“I am, and as for thoughts, I’m not sure you have that kind of time,” he then came over, scooped me up into his strong arms, and held me close to him.
“When it comes to you, I have all the time in the world. I love you so much, and I am not going anywhere, so stop trying toleave me. Food first, then we will shower, talk, and not leave this house until we get some things straight. You hear me, woman?”
“Yeah, I hear you, man.” He kissed me hard, making me want him again, but he had enough willpower for the both of us and pulled back.
“Let’s feed you,” he said, kissing the top of my head before carrying me downstairs.
“Um, Edric, I’m naked,” I said, pointing to my naked breasts and the rest of my body as he placed me at my breakfast bar.
“I know, so be careful not to spill anything on your delicate skin.” He kissed me again and then sat beside me, digging into the pancakes he had prepared, never taking his eyes off mine.Bastard! He was enjoying this way too much.
“So, where does this path lead?” I asked Ellen as we hit two miles into our walk.
“This is where it leads,” she said, leading us through more greenery. “It’s my secret place where I come to think when time allows, which is practically never because I’m always working.”
“It’s breathtaking,” I said as I looked over the beautiful waterfall. “This didn’t appear on the map when I scouted the area.”
“Wow, you did your homework on me, even down to mapping the area where I live.”
“You’re my woman, and anything that involves you involves me.”
“So, you’ve said, but what does it mean? And please don’t say that you’ve made yourself clear because you haven’t, not in the way it matters to me. Yes, we have amazing sex, and our chemistry is off the charts, but is it enough?”She needs honesty,and I understand much better now than I did four months ago. The way I answer her question is going to determine what happens next between us, and I’m going to do everything in my power not to fuck it up.
“I love you; let’s begin there. Why do I love you? That seems to be the big question on your mind, and maybe I’m not explaining myself right. I didn’t grow up until I left home to join the British Military. My father was an abusive alcoholic, and my mother was a no-show my entire childhood. He died first driving home from the pub one night. He veered off the road and smacked dab into a tree. He broke his neck and died instantly. My mother settled his affairs, and since I was leaving anyway, she left right behind me, but not before giving me an envelope of money and a kiss on the cheek telling me to have a good life.”
“This is a terrible story, Edric,” she said with tears in her eyes.
“It is, but it’s mine, and I let it go a long time ago. It would help if you didn’t think they put me off relationships because their marriage was an unhealthy one. I think my parents loved each other for a while and grew in different directions. After I left, my mom moved to be closer to her sister, who lived in Scotland. She met a man, and they married about six months later.”
“Is she alive?”
“Yes, she is and resides with her husband in Scotland.”
“You keep tabs on her?”
“Yes, but from a distance that I can live with. My aunt died last year and was the only relative I kept in touch with. She would write me letters while I was in service and always visited me when I was home. I loved her very much, and she filled the gaping holes my parents left.”
She reached for my hand and held them before saying, “I’m so happy you had her. No one should be alone growing up.”
“You’re right; they shouldn’t.”
“I’m sorry; please continue,” she said, still holding my hands, which comforted me.
“As for relationships or the thought of something more, it never occurred to me until I met you. I’ve dated scores of women, but not one held a measure of substance when it comes to you. When I was in the military, my job was to protect. I did that job well, and I had more saves under my belt than losses. Bourne was the same way, and when Sabina came into his life, it was like the sun rising from the ashes and surrounding him with light. He mourned his sister and father for so long that he never believed he would feel that way again until Sabina. So believe me, Ellen, I wasn’t looking for you when we met, but when we did, I experienced my own rays of light, and I’ll never regret a single moment with you, even when you drive me crazy. How could I be when you bulldozed right into my heart? Telling you that I love you is not just words; they are everything. They are the promise of having something real for the first time in my life.”
She lunged into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck, taking me by surprise. “Oh, my god, I’m so stupid for trying to talk myself out of wanting you, too, Edric. I’m sorry for driving you crazy with my childish escape attempts. I was scared, and when I felt scared, I ran. You were right about me being stubborn and testing you, which was wrong on many levels. I look at you sometimes, and I’m in awe of your bravery and ability to admit your feelings. Again, I’m so sorry for driving you crazy and pushing you away.”
I held her close, trying to soothe her as she slowly stopped crying. “Baby, you don’t have anything to be sorry for, and I didn’t tell you about my past to gain sympathy so you would fall for me. I told you because it’s what two people do in a relationship. I want you to know all parts of me, even the stuff I put behind me long ago. Will you tell me yours?” I asked,and then she nodded silently and released a deep breath before beginning.
“My parents are dead. It’s been five years since I’ve said those words. They were doctors, and all they ever wanted to do was help people in need, and their love of medicine took them to Africa.” She trembled after she said the words, and I wanted to stop her, but if I was ever going to get to the root of Ellen pushing me away, then I needed to know. I tried to be gentle with my questions, but I don’t think there was a way without causing her more pain.
“Hey, I know this is hard; just take your time.”
“It’s always the hardest to relive the painful parts that changed your life.” She quickly wiped away her tears, and then I felt her nails claw into my back. I noticed she did this every time I pushed her for information.