From the moment I said his name, Edric's demeanor changed from concern to rage, probably coming up with ways to beat Paolo to death. He would avenge me because he took an oath a long time ago to protect and defend, and at one time, it was a duty to his country, and now it’s to me. I wanted to bring him peace, something to lift his burdens, but I was getting tired and feeling the effects of the medicine. The onset of pneumonia was an unexpected obstacle, and then I had a panic attack in front of Edric, making everything ten times worse. What the hell is wrong with me? I have never shied away from anything in my life, yet I was frightened of Paolo, who never gave me any reason to be until I found him in my office. When I heard him on the phone, I thought I heard him say my name, but I couldn't be sure because I bolted back to my office before he could catch me eavesdropping.
Edric helped me get comfortable against the pillows, then settled beside me, holding me close. I wanted him near and didn't want him to do anything that would endanger him. I know it's crazy thinking because he'sGI Joe,after all, and can care for himself. I smiled, remembering how much he didn’t like the name, and said he would come up with something better. I sighed and held back my tears. I will not risk anything happening to Edric. In a short time, he’s become my entire reason for smiling. I will not bear another loss in my life.
“Baby, I know you're tired and have been through hell the last few days, but I need you to stay with me and try to remember what happened that day?”
I cleared my throat and said, “It began like any other day here at the clinic. I greeted my staff and saw Kyle, whom I met later for breakfast. We had breakfast, and nothing seemed out of sync. We said our goodbyes, and I walked toward my office. When I stepped inside, I immediately noticed Paolo.”
“And, what was he doing?”
“He was by my desk, and since I was taken off guard by his presence in my office, he stepped back and covered by saying that he was doing a security check. I told him my office is always locked, and I didn't want him there.”
“Then what did he do?”
“He apologized and left, but,” I hesitated.
“What, baby? Tell me,”
“He scared me, and I don't understand why. I don't know if it was just the act of being surprised or something more; I don't know. I checked my office for anything out of place and then went on with the rest of my day. I even mentioned what happened with Paolo to Kyle. He said he would talk to him, but we both got busy, and he didn't have the chance.”
“Okay, so did you see Paolo again?”
“No, but I overheard a conversation, and I swear I heard my name mentioned, but then I hurried back to my office. I had my phone in my hand to call you, and then someone knocked on my door, and I forgot about calling you because I thought it might have been Paolo realizing I was listening to his conversation. It sounds wild, but I’ve considered whether he was responsible for the car explosion. Why me? I don’t understand this?”
“I'm going to kill this motherfucker; I swear he's a dead man walking.”
“It wasn’t him at my door, it was Kyle, and I was so relieved to see a friendly face. We talked for a few minutes, and then I wanted to go home to you. Kyle walked me out to the parking lot, and then I couldn't find my keys, which is weird because I always keep them in the same spot in my bag. I don’t even have to look; I slide my hand inside my bag and always find them, but not this time. Kyle took my bag and started searching for them, and then he found them, but still, it was weird that they were in a different part of my bag. Kyle unlocked my car, but the key fob sounded wrong.”
“How did it sound? Was it like a series of beeps?”
“Yes, it was, and then maybe a second delay and the car exploded, sending us both flying backward. If it wasn't for Kyle, I….” I began to shake just thinking about it. Edric held me until it subsided.
“Baby, he will never get that close to you again. I need to get you out of here and out of Italy. I will talk to Kyle and arrange transport to Bourne's private island. Then, you can rest and recover and catch up with Sabina.”
“Edric, I have a lung infection; I can't fly.”
“Shit! It's that bad?” he asked unknowingly.
“To put me back into a hospital bed? Yes, it is. I probably won't be able to travel for at least three weeks, maybe more.The change in cabin pressure could cause considerable pain and further endanger my condition. I'm sorry to be so much trouble.”
“I'm going to pretend I didn't hear those words come from your mouth. Baby, you are my life.”
“And just a few days ago, I was saying you were just one part of mine. How are you still here with me and not running for the hills? My feelings have been all over the place, which has been unfair to you. I'm sorry, Edric, for putting you through all that.”
“Shut up and kiss me,” he said, which was his way of making it right for me again.
“Can we stay together while you figure this out?”
“I want nothing more than for you to stay with me. If I could, I'd lock you up and throw away the key to keep you safe and with me forever, but I can't do that. You are too much of a temptation, and I can't do my job and protect you.”
“I'll stay with Kyle, and if you put some guards on us, we should be fine.”Listen to me as if I know what I'm talking about. I'm a doctor, not a super spy. Edric squeezed my hand and released a frustrated sigh.
“I have to think about it, but let's get Kyle in here and see about releasing you. Your house is the most secure because my team is monitoring it. We will lay low while you recover, and while you do that, I will get the person responsible for putting you in here.”
“What about Paolo? He’s kind of our number one suspect at the moment?”
“As much as I want to rip him apart, I need more information before I do that, and I can’t keep throwing him through plate glass doors.”