“Where? Are you still in Parioli? You loved your house.”

“We did when it was just the two of us, but now, with the baby on the way, we needed something bigger, and with my new and improved salary, I thought I would move us before the baby arrived. However, your guy did it for us.”

“Wow, my mind is just blown right now. Where is it?”

“Are you ready?”

“Yup, go for it,”

“He bought us the Villa Borghese with the rooftop garden. I swear Lucy is so happy.”

“What about you? Are you okay with it? Bourne can be forward, and it's his way or no way.”

“Yeah, I’m slowly learning that about him, but it’s okay. When we arrived at the house fully furnished, there was a note taped to the door. Lucy nearly wet her pants when I read it to her.

Bonjour and bienvenue dans votre nouvelle maison. Veuillez considerer ceci comme un cadeau pour le bebe.


Bourne et Sabina

“Okay, slow down. I’m fluent in Italian, not French. Let me see if I can put it together.” I said and concentrated on understanding what Bourne had written in French. Is there anything my man can’t do? “Bonjour is easy, and so is bienvenue, which means hello and welcome,” I whispered to myself until I shouted that I figured it out. “He said to consider this a gift for the baby. Oh, my goodness, I think my ovaries just exploded, and if I’m not already, I need Bourne to knock me up.”

“TMI! Sabina, save that for Lucy, please,” said Pierre to the point he was holding his stomach in laughter, and then I couldn’t help myself and laugh along with him. “Oh, I needed that.” He said and placed an arm around my shoulder.

“No, I needed it more, and thank you again.”

“You feel better?”

“I do, and I’ll consider my misunderstanding with Bourne a temporary freak-out or pre-wedding jitters.”

“You wouldn’t be the first bride-to-be to have them. He’s not going anywhere, and you know that, right?”

“I know, and neither am I,” I said, giving my friend another hug.

“Okay, you ready to head back? I’m sure Lucy has probably eaten half the fridge by now,” joked Pierre.

“Be nice; she’s growing a baby.”

“I know, and I can’t wait to meet our daughter. Do you mind waiting a few more minutes? I want to pick some wildflowers for Lucy.”

“Yeah, we have so many kinds here on the island. Pick her a huge bouquet’s worth.”

“I will,” he said, walking further down the trail we had walked earlier.

The air smelled incredibly crisp and clean, and I enjoyed the cool breeze on my face. Then the wind kicked up, and I looked to the sky to see why. A military helicopter appeared, and before I could react, it hovered above me. A man dressed all in black slid down a cable suspended from the aircraft. I went to shout for Pierre, but a hand covered my mouth, and I couldn’t scream for help.

“At last, I found you. Come, little sister, it’s time to go home.”

No, no, no, this can’t be happening as I struggled with his tight hold around me. I tried to remember the self-defense maneuvers he taught me a long time ago and used them all on him, which proved futile. He was too strong for me to fight, but I tried. I would fight until my last breath. Fight for my life because I wouldn’t allow my brother to take anything else from me. I’ve lost so much by their hands; Mama, Marielle, but no more, and he will not take me from Bourne willingly. I will fight because he makes me strong.

“Stop resisting me! You are going to hurt yourself.”

“Fuck you, Lucas, fuck you!” I shouted as loud as I could, and when he tried to tighten his hold on me, I managed to kick him in his knee, but he was still too strong.

“Enough!” he wrapped one arm around my waist and then grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at Pierre, who was now on the ground with Lucy’s flowers next to him. The guard had a boot-covered foot on his back and a gun pointed at his head.

“No! Leave him alone!” I cried against his hold.