Lucas: This is not over.

Me: Yeah, it is, and while you chew on the information you just learned, I’ll be the one taking care of Sabina.

After speaking with Lucas, I checked on Sabina, who was sound asleep; she looked like an angel. I’d join her, but I have to speak with Edric, who was waiting for me in my office.

“So, is the meeting still on?” he asked.

“I’m not sure since he hung up on me.”

“Truth hurts, doesn’t it?”

“It sure does, but everything is out in the open now. It’s something I have been waiting for since my sister died. Finally, the truth was always there and within reach of exposing Marco, bringing all his sins to light. I always knew he was a brutal and sadistic asshole. He killed my sixteen-year-old sister, and so many innocent lives were lost that day, but then his wife?He gunned her down in cold blood, but not before ordering her brutalization. I bet the bullet was a relief in the end.”

“And, Sabina? Where does she fit in all of this?”

“She’s mine, Edric, and I have no intention of letting her go. I’ll admit that rage has consumed me, and revenge has always been the driving force to destroy Marco. Because of him, I lost the two most important people in my life. And then there’s Sabina; she lost her mother. We still have unfinished business with Lucas and must move forward with our meeting. If he doesn’t show, we will send another message that will surely get his attention. In the meantime, do something for me,” I said as I opened my drawer to retrieve the music box I had placed in there.

“What’s that?”

“It’s the music box that Marco desperately wanted back and was willing to kill Sabina. She took it when she fled her home in Italy, and if Marco hadn’t asked me to find her, she surely would’ve been killed like her mother and my sister. Fuck! I need to know why this is important to so many people. Figure it out, genius, and once you do, let me know.”

It would probably be a while before I heard back from Lucas, so I went upstairs to join Sabina. My Principessa was exactly where I left her in the same position, which made me extremely happy knowing she was at peace. I wanted peace for her and peace she will have for the rest of her life. Well, it’s what I plan to give her the minute I remove any trace of her former life as a Santoro. I removed my clothing and was as naked as Sabina, pulling her close to my front. She stirred a little but remained asleep. Sabina deserved to be cherished, I may call her Principessa, but she’s my queen. I wrapped my arms around her delicate body and closed my eyes, joining her in sleep. Peace was not something that came easily for Sabina and me. However, we’ve found it in just a few short days together.


Iheld my favorite knife in my hand, dreaming of ways to use it on my father; my ideas were endless, fueling my rage with every thought. I finished the rest of the scotch as my mind returned to the night that I arrived home to discover Sabina missing.

Holding the oversized bouquet of flowers to bring home for my sister made me smile, knowing it would do the same for her. I was gone longer than I intended, but the trip was necessary to secure future business for our family. It wasn’t easy staying ahead of the curve and legitimizing our family’s business interests, but it has been done by others and will be done by me. It was late, and I didn’t expect anyone to be up at the late hour. I intended to leave the flowers on Sabina’s nightstand, and she'd see them when she woke in the morning.

I opened the door to Sabina’s bedroom, and to avoid waking her, I padded across the room. I placed the flowers on the nightstand and stepped closer to the bed, realizing it wasempty. What the hell? I thought as I turned the light on and immediately sensed something wrong. I pulled out my phone to dial Gio, and my father appeared in the doorway.

“Father, where is Sabina?” I demanded.

“She’s gone, and I don’t know where she is,”

“What the fuck do you mean you don’t know where she is? How is this possible when Gio was personally assigned to watch over her?”

“As I heard from Gio, he believed she was asleep in her bedroom for the night. When she did not come downstairs for breakfast the following morning, he went upstairs to check on her, where he discovered she was missing. I have used every available resource to locate your sister, and it appears she has disappeared off the grid, and no one seems to be able to locate and bring her home.”

“Least of all you, right father?”

“What the hell does that mean? Surely you don’t believe I’ve had anything to do with this?”

“Oh, no, not you, the patron saint of fathers,” I angrily mocked.

“Believe what you want, Lucas. I’m telling you the truth.”

“Your version, which I don’t believe for one fucking second. Get out and retire to your quarters until I am ready to look at your face again.”

“You’re ordering me to my room?”

“Did I stutter?”

My father said nothing more, nor would he dare, considering my anger toward him. I opened my surveillance app and clicked on camera one to view my father’s room and office since he no longer used the one downstairs. Within a few seconds, he entered with the door slamming behind him. He paced the room back and forth until he pulled out his phone, and I heard him say, “Lucas is home, and he’s not happy that Sabina isnot here. Yes, it’s a blessing we haven’t located her yet, and if Bourne has, he’s not talking since his outlandish indecent proposal. I don’t care how it plays out as long as the little brat never returns.”

What. The. Fuck? If I didn’t hear the words come from his mouth, I might not have believed them. So why didn’t I trust and listen to my sister when she begged me to open my eyes about our father? I was so fucking blind and stubborn, thinking if I changed our business, then I could change my father, and he won’t be such a bastard, but I was wrong, and now my sister is paying the price.

“You’ve been here for hours; what do you want to do, Lucas?” I looked up to see Gio standing before me.