“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Another time, perhaps, I need you to contact Edric and have him report here immediately. We will conference later,” I said and dismissed my assistant.

“Understood; I’ll leave you alone.” I was still holding the photograph when an old memory fought to the surface and took over all my thoughts.

I had been on leave while I was serving in the British Army. I was about to begin my Special Air Service training and wouldbe away for a long time, and I wanted to see my sister before I left. Marielle was at the Mayfield Boarding School in Sussex for more than a year before I could visit. It was an excellent education, but I wasn’t pleased with my father for sending her away. My mum was gone, and my father said he couldn’t raise her alone, especially with me joining the military. However, he wanted her to have the best, and since it was a school for girls, he felt the headmistress would be a positive role model in my sister’s life. We had been writing letters for over a year when I got word that I could go home on a five-day leave before leaving again for training. I was so excited that I skipped going home and went directly to Mayfield to see my sister.

I was in uniform when I arrived, sticking out like a sore thumb, but I knew Marielle would love it. We were a team for a long time, and it broke her heart when I had to leave, so I was hoping this surprise visit would make her happy. I phoned Mayfield beforehand and discussed arrangements with the headmistress. She was delighted that I was making the trip to visit Marielle and how thrilled she’d be to see me. She was accommodating and promised to excuse my sister from school commitments while I was here. After I cleared the gate, the headmistress of the Mayfield School greeted me along with several administration members.

After several polite exchanges, they directed me to where my sister would be. As luck would have it, I arrived on what they call a “free day” after their exams, and they could take part in non-academic activities for the day, such as horseback riding, boating, or anything the school offered. I smiled because I knew where my sister would be before they told me. She loved to paint by the water, and I wasn’t wrong as I got closer to where I knew I would find her. She was wearing a painter’s smock covered in all shades of colors, wearing the perfect smile. I had never seen her look so happy.

“If you ask me, this is a masterpiece,” I said, causing her to drop the palette.

“Bourne! Oh, my God, what are you doing here?” she asked excitedly and was about to jump in my arms when she grimaced at her paint-covered clothes. She looked down at her smock and shrugged, knowing some things never change. I smiled warmly at her innocent face and kissed her cheek.

“To answer your question, I’m here to surprise you. You look lovely, Mar,”

“Yes, it’s the latest rage in London fashion. I can’t believe you’re here, and for how long?”

“Just a few days, I’m afraid, but all of them will be with you,” I said.

“Fantastic! I’ll be right back. I need to change. Will you take me somewhere?”

“Anything for you, come, let’s go,”As I continued to stare at the photograph, I couldn’t help but remember Marielle, full of life and with so much promise to a future she would never get to experience. I fought the urge not to get sucked into yet another mission involving Marco Santoro. He could not be trusted, and if I learned anything from the last time our paths crossed, I should delete and block him from ever contacting me again, but once I opened up the attachments to his e-mail, I was more intrigued than ever before.

His message read: I need to see you. Any time, day, or place. Please, Bourne, you are the only one that I can trust. I clicked open the others, and they were just as beautiful as the one I held. She was always lovely from the moment I met her all those years ago. An illusion I could never have made real.

“I have had the best three days of my life with you. I can’t believe you are leaving so soon,” my sister said as she pouted and practically choked my neck.

“I know, and stop trying to make me feel guilty. You know I am proud to serve my country. However, I must visit Dad first and then leave.”

“Give him a big hug from me?”

“Of course, and here’s one from him.” I hugged my sister from my father, who asked me to send his love, knowing I was here with her. I gave her a big spin and then put her down when a few girls approached us. She introduced me to her friends, but one stood out. She was not English with her olive skin and long brown hair. She was shy, with her head cast down to the ground, definitely not like my loud and outgoing sister.

“Sabina! Come and meet my brother; he’s an officer in the British Army,”

I shook my head at her boasting, but I knew she was proud. “What a beautiful name. I’m Bourne, and it’s nice to meet you, Sabina,” She extended her hand for me to shake, and I brought it to my lips to kiss it. She blushed immediately but didn’t pull her hand away. I did because I was too old for the young girl standing before me, but something made me want to give her attention.

“Bourne, Sabina is in the room next to mine, and we have a connecting door. So you don’t know how many nights we stay up talking.”

“Hmm, I’m sure you do, but don’t let the late-night chats hurt your studies. I know Dad is expecting a perfect report card.”

“Yeah, yeah, the story of my life. I will do great, I promise, and as a reward, Dad is sending me skiing in Switzerland over winter break.” Then, she turned to Sabina and said, “Did your parents give you permission yet?”

“I can’t go, Marielle; my father would never allow it.” She looked uncomfortable, and I didn’t want my sister to press her on the issue, so I interrupted their conversation.

“Well, I must be going, Marielle. Will you accompany me to the gates?” I said, then I turned to Sabina and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you,” she blushed again and gave me a slight nod before turning away from us and walking back to the school.

“Poor thing, so isolated from the world,”my sister stated.

“What do you mean?” I asked as we walked arm and arm back to my car.

“From the moment she arrived, Sabina has been quiet and has kept to herself. I heard whispers about her that she’s the daughter of a mob boss in Italy. She doesn’t talk to many girls, but she likes me.”

“What’s not to like? You are amazing. What’s her last name?”

“Santoro,” I filed the name away and never forgot it until we crossed again several years later after learning of the train bombing that took my sister’s life. She was just sixteen years old.