“Bourne, I mean no disrespect toward Sabina, so retract the fucking claws, okay? I know you better than anyone else. Since joining the United Kingdom Special Forces, we have been a team since day one. We are brothers who served our country together, watched good men die, and mourned the ones we couldn’t save. You must be sure before traveling down this road with Valentin to bring down Lucas.”

“I’ve never been surer about anything in my life. She’s been through enough, and I have to make it known to her brother and the world that she is mine to protect, and no one will fuck with her again. Are. You. With. Me? I never believed I had to ask.”

“You don’t, so calm the hell down. I told you once before that I needed to know where your head was at. And my asking today is no different. I needed to know,” he stated again.

“For fucks sake, Edric! Are you up to speed? Or do I have to explain it slower?”

“We’re clear; now let’s talk about London. He will be protected. As for you, I will have our team positioned at all points of the parameter. He’s a lawyer first and will do nothing to shine the spotlight on him. Secondly, he’s a businessman who will listen and not make any impetuous decisions without carefully considering how it benefits him first. Once he’s come to his decision, he will do three things. The first is to process what he’s learned, and then he will decide the other two moves.”

“Which are?”

“He will either inform you of his decision or go through, above, or around you to make his move right before he says to Lucas, checkmate.” While I remained quiet, processing all Edric said, he poured himself a double scotch and sat in front of my desk.

“You’ve given this much thought, haven’t you?”

“I have, but I don’t think I have to explain my duties to you and what you expect of me. Or do I, Bourne?”

“No, you don’t. Edric, I know it may seem to you and probably even to Kaz that I’ve been veering off-track since taking Sabina, but I haven’t. My focus is just as clear as the day before I left for Rome, maybe even more so. What I have found with Sabina is very real; I want it with every fiber of my being. Our business is intact, and for the first time since Marielle and my father died, my heart is, too. All that I ask is you respect the decisions I’ve made and, in the future, when you need to question me, I’d think twice before doing so. If we’re done here, I’d like to see Sabina.”

“Go get your girl; knowing Anna, she’s probably baked enough to feed an army.”

“True, we will enjoy the fruits of their labor tomorrow at breakfast.”

“Bourne, are we okay?” I stopped and knew he hated to ask, but this was my friend settling his conscience.”

“Always. Goodnight, Edric,” We made our peace, and I left to find the one who could make me right again.



What could be keeping Bourne? I knew I asked for some time alone, but not an entire day and almost a night away from him. After talking to Lucas, I found the phone Bourne had left for me the other night, and I used it to call Lucy and Pierre, who shouted at me for about ten minutes until she allowed me to get a word in edgewise.

I knew they were displaced from their home and put into protective custody under Bourne's watch, but he assured me they were safe to return home to their lives, and I wanted to be the one to tell them the good news. After I did, the call's tone changed, and Lucy went from anger to joy; not that she didn't enjoy the weeks of pampering while her baby bump grew several inches, but she just wanted to go back to Rome. She sent me a photo of her belly with a happy face drawn on it in red lipstick. I giggled and saved the picture to my phone.

After we talked for about an hour or so, it was Pierre's turn to get on, and I caught up with him as well. He said he's been busy working with new and old clients, and thanks to Bourne and a few connections he gave to him, their financial status was secure, at least for the foreseeable future. He said he would be working with Edric as a consultant. Hearing all this good news for my friends made me love Bourne even more. He cared for my friends and me, safeguarding us all with love and care.

After talking to them, I felt better and found Anna, and we baked for the rest of the afternoon. She taught me how to make raspberry scones, Bourne's favorite pastry at high tea. This woman was extraordinary, and I was honored to be in her company. I loved my Mama, but my father did everything he could to sever our connection. In the end, my beautiful mother suffered for it.

I can't believe how blind I was growing up regarding him and his domineering ways. Lucas feared Bourne brainwashed me, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. My brother has had to face some harsh realities discovering the truth, but probably the hardest one he’s struggling with is that I wasn’t brainwashed but abused by our father. His hatred knew no bounds, and now that he’s dead, I will never understand why, but I’m strong enough to live with it. But is Lucas?

I thanked Anna for a great day, and while I waited for Bourne, I explored the house. I’d only been down to the beach, my room, Bourne’s, and the kitchen. The island paradise was gorgeous, and since it was dark outside, I explored the inside, taking one room at a time. I opened the first door and walked inside the vast and spacious room. It was a media room with a big screen on the wall and comfortable reclining seats. Framed posters hung on the walls of classic movies such as Casablanca and From Here to Eternity. I was impressed because I loved these two films.I remember the night Lucy helped me sneak off campus and outsmart my guards to view them at the New York Film Festival.

As soon as I noticed the photos of Marielle hanging on the wall, I felt an overwhelming sense of regret. It should have been me who died on that train. I miss her so much. I saw a few that I guessed were of his father and mother, but most of them were of my best friend from infancy to right before she died. As my eyes continued to scan the photos, I found one I hadn’t seen since before I left the Mayfield School. Unfortunately, I couldn’t remain there after Marielle died and my brother sent for me. I was home-schooled until I left for college.

My eyes filled with tears, staring at the photo taken on the day I met Bourne. After all this time, the memory is vividly clear. I hugged it to my chest and allowed the long-buried memory to resurface.

“Bourne, will you take our picture?” She handed him the camera, and he happily smiled at her. You could tell how much he adored Marielle. I hesitated at first because I never really liked getting my picture taken, but Marielle insisted, and there was no changing her mind once she set it to something. “Smile at the camera, Sabina, and make it nice and bright,” I laughed under my breath and focused on her brother, who was holding back a smile of his own. Yes, your sister is crazy, but I love her just the same. I smiled as instructed, and just as he called out cheese, she turned and kissed my cheek in a sounding kiss, making me laugh. It was the best unexpected moment, but I did not know that Bourne continued to snap photos of us in a sequence he later e-mailed to Marielle. She framed every single one and put them up all around our rooms.

I couldn’t help but cry over my friend and her lost life. It was a senseless tragedy that never had to happen. I couldn’t tear my eyes from the photo as tears began to fall all over the frame. “I’m sorry, Marielle, so sorry. You may not be here with me anymore,but you are still my best friend, and I miss you every day. I would love to have one moment from that day back with you, just one more photo or another round of laughter between us.” I placed the picture back in its place and then said, “And, Bourne, I can’t imagine how you would feel knowing your caveman of a brother has claimed me as his. Do you want to know a secret? I love it. He’s an amazing man who saved me. I’ll save that story for another time, but I can promise you that I’m happy, and I don’t believe I ever said that when we were back at school. Yes, I was happy with you and the times we shared, but you were just a small part of my life's big black hole. I don’t feel that way anymore, and it’s due to how your brother loves me; at least, I hope he does, and I’m not part of some revenge plot. God! I am a walking contradiction; I’m sorry. I guess I’m just not used to all these new feelings, and they are all bundled together in one big heap of questions and uncertainty. I’ll figure them all out; give me some time to do so.” I picked the frame up and gave her cheek a loud, smacking kiss. “I guess better late than never, best friend. I love you,” I said and wiped away my tears.

“She loves you too.” I jumped in surprise and turned around to see Bourne in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed over his chest.

“You scared me! Why are you lurking in doorways?”

“It’s my doorway, and I wasn’t lurking. Was I listening to you? Yes, I was, and I’m one hundred percent guilty.” He was at my side in a few short strides, and I was lifted in his arms as he kissed me hard at first, and then he finished softly. “At first, I intended to give you privacy, but then you were crying, and I couldn’t leave you. I know you’re confused, and there may be a part of you struggling to trust me and my intentions, but I swear to you that I will never lie to you, especially regarding my feelings. Come, it’s been an extremely long and exhausting day. Will you come to bed and allow me to make love to you?”

“You’re asking?”