“My beautiful daughter, do you know how special you are? Of course you do; how could you not? I want to give you something, and I want you to promise never to take it off and always keep it close to you. Do you promise?”

“Yes, Mama, I promise.”

“Eccellente, I knew you would.” She handed me a small velvet box, and inside the satin lining was the chain with the piano pendant.

“It’s a piano that resembles yours. Oh, thank you, Mama, I love it. Is it for my birthday?”

“Yes, an early gift for only us to share. Here, lift your hair, and let me put it on you.” Mama secured the clasp and told me to put my hair down and face her. “Bello, I knew it would look beautiful on you. But, Sabina, you must never take this off, for it will serve as your lifeline sometime in the future.”

“I don’t understand,” I said, but she silenced me with a hug.

“For now, you don’t have to. I want you to know that I love you and your brother more than my life and will do anything to protect you.”

“You’re scaring me, Mama; what do you have to protect us from? And why the necklace?”

“You ask questions I cannot give you the answers to, at least, not right now. Just trust me, Sabina. One day, I hope you will be free from this life and live yours in peace. It is too late for me to be free; your father will never allow it, but the same chains that bind me to this life will not hold you. I’ve taken steps to make sure it’s possible for you. As for your brother, this life ishis destiny, but he has something in his heart that your father does not possess.”

“What’s that?” I asked with shaky fingers holding hers.

“Love. It doesn’t exist anymore. His need for power to fuel his ambition destroyed anything good in him. He looks to Lucas as his heir, a force of strength that will secure our family and wealth for future generations. For you, his daughter? He sees you as weak, a distraction, and someone who could come between his plans. It’s how he sees me.”

“No, not father! He’s never hurt me. I don’t understand any of this.”

“He hasn’t hurt you because I’m still here to protect you and your brother. I wish you to go to America and attend university far from here.”

“I don’t want to leave you; this is my home.”

“No, it’s your prison, and I am setting you free. I love you, Sabina, and no matter what happens, I will always be here with you.” She placed her hand over my heart and then pulled me in for a hug. My mother was fearless, and I may not have understood why she told me all this, but she promised I would when the time was right.

My face felt wet, and then I realized it was from the tears I didn’t know had fallen. “What is it with this room?” I said, then turned and looked for something to help me understand. And then, like a bolt of lightning sending shockwaves through me, my eyes found the object sitting right on a shelf. It was my mother’s music box, another replica in the shape of a piano that matched her prized piano and my necklace.

I opened the lid of the music box and closed my eyes to listen to the last musical composition written and composed by my mother, forever sealed in the box and my heart.How have I survived this long without her?I returned it to its place on the shelf and wanted nothing more than to sit at her piano and playher music, but I was no longer alone. I exhaled a deep breath and heard him behind me.

“Sabina, what are you doing here!?” he shouted coldly.

“Nothing, Father; I was just going to read a book,” I lied.

“This room is closed to you; do you hear me?” he shouted again and stepped closer to me. My back thudded against the shelf with my father caging me in. “Do you understand me? Do not come in here again,” he ordered.

“Yes, Father, I won’t come in here again.” I nervously promised.

“What’s going on in here!?” I closed my eyes in relief.Lucas.

“Just looking for a book your sister wanted to read,” he said calmly, lying effectively, but my brother eyed him suspiciously.

“Sabina, come to me,” he ordered, and my father stepped away, giving me room to go to my brother. He took me in for a hug and then cupped my face. “Are you alright? You can tell me anything.” He implored.

I looked over his shoulder to my father, who put his fingers over his mouth, telling me to be quiet. I trembled slightly and then said, “I’m fine. I was browsing the shelves for a book to read but couldn’t decide with many to choose from.” I lied again.

“Okay, maybe you could choose one later. But, unfortunately, I have to speak to Papa now.”

“Of course, I’ll see you later,” I said, then fled as quickly as possible from my father’s cold dead eyes.

I heard my brother’s voice get louder with every word he spoke, and then I turned to go to my room but stopped in front of another door that jumped out at me. It’s been years since I’ve been in this part of the house, and I guess it’s one more thing my mind has chosen not to remember. I stood there for a few minutes, running my fingers along the solid mahogany door. Finally, I pressed on it, and the door with no handle suddenlyopened, revealing a long, dark, hidden passageway. My head hurt at the familiarity of it all. I’ve been here before, but when?

I went inside with the door closing behind me. I took out my phone to light the way, and as I slowly walked down the hall, I could hear my brother and Papa. I realized this room was on the other side of the library. I opened the small metal hatch, and once I looked through, I could see the entire library. I silenced my phone and turned the light off, staying as quiet as possible to hear what they said.

“Did I not make myself clear? What did I walk in on with you and Sabina? I swear, old man, if you hurt her in any way, I will fucking kill you.” He stepped closer to stand before him, towering in height and strength.