“When it’s about love, yes, it’s that easy. My advice to you is not to let this settle. You need to talk to her sooner rather than later.”

“I will, but first, I have to punch the bag for a while.” I changed quickly and went down to the gym before I could change my mind. The workout helped, but after it was over, the dull ache in my chest returned, knowing how badly our call had ended, and now I had to fix it. I took a long time in the sauna, clearing my head and figuring out what to say to Ellen other than the apparent apology she deserved.

I had Kaz hold my calls, and then I picked up my new cell phone and dialed her number, only to reach her voicemail. I let out a deep sigh and then called the clinic. She might have avoided answering her private line, but I knew she would never ignore her work line. When she didn’t answer on that one either, I began to worry and phoned her partner, Kyle. He picked up on the second ring and was happy to receive my call.

“How’s it going? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you around here?”

“Yeah, well, it’s not for lack of trying. Your partner is making it quite difficult for us to meet up, and of course, I didn’t take it well when she canceled on me again.”

“Ouch, sorry, man, but why are you calling me instead of Ellen? You know I can’t play sides here because it’s a no-brainer, she’s my best friend, and I will always choose her.”

“I’m not asking you to choose, just get her on the phone, and I’ll do all the groveling to get her to forgive me.”

“I wish I could, but she’s not here.”

“Not there? She has to be. I just talked to her a couple of hours ago, and I know she never leaves the clinic this early.”

“Under normal circumstances, that would be true, but not today. Ellen left right after she got off the phone with you.”

“Where did she go?”

“She asked me not to tell you, and I won’t betray her confidence.”

“Kyle, your loyalty is admirable, and I respect that a great deal, but she’s my woman, and I need to make things right with her. Please help me do that?” I never ask a question twice and would never beg, but I would if it meant finding Ellen so I could apologize and go back to how things were between us before I fucked up.

“All I can say is that she’s fine and will return in a few days. Call her then or give her time to call you. I have to go, Edric. Good luck to you.” And then the line disconnected, and so did my heart.



“You have eyes on him? Edric, come in. Where the hell are you, man?”

“Calm down, Patch, I hear you. If you were any louder than our guy heard you, too.”

“Sorry, what do you want to do?”

“Wait until he makes the drop, and then you and Danny grab him. If the bag he's carrying contains what we believe, then there is no way he's getting away with it this time, and he will go away for the rest of his life. Stay on him; I'm pulling back and covering the west side if he gets by you.”

“Fuck you, Edric, and has that ever happened? I know you are in a piss poor mood, you stupid bloke, but don't take it out on me.” My mic went silent, and I knew Patch disconnected, and yeah, he was right. I'm a stupid bloke forever believing it was okay to trust my heart and Ellen. I'm on the job right now, and it should be the only thing that matters and has my completeattention. So I got myself in check, and then it was Patch shouting through my mic that he's got our target, but another suspect was unknown to us.

“He's making a run and right toward you, Edric. You hear me, asshole!”

“Yeah, I got him,” I responded and scaled the side of the building to make my move once he was close enough. Finally, I had him within reach and took my jump, landing on his back. He was stunned at first, and then he got the drop on me and hit me right in the ribs.

“Not today, you bastard,” and I found my steady ground and hit him on the side of his head with the butt of my gun.

Patch and the rest of my team radioed in, and I told him the second suspect was in custody. They got to me in seconds, and I tossed the guy like a rag doll in Patch's direction while my side fucking throbbed.

“You okay?” Patch called out as he secured our suspects with Andrew and Danny. He walked over and showed me the bag. I looked inside, and Patch grinned, knowing we just closed this case, and now it’s time to get paid.

“Get this to Kaz, and contact metro; Chief Constable is waiting for the trash.”

“This is one delivery I'm happy to make,” said Patch.

“Yeah, I imagine you are,” I began to walk away when Patch called me back.

“Hey, sorry for questioning you back there; maybe I was being the stupid bloke.”