“You're not joining us, Edric? You should; it’s a beautiful day.”

“Another time, and besides, I hate hiking.”

Her face lit up, and she said, “Hiking? You're taking me on a hike?” She bounced in her seat.

“Yes, that was the plan until someone spoiled it,” I said, kicking the back of his seat, causing him to buck forward.

“How exciting; I can't wait to leave you in the dust, although I may be out of shape since I haven't been going on my daily runs.”

“That makes two of us, which is why today is perfect for getting air in our lungs and terrain under our feet. And, what makes you think you will leave me behind? Have you forgotten that I was in the United Kingdom Special Forces? I'm militarily trained and in excellent shape.”

“Tsk, tsk, just because you are former everything doesn't mean I can’t beat you in something.” She was too confident, which gave me an idea.

“How about a wager?” I suggested.

“Oh, you're on; what are the terms?”

I knew what I wanted, but would Sabina? It was right there to say it, but I waited and issued an alternative to the bet. “How about you think about what you would want if you win, and then I will do the same. We will disclose our wishes once we reach the top, known as the snow caps, and a winner is declared. Sound fair?” I stuck out my hand, and instead, she launched onto my lap and kissed me hard and loud for Edric to hear.

“You are on, Atwater; may you eat my dust.”

“Okay, you warriors, we're here,” Edric said as he parked the truck. “Be careful and, most importantly, have fun.”

“Thank you, Edric,” she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Thank you for everything,” She took my hand as I led her away from the truck. I looked over my shoulder to see my friend watching me. He didn't look as serious as last night when he gave me the third degree about my feelings and intentions for Sabina, but deep down; it was his way of telling me he cared not only for me but for Sabina too.

We each carried a pack on our backs, mine being the heavier one with the lunch sack provided by Anna. I have to give creditto Sabina for making an effort to keep up with me. At times, she gained a foot, and then we were again side by side. Finally, she asked if she could stop and take in the beautiful New Zealand scenery. I was secretly relieved about the break since my pack was heavier than hers. Sabina could not stop smiling as she snapped continuously to photograph the view and attempted to take selfies of us.

“Here, I have longer arms,” I said as she handed me the phone, and we stood with the mountains behind us and the sea below. I put my arm around her shoulders as she burrowed close to my side. I set the timer to take multiple shots, and the phone took one photo after another, creating a slide show of us smiling, kissing, laughing, and Sabina blowing a kiss on the last one. “You are adorable,” I said before kissing my beautiful girl. “Come, if we keep up the pace, we will reach the top in about an hour.”

“Okay, let’s go,” she was in front of me and made sure she swayed her ass back and forth for me to see. I almost wanted to let her win to know what she wished for, but I promised this was an actual race and I would not hold back. Forty-five minutes into the hike, after our small break for the photos, I began to see the beginning of my favorite spot. It was easy to get caught up in happy memories of the past from the times I shared with my sister. Unfortunately, she never had the chance to enjoy the island I proudly named after her, but I know she would have loved it. Long before I lost my father and sister, he asked me about my plans for the future. I didn’t say anything serious, but he laughed when I said I would buy an island someday. Who knew that someday is today, and now I get to share it with Sabina?

“Hey, are we racing or what?” she called out with quite a distance between us.

What the hell?I thought as I was clear-headed again and realized how far my girl had gotten when I was lost in my memories again. How did that happen? Once she saw the realization show on my face, Sabina took off in a run, and as much as it excited me to chase her, I didn’t want her to get hurt. The terrain was rough, and it changed at every corner.

“Sabina, slow down!” I shouted out to her, but she just laughed and ignored me as she ran faster and faster. She was nearly at the top, and then I heard her scream. I ran as fast as my legs would take me and called her name, “Sabina!” and continued to shout until I spotted her where I thought I would be declared the winner of our race. It was the furthest thing from my mind; I only needed Sabina. I dropped my pack and rushed over to her side. “Are you hurt?” I said as I turned her to face me and felt all around her body for a possible injury. She was winded but appeared to be okay, with a tinge of red on her face. “Damn, I love your blush,” I held her in my arms, and we kissed until she pulled away, but only a little. Sabina looked into my eyes and cupped my face in her small hands. What was she looking for as she continued to stare? As if she was studying and learning all my secrets with her touch.

“You are so handsome with eyes as blue as the sea. Who has your eyes, Bourne?”

“My father, it was one of the few things we shared. Who has yours, Sabina?”

“My mother and Lucas. Once upon a time, I believed we shared her loving and good nature, too. But sadly, he changed and became more and more like our father.” Her smile fell for a second, and then she looked up and said, “I’m hungry; let’s eat the delicious lunch Anna packed for us. By the way, I win.” She kissed me quickly and did a little victory dance.

“Show-off, I’ll get you next time,” I said as I took the blanket from my pack and spread it out for us to sit on. The wind waspicking up a little, but not too bad that we’d have to cut our day short. Sabina removed her vest and kept her hoodie on, taking a seat on the blanket and pulling food from the bag.

“Hmm, this smells so good; here, try it,” she handed me a flaky pastry filled with Italian meats and cheeses. I dipped it into the sauce and took a bite. It melted in my mouth, awakening all my taste buds.

“Damn, Anna is an amazing cook,” I took two more bites, and it was gone. Sabina finished, and then we picked on an assortment of fruit, cheeses, and crackers. “Do you want some wine?” I asked, holding up the bottle of Bordeaux.

“No, thank you, not when we have to hike back down.”

“You’re right; let’s stick to water. So, what do you think of the snow caps?”

“It’s stunning, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful before, and I was born in Italy.”

“Tell me something, other than boarding school and later college in the States, did you ever go anywhere else?”

“No, I was never allowed any freedom other than attending my classes. Lucas could travel freely on his own or with our father, but I was bound to the house and the grounds.”