“There was never any test, Bourne, but I wanted to confirm it, and now that I have, it’s over. Let’s not discuss this again, okay?”
“Done, now what is troubling you?”
“You know you are sounding more like a therapist than my former partner, who I served proudly with.”
“I’m still that man, Edric, and loving someone doesn’t emasculate you. It makes you a little more human; Sabina and her love did that for me. And I believe Ellen has done that foryou, too. So what’s going on, Edric? I thought Ellen was the one you wanted?”
“She is and so much more that I cannot bear to be away from her for even a minute. The last four days and nights spent with her have been amazing, and I’m already missing her, and she hasn’t even been gone long.”
“Oh? Where is she? After you told me she snuck out on you, I thought you would have installed trackers on her.”
“I haven’t got that far yet, but she is wearing a bracelet with a tracker fitted inside it. I don’t think my doctor would be cool with anything beyond that. I allowed Ellen to go into the clinic today, and the restraint I’m exercising now astounds me. I want to keep her safe, and if anyone even dares to mess with her, I will fucking tear them apart.”
“Have you called Gio yet?”
“He’s my next call,”
“Look, the clinic is covered; you know that Patch is the best and ensured no stone was unturned. But, if you have a feeling that needs to be explored further, do it before it drives you crazy. I didn’t get Valentin involved yet because we don’t know if there’s a problem. So, get in touch with Gio and call me back.”
“Fine, I’ll be in touch.” I ended the call and dialed Gio next.
“Edric George, I’ve been expecting your call?”
“I’m here in Italy, and we need to meet.”
“This I know; what I don’t know is why.”
“You will, soon. I’m coming to you. See you in one hour.”
Driving to the estate this time is different from my first time here. The first was when we stormed through the gates, driving an armored vehicle loaded with weapons to take down everything in our path, leaving piles of destruction behind us. It didn't matter to Bourne what he had to do that day as long as we rescued Sabina and made the responsible party pay for thinking he could get away with taking her in the first place.Unfortunately, Lucas signed his death warrant the moment he hurt Sabina, but that’s over now and in the past.
I wish it could have ended there so I could have a little happiness with Ellen, but that's what brings me here today to face off with Gio Costanza, the new face of the Santoro Family. It’s a known and discreet fact but not advertised, he answers to the Vasiliev Bratva. But, again, never to be discussed, for its true leader remains behind the scenes where he prefers. Although we have formed alliances both in business and friendship, coming here today is not my first choice but a smart one if I want to learn more about the alleged mob war to erupt.
“What? No armored tank charging the castle?” He said as he greeted me at the door after his guards searched me.
“Afraid not, you only get me today,” I said, knowing I had coiled wire on me that could slit his throat if I needed to fight him or anyone else that came at me. I handed over my guns but still kept a few weapons hidden that they didn't find. Years of training have taught me always to be prepared, and I didn't leave anything to chance while meeting with Gio. I know he's under control with Valentin as his boss, but I would never walk into a situation with just blind faith and no backup plan.
“Come in, let's talk,” he said as he stepped aside for me to pass. My eyes roamed the newly renovated estate that Gio completely gutted and rebuilt to suit his liking.
“You like? Yes?” He observed as he gestured around the vast room decorated with fine art lining the walls and the new carpet I was standing on, sure to be free of bloodstains that we left the last time we were here.
“It's nice; what do you want me to say? I'm a guy, and decorating with pretty things is not what I do.”
“No, it's the pretty things you prefer to warm your bed, right Edric?”
“What the fuck, Gio? Watch your mouth,” I said as two of his guards tried to charge me, but he raised his hand, and they retreated quickly.
“Relax, I was simply mentioning that your reason to be here in Italy is personal, and you are not alone.”
“My reasons are my business and, yes, very personal. So now, let's cut the chit-chat and discuss why I'm here.”
“Of course, let's go into my office,” I followed him and recognized the room. I was in the library where Sabina's mother was murdered. No one would be the wiser since the remodel. “Drink?” He offered, and I declined, taking a seat as he walked around and sat on his throne.
“Comfortable?” I asked.
“Quite. I've earned this, Edric, and I'll never be sorry about how I got it.”
“You made the right call back then, and I would never question your motives or loyalty. I know you have it and will never dishonor your new family, so is there anything else you want to get off your chest? Or may I continue?”