“Baby, I’m always sweet, but only for you. Open for me,” he said as the evidence of his arousal hardened and pressed into me. “I want you right here, right now.” He moved me off him just enough to unfasten his slacks and pull them down to reveal his cock, which was incredibly hard and all for me. “Pull your skirt up and move your panties to the side so I can fuck you. Open the buttons of your shirt so I can see your breasts.” He issued several commands until I was exactly how he wanted me to be. I was seated on his cock and riding Bourne in the back of the limo. Edric was driving, and I was grateful for the soundproof privacy divider blocking my screams of pleasure as Bourne fucked me.

“This is going to be quick, hold onto my shoulders,” he said as he gripped my hips, moving me up and down his cock. Finally, I was ready to come, and with the final thrust in, I came gloriously all over Bourne, and he filled me with his hot seed. He held me tight as he came down from the high of his orgasm. “I love you so fucking much. You are mine forever, Principessa, and I am never letting you go.” He rasped out as he pushed in the last of his cum. This man never completely gets soft, and usually, we go again before he pulls out. I almost thought he would until we heard the roar of the jet touch down for the landing. “Raincheck, love,” he winked and kissed me so hard that I knew my lips would swell.

“Let’s get you cleaned up and meet your friends.” We had a few minutes as the plane taxied down the runway. He cleaned me up and adjusted himself while I tried not to look like I didn’t have sex, but there was no avoiding the heady smell of sex in the air.

“Bourne?” I nudged him to get his attention as he tossed the wipes in the trash bin.


“You know we never did discuss the issue of birth control since the first time we went unprotected. And now it has completely become a non-issue.”

“And? I don’t see the problem here. We’re marrying each other, and if a child happens to be, then all the merrier to our happily married bliss.”

“Bourne, I’m twenty-two years old, and up until a few months ago, I was simply a college graduate, and now I’m going to become a wife and possibly a mother all in one shot. I don’t know if I’m ready for all of that.” By his expression, I knew I had hurt his feelings. Of course, it wasn’t my intention, but discussing having a family is a sensitive subject for me. “Please remember that I love you,” I quickly said, scrambling off his lap to meet Lucy and Pierre.

“Sabina!” She shouted as she made her way down the jet landing. I let go of Bourne's hand and ran up the stairs to take my best friend in a big hug. It had been three months since I said goodbye to my friends, and now they're here to see me marry Bourne.

“I’m so happy you’re here.”

“Not as happy as we are. Oh, we’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too. Come here, best friend, and let me hug you. Oh, my God, look at your belly!” I exclaimed, and she put her hands over her growing baby bump, which looked like the perfect basketball under her shirt.

“I know, I'm so fat,” she pouted. And then Pierre came over and hugged me.

“We missed you!” He said as he twirled me around.

“I missed you too, so much. I know I put you and Lucy through hell when you found out you were expecting. I know it's not much, but I am sorry.”

“Nonsense, stop that right now. We love you no matter what, and it wasn't like we were living on the streets. Your man took care of us, and now we're back home working and preparing for this little one. However, first things first, we have to get you married.” Lucy said, and then they took me in for a double hug. I was fortunate to have them in my life. He cleared his throat, probably feeling left out, and then my manners returned, and I made the introductions. Bourne, the perfect gentleman, welcomed my friends, and then we all climbed into the limo and drove on to the house.

He held my hand in a death grip as Lucy and Pierre chatted, oblivious to the tension between Bourne and me. The air was suffocating, and although there was a chill to the island air outside, in here, it was positively freezing, but Bourne was a master at hiding his feelings from everyone but me. No, I felt a thousand percent and even more guilty for hurting his feelingswhen I brought up the issue of children. How stupid and selfish of me to say anything right now. We were so happy a second ago, and now an invisible wall separates us. First, he lost his mother at a young age, and then his sister and father left him entirely on his own. We had so many losses between us, and did I just add one more to the list?

“Stop it, Principessa; all the overthinking you are doing is giving me a headache. The discussion you started is far from over, but this is not the place or the time to discuss it, so for now, enjoy your friends.” He reprimanded me, which snapped me from my thoughts. He kissed my lips and then chatted with Pierre as if he hadn’t just issued a warning to me.

Lucy raised a curious eyebrow, and I smiled nervously back at her. Fortunately, Lucy knew me too well and understood the hidden message I was sending her. We would talk later when we were alone. Anna was first to greet us as Edric and Pierre carried the bags to the house. Bourne still held my hand and led me inside, but our connection was finally interrupted by squeals of laughter and Anna welcoming my friends with hugs.

“Come, piccola mamma, you must be hungry after such a long trip. Sit; I’ll fix you a plate.” I wiped a tear from my eyes as Anna wrapped her arms around Lucy and then asked if she could pat her belly. Lucy was overwhelmed with all the love and attention but didn’t say no, not to Anna. She recited a beautiful blessing over her stomach and then kissed her cheek. Lucy was full-on balling her eyes out, and Pierre just shook his head and reassured the rest of the men in the room that this was all normal.

“It’s the pregnancy hormones; it will pass, right, little mama?”

“Oh, go away! I prefer it in Italian, thank you, by the way,” said Lucy as she beamed and inhaled the fresh pasta Anna had placed in front of her. “This is out of this world; how do you say that in Italian?” Anna laughed with all the praise she was receiving fromLucy and then looked almost bashful under all the compliments. Who was she kidding? She loved it.

“You say, fuori dal mondo,”

“Okay, this meal is fuori dal mondo.” We all laughed except for Bourne, standing rather stoically with displeasure from our conversation earlier. Edric caught on rather quickly and pulled out his phone as if it went off silently, telling Bourne he had a call to take. Bourne nodded and was probably happy for the save but no more than me.

“Will you all excuse me? I have some business to handle before we meet tonight for dinner. Lucy, you are simply a breath of fresh air, and I look forward to getting to know you better. Pierre, we will talk later as well,” he said as he shook his hand. “Anna will escort you to your quarters, and please settle in and get some rest after your long flight.” His eyes never left mine as he offered his goodbyes to our guests.

“Principessa, I’d like a word,” he commanded. Not giving me a choice, he placed his arm around mine and pulled me from the room into the hallway where no one could hear us. He looked around and then pushed me up against the wall, not forcibly to hurt me but in a dominating way to remind me. “You’re driving me bloody insane. You smell like sex, and as much as I want you to always wear a reminder of me on you, you will go upstairs to shower. Now. When you're in this state, the thought of another man around you will be my undoing. Go, now!” he commanded, pulling me from the wall but not before marking me one last time with a hot and needy kiss.

I was dizzy after he steadied me on my feet. He pushed me toward the staircase, not wanting me to return to the kitchen to tell Lucy where I was going. I stumbled up the stairs and did what Bourne wanted me to do. I felt his eyes on me the entire time, and then I turned to see if he was still watching, and then he was gone.

Holy shit! Did I fuck up?

I couldn’t think of it again and took a shower to calm my nerves. I would talk to him tonight when the others were in bed and knew we would work out any misunderstanding. We had to because there was no other option.