“In some ways, yes, and then I remember us as children listening to Mama play her piano, and I forget all the bad stuff that happened in between and what followed later. You are my brother, and I love you, but that love can only carry us so far.”

“What are you saying, Sabina?”

“I know you will hate hearing this, but I need some time to figure out what’s next for me, and I can’t do that around you.”

“But, you can around Bourne? Has he completely brainwashed you against me? I swear, Sabina, I will not allow this to happen.”

“Well, it’s not your decision, and you can forget it when making one for me. But, believe it or not, I am not the person I was when you showed up at my graduation. I’ve changed a great deal, and partly it’s due to Bourne. He has given me the confidence to believe I have choices and can make them without someone delivering a form of retribution toward me. I’m almost twenty-three years old and am due for a fresh start. If you ever cared about me, you will give that to me.”

“I love you, Sabina, and I would appreciate it if you stopped referring to me and my feelings in the past tense. I’m so unbelievably sorry for all you’ve been through and the pain our father caused you and our mother. I can’t change the past, but I can change the present and our future as brother and sister.All that I’m asking for is a chance to have my do-over. Is that something you would consider?”

“If you’re looking for an answer right now, I can’t give you one. However, I wonder about something you haven’t mentioned yet.”

I leaned forward on my desk and waited for what Sabina would say. Edric returned and heard the tail end of it, which also piqued his curiosity. “Your girl is working him perfectly, isn’t she?”

“She’s being honest and straightforward, which is more than he deserves.”

“You told me that you’ve viewed the videos from when our father had the library under surveillance, so if that’s true, then you know I have the music box. You remember it, Lucas; it’s the replica of Mama’s piano.”

“Yes, I remember it and know that you have it. So, what happens now?”

“Mama knew that one day, the contents of the music box would do two things. The first was to free me from the family because she wanted me to find what she knew was hidden in the music box. I don’t know if it was leverage over Papa or maybe even you, but I don’t care. Whatever business dealings you have going on has nothing to do with me, not then and not now. Whatever our father did in the past has not affected your business or relationships with your associates. As I understand it, it’s years gone by, sins that don’t matter anymore because the two leading heads of the Russian Bratva are now dead. Am I close, Lucas?”

“Yes, Sabina, you’re right. Valentin Vasiliev cleaned house after Pavlo and his father died. He didn’t give the members of the remaining families a choice or room to negotiate their options. It was either his way or no way, with Valentin dismantling each family piece by piece. My dealings still thrivebecause I know how to play nice with others. Sabina, this conversation can go on for hours because we have so many unfinished conversations. I hope to have more with you, but I’m curious whether I will ever see you again?”

I waited in anticipation of what she would say to Lucas. She had come so far, telling him exactly how she felt. I was so proud of her that I wanted to sweep her into my arms and make love to her. I knew it was entirely out of bounds to eavesdrop on her call with her brother, but I never lied to Sabina about who I was. She said I gave her confidence, so maybe, in some small way, she knew I would be listening to give her the courage she needed.

“Sabina, please answer my question. You are my sister, and I can’t sit back and watch Bourne remove me from your life.”

“What the hell do you want me to say? Up until seeing you at my graduation, you were a ghost, and yet I still had hope that one day you’d show up for me and be the brother you once were.”

“Sabina, I can be the brother you need me to be; you just have to give me a chance to do so. Please come home, and I will prove that I’ve changed and will do better by you.”

“You are still not listening to me, Lucas. Have you learned nothing from the past?”

“I have!” he shouted, softened, and said, “I’m sorry. Please understand how difficult it's been for me not to have you here where you belong. Do not ever forget who you are, Sabina, because like it or not, you are a Santoro, and I’ll be damned if you are anything else.”

“Bloody hell! Do you hear how he’s trying to manipulate her? I have to put a stop to this,”

“Bourne, you can’t, and you know why. I understand how this is killing you, but you have to let this play out and trust Sabina. She is strong; allow her to prove it.”

“I hated it when you’re right,”

“I know, and I’ll be about this too.”

“Sabina,” he shouted again.“Please don’t shut me out,”

“Lucas, I’m not shutting you out. What I am doing is choosing me. This entire time, I’ve been blaming you because you forced me home to a place I hate, but talking to you now has made me realize that I should be thanking you.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“If I hadn’t come home, then maybe the truth about our mother’s murder may have never come to light, and Papa would still be alive, and you would still be sitting on your throne as the head of the Santoro Family. However, that’s not what happened. I did come home because you forced me, and it has taken me all this time to realize that you changed my life by doing so. I’m sorry if this hurts you, but I do not belong to you. I do not belong in Italy, and yes, I may be a Santoro, but I’m more my mother’s daughter than the evil bastard who shares my DNA. I’m right where I belong, and that’s with Bourne. I love him, Lucas, with every fiber of my being. Bourne is my home, wherever he is,”Sabina paused, and I closed my eyes to hear her say, “Is where I want to be. You say you love me? Prove it by letting me go and allowing me to have my future with the man I love.”

“Sabina, you don’t know what you are saying. He has brainwashed you and turned you against me!”

“I’m sorry you feel that way, and I hope one day you will find the peace I have found with Bourne.”

“Don’t you dare hang up on me! Sabina! Will I ever see you again? Please give me that much.”I waited on what Sabina would say, Edric too, and then I heard the words.