She’s right, I did know, but I needed her to tell me how she was feeling. “Yes, I did. Please don’t consider it an invasion of your privacy; it wasn’t my intention. My only defense here was to protect you from further pain, which I failed because I see it in your eyes.”

“No, it’s not pain; it's a conclusion. I’ve made my decision.” She said nothing more and allowed me to hold her. Our embrace continued for long minutes, with only the silence between us, until the weather began changing, and we needed to return to the house.

I gathered our packs, and we made our way down the trails with Sabina holding my hand, again with silence, but at least she wasn’t pulling away from me. Edric was waiting for us by the car, and once we approached, he opened the door, and Sabina climbed into the back with me while Edric took care of the gear. He glanced at me and knew my talk with Sabina didn’t go as planned. I wanted to make love to her up there, sprawledout naked on the blanket I brought, but we didn’t because our shared past invaded our life again.

I stepped inside and didn’t know what to expect, but she surprised me and placed her head on my lap. My fingers instantly found her hair, and I massaged her scalp with Sabina purring in pleasure. She needed to relax and forget about her family. Once home, I carried my love into the house and upstairs to our room, telling the staff not to disturb us. Anna looked worried, but my expression assured her we were okay. “Please, what can I do for you?” I asked as she sat on the edge of the bed, and I removed her boots.

“I’m fine, Bourne, and I’m sorry to have worried you with my silence. It’s a lot to take in, and the fate of my brother’s life lies in my hands. I don’t want him dead, Bourne, and as for having him in my life? I survived the last four years with just a few visits; I don’t think it will hurt when I say my final goodbye.”

“Do you mean that? Because you have to be sure about this, Principessa. Once you make the decision, there will be no going back. I will not allow it, and I know that sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. He serves no purpose in our lives, and I think deep down you know that too.”

“I do, and that’s why it hurts because this was not how it was supposed to be, not for any of us, but the past cannot be changed.”

“Agreed, but it’s the present and future we can make in the way we want it to be.”

Three days later, we found ourselves back in London, ready to meet the King, Valentin Vasiliev. We agreed it would be prudent to meet in a more intimate setting than a public restaurant with too many wandering eyes and ears on us. Kaz had made all the arrangements before our arrival. I knew Sabina was nervous about meeting him, but I assured her she would be perfectly safe. I would talk to him first, and then, depending on howthe meeting was progressing, I would decide whether or not to include her in the discussion. At first, she argued with me, but I was firm and told her she was to remain with Edric until I decided.

My flat in London wasn’t overly ostentatious with its décor but just enough to welcome clients here for meetings or a cocktail party that Kaz insisted we have from time to time. I kept a private bedroom upstairs for the long nights when I was too exhausted to drive home to London’s countryside. I had sold our childhood home and purchased a quaint three-bedroom cottage for myself. I never believed I would share anything personal about myself with anyone else until Sabina.

My life has changed for the better with Sabina in it. I want to give her the world, if she will allow me to, anything to make her happy. Sabina’s presence is all I need since she has brought me back to life and made me want more. However, our “happily ever after” will have to wait until after I meet with Valentin. She had just finished speaking to Lucy and smiled as I joined her.

“You look happy; it’s a look I long to see on you daily.”

“I want that too. I love talking to Lucy, but this smile is from the good news she shared. Lucy and Pierre found out what they are having.”

“Well? Don’t keep me in suspense, do tell.” I pulled her into my arms, giving her a passionate kiss.

“A girl, Pierre, is over the moon, and he can’t wait to spoil his‘Princesse.’”She winked, and I kissed her again, making me want that dream with my woman, but first, I have to ask her to marry me, which will happen very soon. I already have Anna working secretly on the plans with Kaz. I’m thirty-two years old, and I don’t have to worry anymore about being alone in my future because I have Sabina, and she’s the one I will have today, tomorrow, and the rest of our days. “Hey, Bourne, are youlistening to me? Did you hear what I said about Lucy having a baby girl?”

“Yes, of course, darling, I never miss a word, and I’m excited for your friends.”

“Were you hoping it was us?”

“How can I not? I’ve made no secret about wanting a child with you, and nothing would please me more than to see you pregnant with my child.”

“It’s a nice dream, Bourne, and one day it will happen. I love you,” her eyes beamed with love in her eyes and only for me.“My precious girl, I’m going to make it my top priority to plant a baby inside you, and once I do, you will be bound to me in every way possible.”

“You alright?” she asked sweetly.

“I’m perfect, and I’ll remain that way as long as you stay up here and listen to Edric, okay? Will you do that for me?”

“Yes, but I’m not happy about it.”

“I didn’t believe you were, but I need you safe, and I’ve never met Valentin, so I do not know what to expect.”

“Fine! I’ll stay up here with Edric.”Oh, I love her pout.

“Thank you, see you soon.” I kissed her once more and left to go downstairs. I stood in front of the floor to ceiling windows and stared out to London. I loved this city, but I loved the island more with Sabina.

“Bourne, they called from downstairs; they’re on their way up,” Kaz stated, and then I looked at the surveillance app on my phone and recognized the man with Valentin. Oleg Volkov, aka the wolf, his right hand in everything and is just as dangerous. Seeing he didn’t come alone made me second-guess my decision to have Edric remain upstairs as he monitored the cameras. If they tried anything, his team would know it. A moment later, Kaz opened the door to the men, who politely nodded and approached me.

Valentin was a tall man with stern features; he was undoubtedly armed and ready to kill if necessary, but he wasn’t the only one. I can take a man out in less than a second if I had to, a skill I would never forget how to do. He stepped closer and said, “Bourne Atwater, we meet at last,” his hand outstretched for me to accept. I shook his offered hand, which was strong with an unspoken warning. He was refined and carried himself in the same manner as he formally introduced himself. “Valentin Vasiliev, and the man to my left is Oleg Volkov.”

“A pleasure to meet you both,” I said as I shook Oleg’s hand, which was stronger than the first, almost to the point of pain. Message received. You’re not here to fuck around, and that’s good because neither am I.

“May I offer you a drink before we get started?”