“It depends on whether Sabina forgives me for being an asshole,”

“I forgive you, Bourne,” Edric turned around and smiled at Sabina, walking across the room and into my arms. Sabina looked beautiful and dressed in a floor-length silk robe, and her hair was still wet from the shower.

“Good morning, Principessa; how did you sleep?” I asked as she sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck to kiss me.

“Better after you joined me; thank you for that.”

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” I whispered.

“No more than I. Will you forgive me for hurting you? I should’ve been considerate of your feelings.”

“Only if you forgive me? And it is I who should be more considerate of you. I’m sorry.”

“You are forgiven, and I love you.” She kissed me quickly on my lips and then said, “What are you two talking about? And why the monitors?”

“The monitors are for the call I plan to make to your brother. Once the call connects, we will have a visual look at what is happening inside your home and be able to hear it and see it as well.” She looked caught off-guard but remained on my lap.

“How is that possible?” she asked, then looked at Edric.

“Gio, he’s assisting,” he answered.

“By betraying my brother?” She changed from loving to protective again, but I didn’t allow her to move. “What’s going on here, Bourne? And please do not pacify me because you think I can’t handle it.”

“I would never do that, and if you give me a chance to explain, you’ll understand why we need to do this.” Her robe opened slightly in the struggle, and I saw her perfect breasts, which made my dick hard underneath her. I composed myself and asked her to put on some clothes. She giggled, knowing full well the effect she was having on me. She went as far as to whisper in my ear if she could assist with my current problem. I was so fucking hard at the thought of Sabina sliding down to her knees to take me into her mouth. The fantasy made me see stars, and my reaction practically bucked her off my lap. After she laughed and blew me a kiss on her way out, I silently thought,what a fucking tease with Edric shooting me a look.

“I was wrong in thinking she couldn’t handle you. On the contrary, I think you will have your hands full keeping up with the ever-changing Sabina Santoro.”

“Yes, I think you’re right, but when this is over, and it will be soon, she will no longer be a Santoro.” After we finalized our plans for the call with Lucas, Edric went on about other business, but I didn’t care to hear anything else. All my thoughts returned to Sabina. I was about to look for her when she gently knocked on my door and entered, carrying a large tray.

“Hey, let me help you,” I said as I took the tray from her. “What is all this?” I asked as I placed it on the table and embraced my woman. Sabina felt amazing against me, and I wanted to tell Edric to get lost, but my angel spoke first.

“I thought you might be hungry, so I asked Anna to make you omelets with all the fixings. I’m sorry for my earlier outburst. I should have given you the time to talk to me, but since I’m here now, please tell me what’s going on?”

“Thank you for this; not necessary but appreciated. Please tell me there’s something here for you as well?”

“Yes, more than enough, but I prefer the flaky shit,” Edric almost spat out his coffee all over his laptop but quicklyrecovered and began to cough to clear his throat. “Yeah, your voice carries.” She said and then leaned in closer to kiss me.

“Sorry about that,” he looked guilty.

“Oh, please, you are so much fun, Edric,”

“Careful, Principessa, you know how my moods change,” I winked, and then she kissed me again and turned back to Edric.

“So, tell me about Gio,”

“Gio is not betraying Lucas; he’s helping to free him from the chokehold named Marco. You see, Sabina when Lucas took over as head of the family, he wasn’t left with a solid foundation that consisted of thriving businesses and loads of money. Instead, your father remains one of the most underhanded and dirty business associates I have ever encountered. I’m sorry if this is hard to hear, but you turn your back on a man like Marco and might as well push the knife in yourself. He’s under control now; as far as we know, he’s still alive. Lucas is beginning to uncover all the lies he’s been told, including years of cover-ups and evil and dangerous alliances he used to safeguard Santoro’s place in line with the other families.”

“What does he know?”

“He knows your father killed your mother and how you witnessed it.”

“I need to speak to him. Will you let me, Bourne?” her voice was so small when she asked.

“Yes, of course, I will. The call will connect at seven p.m. Italy time, but I can push it to later if you need more time.”

“No, it’s fine. I need to know more about Gio.”

“I’ve spoken to Lucas after he discovered the truth about your mother, and he wasn’t doing so great. We exchanged some words, and then the call ended. Edric later called Gio, and they worked out a way to make this call happen. He’s tried everything to make things right since he lost you on his watch, and I believe he genuinely cares about your well-being.”