He smiled as if he remembered something, and then Oleg gave him a look of understanding, and then Valentin said, “You don’t have anything to fear from me; As for your brother, he is free to live and run his business the way he sees fit. However, second chances do not exist. Your brother Lucas is aware of the playing field and what side he is to remain on. Make no mistake, if he chooses to cross, the decision and the consequences will solely be on him. Do you understand?”

In a shaky tone, she answered, “Yes.”

“Very well, now our business is finished. We will see ourselves out,” and with the door closure, Sabina sagged in my arms, holding me tight.

“What just happened?” she whispered into my chest.

“Sweetheart, that was what you think it was, he set you free, and now you are free to be with me.” I cupped her face and made her look up at me. When she did, she had tears in her eyes, but for the first time, they were not sad. She was smiling. “Do you want to know why I set the wager on the day of the hike?”

“Why,” she asked breathily.

“I wanted to win. I tried my best, but you are very fast. Anyway, the wish I wanted to share with you would be my marriage proposal. I would have gotten down on one knee, professed my love for you, and made a hundred promises about how happy I plan to make you. You will never need or want anything because I will give you every part of me, and I will give you the world. All I ask is that you stay and watch me prove it. I love you.” She wiped away her tears, stepped on her toes to place her hands on my shoulders, and slowly began to push me down to the floor.

“Ask me now,” she said.

“Sabina Lauren Santoro, will you marry me?”



I never believed I would ever hear those four words asked of me because living under my father’s rule proved that I would never be free long enough to fall in love. I was traumatized for years after my mother’s murder and feared my father would follow through on his promise to sell me to the highest bidder. Thank God that never happened, but it was also why I always had a plan in place to escape him because I saw the actual monster on that day, and I feared him every single day after. He’s dead now, and I hope he’s rotting deep down in the earth and hell will swallow him up while my beloved mother sings with the angels in heaven.

“Well?” he said.

I looked down at him and said, “Huh?”

He smiled at me, wrapped his arms around me, and asked again, “My beautiful Principessa, I love you so much. When we first met, we never knew that one encounter would connect usten years later, and when I found you again, I was broken. I never believed all my pieces would be put back together, and then miraculously, you healed me with your love. You said that I saved you, but the truth is that you were the one who saved me, and I will forever be thankful to you for that. With every breath, I promise I will always be here and love you forever. I know a lot of men probably say that when proposing, but I’m not like most men, and the words I have said to you since that day on the bus are just as essential as the air I breathe. I need both to survive. So love me as I love you, and say yes to me, Sabina.”

I was a blubbering mess after Bourne professed his love for me again, and on the inside, I was screaming my answer, but I could barely get out the words through my tears.

“Yes, Bourne, I will marry and love you forever. I am in love with you, and you are in every part of my soul. Yes, yes, yes! Let’s get married.”

In the weeks that followed the most romantic marriage proposal in the world, we were back on our island, finalizing our wedding plans. Lucy and Pierre would arrive today, along with Bourne's longtime assistant, Kaz. We had only spent two days in London after Valentin and Bourne's meeting. I did some shopping in the city and on my own, which was exhilarating to experience. Knowing Bourne, I'm sure I had a shadow on me that stayed out of sight, but I didn't care because I knew even though he wasn't with me, this was Bourne's way of watching over me when he couldn't.

Bourne met with his team to discuss their current clients' status and new business inquiries. I overheard Kaz say to Edric that she feared the office would suffer in his absence, but then Edric corrected her and assured Kaz that everything was as it should be and not to worry. I feared she might not like or approve of me, but Bourne said it was just typical of Kaz being ahard ass. She runs a very efficient office and tends to overreact when things are not inherorder.

I was so excited about my friend's arrival that I practically bounced into the limo seat at the airstrip. “Come here, Principessa,” he patted his lap, and I lunged forward to do exactly that. “Happy looks wonderful on you. I can't wait until Saturday when we officially become husband and wife.”

“It's real, right? Because if I'm dreaming, I don't want to wake.”

“Oh, Principessa, you don't have to worry about anything because that's what I'm here for. We are going to marry at the top of the snowcaps. It's the highest spot that overlooks the entire island and the closest to the angels watching from heaven. I love you, and nothing will spoil our day, I promise you.”

I kissed my man soundly as his hand ran down my spine to the top of my ass. Everything that came from Bourne's mouth sounded sexual, especially with his British accent. He’s been telling me not to worry since we met, but it’s just in my nature to do so. I hadn’t heard from my brother, and it appeared he was taking the hint and giving me the time I asked for. As far as Bourne was concerned, it was a dead issue, and he didn’t want to discuss it further, but I knew in the back of my mind that the subject of him would arise again between us.

One of the biggest obstacles we still faced was deciding where to live. In some way, I felt displaced because my last home was my apartment back in Rhode Island; at least, it was for me. My father may have had me under close watch, but as far as I knew, he was never in my apartment. It was the one place I was free to be in without fearing being sent to my room until permitted to leave. I hated that life and find myself still so bewildered that I get to live a new one with Bourne as his wife and live openly with my friends. There are so many doors to walk through with new opportunities I don’t know which one to choose first. Oh, yes, Ido, the one that leads to Bourne. I sat on his lap, my face pressed against his shoulder as his arms surrounded me. I was so happy.

“You’re smiling again,” he whispered before kissing me.

“I can’t help it; you make me happy.”

“You make me happy, Sabina, and we will figure out the rest, I promise. As for my assistant and her advice, that’s settled. I love Kaz, and she’s been a devoted friend and employee, but I will not have her upsetting you in any way.”

“Bourne, Kaz is fine, and she was just looking out for you and rightfully concerned. Look, you told me that even Edric had questions and reservations about me; it’s only natural for the people in your life to behave in a caring manner when it comes to you. When Lucy gets me alone, I'm sure she will have a hundred questions for me, and they will all be out of love. You know the difference, right?”

“I do, but as I explained to Edric and Kaz, I’m fine. Now, our living arrangements will work out, don’t worry. We are marrying on Saturday and taking an extended break to celebrate our honeymoon. Principessa, I have homes all over the world I can choose for our permanent home, but what does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Wherever you are is home to me.”

“You are incredibly sweet when you want to be,”