“You’re welcome; now, can we watch an action movie?”

“I’ll make the popcorn!” she shouted happily.

“I haven’t thought of that night in a very long time. I never wanted to remember any of the good after she died, but being with you makes me want to remember all the stories, laughter, and smiles we shared. It’s what I’m looking forward to having with you, Principessa. I want to remember everything about youand how loving someone like you felt. When I am a very old man at the end of his life and can only remember one thing before soaring into the next one, it would be you. Then, I’d die happily with no regrets and memories of an Italian princess who stole my heart and never gave it back.”


Was it a dream I was having? Or was it real? I was walking down a long, covered flower path that led to the beach with the beautiful New Zealand seas behind it. The day was clear, and the sun warmed my face as I made my way down to the man waiting for me. He was devilishly handsome, dressed in a dark emerald suit that matched his eyes' color. Our eyes met, and no one else existed; it was just us two. He reached for my hand and kissed the ring he had given me in London.

It was a simple white gold band with a solitaire diamond. It belonged to his mother, and he said it would make him happy if I accepted it and became his wife. I loved it and knew it would bring us luck in our new life together. I handed off my bouquet, but my matron of honor wasn’t Lucy; it was Marielle, who looked beautiful in a long lavender dress with flowers in her hair. Bourne smiled at me, and then he looked over to the older man who resembled the man I was about to marry.

“What did I tell you, pop? She’s beautiful, right?”

“She’s an angel, just like your mum. So be happy, son, and let’s get on with the show.”

“Yeah, you heard my father, marry my brother, and be happy for the rest of your life.”

I gasped and breathed as my eyes opened to see the man I was dreaming about. The man I love who has not only saved me once but twice now. The captor of my heart.



“Principessa,” I said as I looked into the most beautiful brown eyes staring back at me. “Thank you, God, for bringing her back to me,” I whispered as I took her hands and kissed them repeatedly as the thankful tears streamed down my cheeks.

“I would never leave you, Bourne, don’t you know that by now?” she asked, making me cry harder into her hands until I stood up and held her face, crushing my mouth to hers.

“You came back to me, Principessa; I love you so much.” I kissed Sabina until I came to my senses and hit the button on the intercom for the doctor to go to her room. Not a minute later, Ellen entered the room and introduced herself to my Principessa, who was wiping away a few tears.

“Hello, Sabina. My name is Ellen, and I treated you when you arrived at my clinic. Can you tell me how you are feeling right now? On a scale from one to ten, with ten being the highest. Are you in any pain?”

“Shouldn’t I call you Doctor,” she paused, and I just about busted out with laughter.

“We are pretty informal around here, but if you prefer to call me by my name, you may say Dr. Chantal or Dr. Ellen Chantal.”

“You have a beautiful last name; is it French?” she asked.

“My father was French, and my mother was American.”

“How are you in Italy?” she continued to ask the doctor questions when she should be silent long enough to be examined.

“Principessa, allow the doctor to examine you, please?”

“It’s fine; I worked as a doctor for over ten years in America. Later, I joined the organization Doctors Without Borders and traveled all over the world with them for about three years, and then I settled here in Italy after simply falling in love with the country. I started this practice with another, and it’s a perfect life.”

“Thank you for telling me. Okay, you can check me out now,” Sabina yawned and closed her eyes, causing me to freak out.

“Sabina, keep your eyes open for me,” I wanted to shake her to keep her awake.

“I’m tired, Bourne, so tired,” she whispered faintly, and then she was asleep.

“Mr. Atwater, she’s alright, and this is normal; it’s the body's way of healing, and Sabina needs rest most. I’ll give her time, and if she doesn’t wake up in the next two hours, then I will be here to wake her. In the meantime, why don’t you stretch your legs and get some fresh air?”

“No, I’d rather wait with her if that’s okay?”

“It’s fine with me. I’ll be back soon to check on Sabina.”

“Oh, Principessa, you’ve aged me ten years by staying asleep longer than you should have. You have one hour, and then I wake you up and kiss you madly. Please stay with me forever, and don’t ever scare me like this again.”