“Baby, what happened to your parents? And how did they die? I’m sorry; I don’t mean to be insensitive.”

“You’re not. It’s difficult to talk about because my feelings have been buried for a long time, and I’ve tried to forget, but it’s impossible. They are why I am a doctor and work as hard as I do. If my parents were alive today, I’d probably be working with them. They came from extremely wealthy families and had enormous trust funds. My parents were financially smart and knew how to invest their money and how to make more of it. It’s how they were able to work abroad, and I guess you would say it’s my legacy as well because I’m doing the same thing here in Italy.”

“Edric, they were amazing and incredibly kind. All they wanted to do was help the families in that village, but it was always under attack, and one night, a group of rebels stormed the camp looking for young girls to kidnap. My father fought them and was shot in the head for his efforts. My mom and their staff were shot execution-style. Most families had smallchildren, mostly under the age of five. The rebels took what they wanted and burned the rest. My parent’s bodies were found in the ruins of what they worked so hard to build.”

“I don’t even know what to say,” I said, being honest.

“You don’t have to say anything; it will always be with me, but on a good day, I believe I manage well, and then I have days when I struggle a little.”

“Yeah, kind of like when your boyfriend storms through your life and lays claim on you after months apart?”

“I wouldn’t say it that way, but you’re close. I never blinked when my parents left for parts unknown to do their work, and when I received news about their deaths, something inside me shut down. No place was safe from the wreckage of their death. I felt as if I was haunted night after night by the nightmares, and although I wasn’t there, I imagined the terrifying screams from my mother and the innocent. I was lost in the United States, unable to find my footing until I founded my clinic in Italy. Kyle is my best friend and jumped at the chance to start with me. We work well together and have the other’s back.”

“Just how close are you and Kyle? Because I didn’t get a jealous vibe when I met him.”

“You wouldn’t unless you swing for the other team,” she smiled and then laughed. God, I loved her laugh. I loved everything about her.

“Good to know; one less guy I have to kill.”

“Edric, until Sabina arrived at my clinic and the entourage that followed, we never experienced violence around us. I’m not saying we haven’t treated questionable patients, but it’s happening more frequently now. About a month ago, we saw an increased number of young males. I did have a few fatalities. We contacted the Carabinieri to assist us, and they said they would do more patrols around the clinic. It’s not advertised, but my clinic is used for their needs; in return, they donate funds andservices for our silence. The clinic is not equipped for a turf way that will result in multiple traumas.” After hearing all this, I got up and faced the waterfall, unsure what to say. Finally, I turned around and looked at Ellen, who was quiet but ready for whatever I would say.

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“Why didn’t you? Don’t you see? I was angry at you, and you were angry at me. I wasn’t going to be the one to apologize for something I felt was right. I know Sabina told you the story behind my lie of omission, but it still didn’t matter. We were both going at such a fast speed, and when we had our first fight, I gave up because I believed if I gave into you now, then I always would, but yet, I submitted to you sexually, which confuses me. For the longest time, I convinced myself I could only depend on myself. My only friend was Kyle, and I was used to living my life in a small bubble. I wanted to reach out to you so many times, but then something always made me stop and not do it. I could have called Bourne for help, but if I had done that, you would have come back, and I didn’t want you to because someone else asked you. I wanted you to come to me on your own, and eventually, you did; it just took longer than I expected. What is it with you? I should have kicked you out of my office and told you to get lost, but I practically melted when I felt your hands on me. Am I crazy?”

“No, woman, you’re not crazy; what you are is in love with me. You can deny it, but I won’t believe it. You’ve mentioned being submissive, and I’m not sure you completely understand what that is, so let me explain it better. From our beginning, we’ve had a Dominate/Submissive relationship, and I won’t deny that. I am naturally dominant and have never been anything else. I need control in every part of my life, and I would not be the man I am without it. Do I want to dominate you sexually? Hell, yes, I do, and for you to accept that part of me does not make you crazyor weak; it makes you mine. Ellen, we are not a fictional couple you read about in a book or watch in a movie. I love you more than I can explain. You are a drug I need daily to fucking breathe and exist. When I make love to you, I am worshipping the gift you are giving me, and when you submit, it’s so damn beautiful I can’t describe it in words. I have to show you that you have become my every reason to wake up in the morning.”

“I want you, Ellen, and I’m not going to do anything to risk losing you. I don’t do anything slowly, but I will try for you if it’s what you need to feel safe with me. I want you to trust me and not run when you’re scared. If you are going to run, I want you to run to me. Please allow me to be the man who makes it better for you. I will do anything for you. Ellen, you are an incredible and strong woman, and depending on me will never make you weak. If anything, it will make me feel invincible that my woman needs me as much as I need her. You’ve been on your own for a long time, and so have I, more than I ever wanted to be. All I am asking of you is to take a chance and, this time, take the biggest leap of your life. I will never let you fall and always be there for you. Please, baby, open your eyes and see me looking back at you. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. I promise you won’t regret it.”

She wiped her eyes and stood beside me to look over at the waterfall as I did. I wanted to hold her, but it was not what she needed, and I had to respect that until she was ready. She just stood there for a while and then turned around with tears in her eyes.

“I love you too, Edric, and just so you know, I can be equally difficult. A work-out would be a good way to describe me, so if you ask me to trust you, I will counter and ask for patience until I get used to the idea that we are an ‘us’ who are possibly on the road to building a future together. Can you do that?” I practicallyjumped off the ground and had her in my arms in seconds, kissing her madly until we were both out of breath.

“Say it again,” I commanded.

“Which part? I said a lot,” she winked.

“Smart-ass, I love it, but I think you know what I mean.”

“I love you, Edric, and I’m yours.” She added the last part, knowing it would drive me over the edge.

“I want you right here,” I said as I took her clothes off.

“Yes, take me now,” she rasped out as I placed her on the blanket we had brought. She parted her legs with her hands and gave me a gift with her submission. I held her hands in mine as I made love to her, bringing us to the edge of ecstasy and then back, only to repeat it again and again. I felt her muscles tighten around me, and we came together in a rush I’d never felt before. I was almost dizzy as I slowly came down from the high. When we finally returned to Ellen’s house, we felt the weight we’d both been carrying lift from our shoulders. I talked, she talked, and we felt free from our complicated and tragic pasts.

A new basket of goods awaited us on the doorstep, presumably from Antonia. I held Ellen back to inspect it first, and even though she thought I was overreacting, I wanted to make sure. It was safe, and I carried the heavy hamper inside and placed it in the kitchen. I read the attached note, and since I don’t read Italian, I handed it to Ellen. She read the note, and it simply said to enjoy and one scolding line to remind Ellen to eat. I appreciated the last part because my woman needs someone looking out for her, and I know the perfect person to do that. —me. I wanted to meet Antonia and loved her for caring for Ellen. How she describes Antonia reminds me of Anna, who embraced Sabina as a daughter. Sabina and Ellen share so much in common, and since meeting Bourne and me, they are no longer alone.

“You tired?” I asked her as I poured our wine. “It’s been a long day,”

“You would think I would be, but I feel pretty energized.”

“Am I losing my touch?” I asked jokingly and then patted my lap for Ellen to crawl up on.

“Never, it’s the hike, and I guess the talking helped. It’s been a long time since I unloaded like that, and I’m not as sad as I thought I would be.”

“I think it’s the same for me, too. I don’t talk to many people in general, and Bourne was always the exception to that rule until you. Ellen, you found a place here,” I took her hand and put it on my heart for her to feel how my heart beats for her.

“I’m trying, Edric, and you are not the only one new at this. I love you, and it took a lot for me to say those words because my parents were the only two people I said the words to before you. But after they died, a part of me died along with them, and I was too afraid to love anyone again. And, as much as we love each other, we still cannot avoid the original problem that has plagued our relationship since the beginning.”