“I will if you come with me right now. Your friend will get to live and see his child be born. It’s up to you, Sabina. If you continue to fight me, I will kill everyone in that house, including the love of your life, and when all that’s left is a trail of dead and bloodied bodies, I’ll take you anyway.”I had no choice. I never had a choice, and I don’t have one now. I believe what Lucas threatens and will not allow those I love to suffer. Not again, never again.“Do they live or die? Decide right now!” he shouted, releasing me to look at Pierre.

“Fine! I’ll go, but you keep your promise and let them live.” I cried out.

“Of course, little one, anything for you. I never go back on my word.” And my fate was sealed. Lucas had won.

“I love you, Bourne, always and forever. Please save me,” I prayed to the angels as I was lifted into strong arms and carried to the helicopter and away from Bourne.



I was numb for about a second, and then, once the adrenaline kicked in, I rushed down the stairs toward Edric. Pierre was seated at the kitchen island chair, with Lucy holding an ice pack to the back of his neck.

“I’m so sorry, Bourne, I tried to save her, but there were too many of them, and they jumped me from behind.” I swallowed hard, listening to his words and vowing to kill Lucas with my bare hands, but I needed to find him first. I looked to Edric, who already had a team ready to extract Sabina.

“Don’t blame yourself, Pierre; this was a planned attack, and my island is not so unpenetrable as I previously believed.”

“Bourne, the only thing I can come up with right now is the drones. Whoever he has on his payroll must be one hell of a hacker who was able to gain access and override your system. You have a state-of-the-art military line of defense protectingthis entire island. It would take an equally powerful system to break yours.”

“You figured all that out in a matter of minutes?” said Edric, who glared at Pierre for possibly topping him in their mutual expertise.

Pierre looked nervous with all the glaring directed at him and then held his own by saying, “It’s my field too, and you did have me look over your system,”

“Noted, so what else do we know?” asked Edric.

“Lucas could have tracked us here from when your plane left Rome. If they had broken the protocols in place, it wouldn’t have been that hard to fall from the sky using the high-tech aircraft. When I heard the engine's sound, I pulled out my phone and snapped a photo before running to Sabina.”

I took the phone and studied the blurry photo, zooming in for a better look. “Edric, you have to see this,” I said, showing him what I recognized.

“Holy shit!” he said, staring at the attack helicopter designed by no other than the People’s Republic of China. This chopper is badass and designed for anti-tank warfare missions. “Bourne, this is the model co-designed by the Ramov Design Bureau of Russia that the Chinese government has under contract.”

“Exactly, and how did Lucas get his hands on a seventeen million-dollar aircraft?”

“We will figure it out, and I swear on my life, we will get her back.” I couldn’t answer Edric and just walked out of the kitchen before I fucking collapsed. I went back upstairs to my office and closed the door behind me, thinking of only one person who could help me locate Sabina because time I didn’t have.

I dialed the number and waited for him to answer. It rang a few times, and then he answered in his deep Russian accent, “Volkov,” one name that held so much power and exactly what I needed.

“I need your help; it’s a matter of life and death.” I barely got out before he told me to hold on, and then a second later, I heard Valentin’s voice.

“Bourne, what’s happened?”

“He took her, Valentin, right from under me.”

“You must tell me everything, don’t leave out the smallest detail.”

After explaining the aircraft used in the raid on the island, Valentin told me he would make some calls and get back to me momentarily. We didn’t have a moment to waste if we wanted to get Sabina back. I will fucking kill him for thinking he could touch what’s mine. I should have killed him when I wanted to, but for the first time, I showed mercy because my woman asked me to.

“Lucy has finally calmed down and is upstairs with her husband. Although I gave Anna a mild sedative to help her sleep, she was beside herself with worry.”

“We will get her back, Edric; I won’t survive if I don’t.”

“I know, and the team is in place. Hans has already deployed a team to Italy and awaits our word.”

“If that’s where he brought her, they could be anywhere by now,”

“Don’t do that, don’t doubt. You know where Sabina is as well as I do. He’s taken her back to where all the bodies are buried. We underestimated Lucas, and we will own that but only for a damn second. You feel it and allow it to rip through you like the sharpest wielding knife, and then let it go and concentrate on the many ways we are going to make him fucking bleed out.”

“You better believe that,” and then my phone buzzed, and I saw it was Valentin calling. “Yes,” I answered quickly.