt Sabina here with me. I want to return to my family because that’s what they are. I’ve never felt as peaceful in saying those words as I do today, even if they are just in my head and not aloud where the people I love can hear them.

Mom, if you can hear me, please help me return to my love; he needs me just as much as I need him. You and Daddy have always been my guardian angels up in the sky. You’ve guided me through my career and have given me all your hope to help others in need, but I’m the one who needs it more than ever. Please give that to me now so I can rise from this nightmare Paolo put me in and return to living the dream with Edric. I promise I will never fight love again and will always embrace it because he’s worth loving, and I trust him with all my heart. He will love and protect me for the rest of my life, but I have to wake up for him to do that. Please, Mom, help me do that. I prayed asI felt my body fall deeper into sleep until I felt her soft hand on mine.

“Ellen, you’re my sister; it’s what I feel in my heart, so technically, it wasn’t a lie. Although what brought us together kind of sucked, I wouldn’t change a thing about meeting you and the amazing friendship and sisterhood that has followed and cemented a bond between us. I need you, Ellen, so please come back to us. I miss you so much. Please come back to us; we love you. Here’s a little more incentive: wait until you see my belly. I’m huge, but don’t tell Bourne I said that because he doesn’t like it when I mock the belly.”

“She’s right, don’t mock the sacred belly that is carrying our child,” another voice was here, and it was Bourne.“Hello darling, it’s about time we go so Edric can return and be with Ellen, and you need your rest.”

“I’m fine, Bourne, and you worry too much. We are here for Ellen, and I am not going anywhere until she wakes up.”

“Yes, you are, and you might as well concede now because there is no changing my mind regarding your and our baby’s health.”

“Do you hear him, Ellen? Please open your eyes and tell my husband he worries too much.”