“Is that some kind of jab toward me?”

“Depends. Did it stick?”

“You are sure the outspoken one and so bold since you are a guest here in my home.”

“Relax, I respect boundaries just like the next well-mannered person, but you need someone to remind you when you step over one and hurt my best friend. Yeah, she looked like she was crying when she returned downstairs, and make-up didn’t coverup her red and puffy eyes. So, for your sake and the safety of your balls, you better hope my man is successful at cheering her up. She’s too good to cry, and it’s not like you need me to remind you of what she’s been through. Yes, I know about the repressed memories that have come to light. I will never be able to tell you the number of nights she woke up screaming from a nightmare, and when she finally was awake, she couldn’t tell me one thing about it because she couldn’t remember. As her best friend, I was powerless to help.”

“Okay, Lucy, message received. I will talk to her when she returns to the house. It was a misunderstanding, all my fault, and I promise I will make it right.”

“It’s all I ask, and thank you for listening.”

“It’s not like you left me much choice, but I appreciate your concern. You are a fantastic friend. No, scratch that, you’re family.”

“You got that right, now; where does Anna keep more of this stuff?” I laughed and looked at her empty bowl, which was probably filled to the top with the frozen goodness Anna makes.

“We have a separate freezer off the kitchen in a hideaway pantry. Come, I’ll show you.” Edric was a hundred percent right in calling me an asshole. Here I was about to yell at Sabina’s best friend when all she was doing was protecting Sabina. “Okay, here is what you are looking for,” I said as I opened the freezer and retrieved a pint of Blackberry and Vanilla ice cream. I handed Lucy the container, and her eyes lit up.

“Oh, my goodness, I just died and have gone to ice cream heaven. This ice cream has to be the most amazing frozen delight I have ever tasted in my life. I will gain ten pounds while I’m here, and you know what? I can’t wait. I’m a terrible cook; I mean, burn the kitchen down terribly. Pierre has tried to teach me, but it’s just one epic fail after another.” She said as she ate another spoonful.

“Okay, I will leave you to your dessert and words of advice,” I placed my elbows down on the kitchen island as Lucy continued to devour the ice cream. “Anna will expect you to finish everything on your plate; it’s the Italian mothering in her.”

“Don’t worry about me; I can do it.”

She hugged me, and I left her on her own to eat and eat. Lucy is a delight to have around, and I know she is special to Sabina. Somehow, the bold and bright Lucy has lifted my spirits. The minute I see Sabina, I will make everything right between us. I love that girl so much, and I swore I would be the last man to hurt her, and I intend to keep my word.

I worked in my office and checked in with Kaz, who had been delayed back in London. She would arrive sometime on Friday, leaving plenty of time before the wedding. She was determined to complete every task before she took a much-needed break, which she deserved.

“Bourne!” I heard my name echo throughout the house. Edric was shouting my name from all the way downstairs. I ran to the landing and saw Anna in a state of panic along with our island guards, who were suddenly inside my house instead of the parameters they should be guarding.

“The island security system has been tampered with. As a result, we are under attack, and Sabina,” he paused.

“Bloody hell, spit it out!” I shouted.

“She’s been taken.”



“And, if you look up to that peak, you will see what Bourne calls the snow caps. It’s where we will marry on Saturday. Don’t worry about Lucy making the hike; Edric has arranged for one of the guards to drive you two up using this massive jeep. I swear it looks like something out of a movie that the Stormtroopers from Star Wars would use.”

“Ahh, I can’t wait, and I’m sure Lucy will love it. Come, let’s have a seat and catch up.”

We came prepared with snacks and a warm blanket. We sat on the beach and looked out at the beautiful blue sea in front of us, and all I felt was peace. It’s so beautiful here; I never want to leave. I would live here forever if Bourne would agree to it, but he needs to talk to me first. I leaned against Pierre’s shoulder and said, “Thank you for making the trip. You don’t know what it means to me that you and Lucy are here.”

“Hey, where else would we be? You are getting married, and Lucy would slay me like a fish if we missed it.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and squeezed me into a hug. “So, Lucy has filled me in on what’s happened and how you two came to be; anything you want to tell me?”

“I guess I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by all that has happened in the last few months but incredibly happy at the same time. So how much don’t you know? And then I’ll have a better idea of where to start.”

“I’m up on all the current; it’s the past that I’m still not caught up with. How do you go from being kidnapped by the international man of mystery to now marrying him? Don’t get me wrong, he’s helped us a great deal, and I will never be able to repay him for his generosity.”

“I’m confused, Pierre; I know about helping you with work, but that’s all I know. So what else has Bourne done?”

“Shit, I thought you knew.”

“Know what?” I asked again.

“He bought us a house, a huge one.”