“Isn’t it obvious? I usually keep my keys right in the front pocket of my bag, and now they are not in here.”
“Here, let me look; you know this bag is bigger than a small suitcase. Ah ha, voila,” Kyle found them and dangled the keys before me.
“Thank you. The key whisperer finds them every time. You’re brilliant, and this is why I keep you around.”
“Sure, that’s the only reason. Okay, here is your bag, and I will even unlock the door for you because I’m that guy.” He held up the keys, and the smile on his face was infectious. I was a lucky girl to have two extraordinary men in my life. But, now more than ever, I wanted to get home to Edric.
He hit the button on my key fob, but it didn’t sound right. It was a succession of clicks versus the standard beep. Kyle’s expression morphed from happy to panic, and within a second, he had his arm around me and shoved me to the ground to protect me. My car exploded, and we propelled backward into the pavement as my world darkened.
“So, what have you learned after meeting with Gio? Was he forthcoming with any information that could give you any leads?” he asked as he sipped his tea and looked too calm and collected. Would he be if I shared what I learned about Gio’s feelings for Sabina? No, telling Bourne would only bring more suffering, and I don’t doubt that he wouldn’t kill Gio for not doing more for Sabina when he was in a position where he could. She cared about Gio and proved that by taking a bullet for him, she would not want him dead because he has unresolved feelings that could never be more than just that.
“It proved to be as productive as I thought, and he will look into it for us. I told him he had twenty-four hours to get us some real information we could use.”
“Or?” he questioned.
“You know the alternative, and I prefer not to go down that road, so let’s hope he comes through. Our war is not with Gio.It’s the unknown that is threatening all the good work that Ellen is trying to do. Bourne, I will not be able to go on if something happens to Ellen. I feel it in every part of my being that something is wrong, and I don’t know what the fuck it is.”
“You don’t doubt, not ever, and neither do I. You know as well as I do that if we did, we would never be able to do the work we do. It will be alright, and if you need me as a backup, I’ll be there.”
“I know that, and thanks for the offer. How’s Sabina feeling?”
“She’s amazing, you know; I never believed I could love anyone so much, and now, knowing she’s pregnant with my child, that feeling has multiplied by a million.”
Listening to Bourne go on about life and love with his woman only made me want the same thing with Ellen, and I would have it.
“Give her my love, and I’ll be in touch,” I disconnected from the chat window and breathed hard. “Fuck!” I shouted as loud as I could, thinking it would help, but one profane word would not allow me to get over this nagging gut-wrenching feeling I was struggling with. I needed Ellen, even if it was to hear her voice. My phone buzzed, and it was Patch checking in.
“Hey, Patch, what’s up?”
“It’s Ellen,” the two words had me out of my seat and rushing to the door. “What about Ellen? Talk to me, Patch; what the fuck is going on?” I shouted as I sprinted toward my truck. “Is she alive?” my heart was in my throat, and it felt like I couldn’t breathe. I hated to think of a worst-case scenario, but in my line of work, you sometimes had to, and now I hated myself even more for allowing her to leave me this morning.
“She’s alive and stable, and so is her friend who saved her life. It was a car bomb, Edric, but I swear she’s okay.”
“How do you know?”
“I’m on my way, and you keep monitoring as if your life depends on it.” I’d never been so scared as I rushed through the doors, not caring who was in my path. The security guard, Paolo, spotted me and approached with caution.
“Don’t even think of standing in my way,” I said as he raised his hands.
“I’m not; I just wanted to tell you that the clinic is on lockdown, and everyone is safe.”
“No, everyone is not safe because my woman could have died tonight. Where the fuck were you?” I grabbed him by his neck and shoved him through a plate-glass door without thinking of the consequences.
“Hey, hey, Edric, that’s enough!” a voice called out behind me as I rushed the fucking guard to hit him again. “Enough! Ellen needs you,” he said, grabbing me by my shoulders. It was Kyle, his arm was in a sling, and he had abrasions covering his face and neck. The dazed guard got up without injury and glared at me, with me doing the same.
“Where is she?”
“Come, I’ll bring you to her,” he said, then shouted to the guards, who rushed over to check on Paolo. Kyle shouted to clean up the mess and said nothing else as I followed him.
“She’s got a pretty good bump on her head along with a facial laceration from where she hit the pavement, but she’s going to be okay.”
“Are you?”