“Interesting, and what exactly did he try to keep from you? And here I thought you were the one in charge?”

“My leadership is not in question; my father’s future health is. He’s been taken down a few pegs and is in a place where he cannot hurt my sister. I know why she ran; she must be so scaredout there alone. I know you, Bourne, you can smell blood in the water, and the chase feeds your soul. My father failed in his attempts to locate her. God knows what would have happened to Sabina if he had been successful. However, I know you were because you have her, and I want her back.”

“No,” I answered with no pause in my tone.

“Please, Bourne, do not do this. I know you would never hurt a woman, especially an innocent who has nothing to do with mine or my father’s sins. I’m not a man who begs, but I will for Sabina. Please tell me she is safe.”

“She’s safe,” I answered back.

He released a deep sigh and then said, “Thank you. We need to meet, and do not tell me no because that is not an option.”

“It is for right now, and you needn’t worry about Sabina. She’s under my protection, and I will decide if and when she returns home to the family who put a target on her back.”

“What are you saying?”

“I thought you knew everything that happens under your roof?” my tone was mocking but not unwarranted.

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I guess your father didn’t mention that he had a kill file on your sister. If your father had succeeded, the only way you would’ve gotten Sabina back would be in a body bag. His decision to hire me was just a smokescreen to buy the time he desperately needed because, with you coming home, he was literally at the end of his rope. He knew he could use my information to get to your sister if I found her.”

“No, it can’t be true,” his voice thundered into the phone.

“It is true, Lucas, and it was all to be taken care of before you arrived home. Sabina is alive and well because I found her first, and she will remain that way for as long as I draw breath. Here’s a piece of advice for you,”

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“If he’s not dead yet, I suggest you have another conversation with Daddy dearest. I’ll be in touch.” I ended the call wishing I could see the look on Marco’s face when Lucas confronts him, but knowing it won’t be pretty will suffice for now. My conflicted feelings were getting the better of me, and I knew I needed to do a better job controlling them. When I thought of Marco, I saw blood red and wanted my pound of flesh. I took a deep breath and saw Sabina standing in the doorway.

“Hi, come in,” I waved Sabina in. “Please, sit,” I pointed to the sofa. She was quiet, but that didn’t stop her from joining me. She sat down and faced me, still saying nothing, so I decided to go first.

“How much did you hear?” I asked while she sat and remained quiet. “Sabina, when I ask you a question, I expect you to answer. I will not presume to know how you are feeling. I would not like it if a stranger assumed my thoughts, but it would help me greatly if you would talk to me.”

“You were talking to Lucas?”

“Yes, I called him and told him you were safe.”

“There’s that word again,” she rolled her eyes.

“Excuse me?” I questioned.

“Safe, it’s what I felt for a fraction of a second when you grabbed me, and then you said you were someone I could trust. Here’s my issue with those two words. Safe is not a feeling, I know. Trust is not something I do very often, and it’s practically a foreign concept in my family. And one more thing, how can I believe anything from your mouth when you are a total stranger? A stranger who kidnapped me right off the street?”

“You got me there, but I am telling you the truth. I will not hurt you or allow anyone else to, especially Marco Santoro.”

Her demeanor quickly changed, and the look of fear was back in her eyes. “Hey,” I said as I gently cupped her face. “Your father is not getting anywhere near you, and if he dares to try,then I will put him down like the feral dog he is. Please, Sabina, you can tell me. Did he hurt you?” I hated to say the words I was thinking, but I couldn’t stop the rampant thoughts racing through my mind. It was as if she knew what I was thinking and shook her head back and forth.

“No, not me,”

“Okay, then who?” I know pushing her was wrong, but the growing need to somehow avenge this broken girl was so intense that I just needed to hurt someone and my target—Marco. She tried to pull away, but I still held her close.

“Sabina, do you want to ask me something?”

“For a man you say I can trust, I would think I would know your name by now? So, why the mystery? Who the hell are you?”God! I loved her spirit.

I leaned in as close as I could and said, “My name is Bourne Atwater,” the minute the words crossed my lips, I waited for Sabina to make the connection and remember that she had met me nearly ten years before. She was silent and trembling as she remained where she was. I couldn’t read her face since she wore a hundred expressions. I didn’t want to press her further because I wanted Sabina to remember on her own without me providing the information to her. She remained quiet, and the tears filling her eyes did not fall, maybe not to give me the satisfaction of having her submit. I pulled back, and then she got up off the couch.

“I’m exhausted. Can I go back into the cabin?”