“It will be perfect. Can I tell you something?”


“I had a dream, too, but mine was teaching our son how to swim.” I laughed at the memory of throwing Sabina in the cold water when I first brought her to the island.

“Is it too early to be dreaming about this?”

“No way, and why not dream about it? It will be perfect because even the cruelest fates would never allow us to experience what we went through. No, this baby will be in our arms before we know it. I promise you, wife, there will not be a day that our son or daughter will not feel our love. You, our baby, and any future children we have will be the center of my universe forever and ever.”

“You say the sweetest things, husband, and I never doubt it. You saved me that day at the airport, and I’ve never been happier or safer. I will no longer define myself with my past. My life is now and here with you. It’s all that matters.”

“I couldn’t have said it better, Principessa.” I held my wife in my arms with the palm of my hand on her stomach. She was sleeping peacefully, and I allowed my mind to return to thedream on the beach with our son or daughter; I don’t care what God blesses us with.

The losses I endured cloaked my life in perpetual darkness. I suffered in silence and grieved my family for years. Sabina and I were two souls predetermined to be together. A destiny that was unavoidable by a connection not to be denied. I believe it now and think we had to go through hell to reach heaven to be together again.

I will love and cherish Sabina for all my days until I draw my last breath. Our life is blessed and will always shine bright in light and love.

My wife deserves nothing less, and for once, I do too!