“Dammit, Lucas, I wasn’t running from you. How could you think that?”

“I don’t think it; I know it. I don’t know why you are so afraid of our father. Did he do something to you? Did anyone hurt, touch, or look at you the wrong way? Because they are dead the moment we return home.” I shifted nervously in my seat. I felt sick. I couldn’t look at my brother. It didn’t take long for my brother to lose it. He roared angrily, then lunged at me to grab me by the chin, pulling me forward.

“Stop it, Lucas, you’re hurting me,” I struggled against his tight hold.

“Tell me the truth, Sabina, now!”

I began to shake, and he released me and held me in his arms until I cried. He was always my protector, making the bad dreams disappear, especially after our mother died. I can’t tell him my truth because I don’t know if it’s real or something I may have dreamed of. I get these fuzzy images, but they never mean anything because it feels like my brain is blocked, and whatever is blocking it stays trapped and buried deep in my subconscious.Where I’m safe, and no one can harm me.

“I can’t explain it, Lucas; it’s just something I feel. I wish I could, and believe me, I’ve tried to remember, but my mind doesn’t allow me to.”

“Okay, I believe you. Listen to me, Sabina, as long as I live and breathe, you never have to be afraid again. I give you my word that no harm will ever come to you. It doesn’t matter who they are, and that includes Papa. If someone hurts you in any way, I will not hesitate to eliminate them from the face of the earth.”

I began to cry again, but it didn’t bother my brother. He went from angry to gentle and held me until we reached his private plane. As soon as I fastened my seatbelt, the doors to the cabin closed, and the pilot had us careening down the runway, taking me further away from the life I had before it all went to hell with my brother’s arrival. Lucas was working on his laptop when I asked if I could use the restroom.

“Sabina, you don’t have to ask my permission, but I’m glad you are more compliant. Go and hurry back so we can talk.”

After I washed my face, I leaned against the door and sighed, hating that I was cowering in here instead of telling my brother to fuck off. I’ve never had the courage to challenge him, but now it’s all I want to do. I have to keep fighting for my freedom. So, I stayed in here, not realizing how long I was taking until there was a loud bang at the door. “Sabina, come out right now,” my brother demanded.

I unlocked the door, and he touched my face, making me shudder. My brother was a severe guy, and no one fucked with him if they wanted to live. I tried not to be afraid because Lucas would never hurt me. I swallowed down my fear and looked directly into his eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked the most straightforward question. I could answer in many ways, but then I told him I was better. He hugged me and told me to take my seat.

“Lucas, please don’t do this. You can turn this plane around and let me go.”

He was silent momentarily and then asked, “Why would I ever do that? You are a Santoro, and you must know by now that you will never be free until I allow it.”

“So, I was right, and I am a prisoner?”

“If that were true, you’d be tied up and caged in the cargo hold. It's been entertaining sparring with you, but I have work to do. So, have a drink and relax. It will be a long flight.”

“I don’t drink, and I don’t think I will ever be able to relax again.” I spat out in defiance.

“Sabina, don’t test me; now take the fucking drink and swallow it.” He placed the tumbler in my hand, and I had no choice but to obey. The next time I opened my eyes was at the sound of the impact of the landing. Lucas sat beside me and held out a bottle of water for me. My throat was dry, and I accepted it with no argument. The cool water felt good as I nearly swallowed the whole bottle.

“You drugged me,” I said. My entire body began to shake.

He held me by my shoulders and said, “Drugged you is a strong word, more like gave you a small sedative to calm your nerves. You must have been exhausted to sleep the entire way. Can you make it? Or do I need Gio to carry you?”

“I’m fine,” he knew I wasn’t but didn’t say anything further. A car awaited us once we deplaned from Luca’s private jet. He walked down first, with me behind him and Gio covering me. I wouldn’t make it two feet even if I wanted to run. I have to believe they won’t always be watching, and when that time comes, I will try again.

“Sabina, come,” he called out as I hesitated briefly on the last step. I stared at the car and wished I was anywhere else than right here. Gio nudged me forward, and I finally stepped down and walked to my brother. “It’s going to be okay; remember, I never break my promises.” He kissed my forehead and stepped inside the car with his hand extended for me to take. I did obediently, and once inside, Gio closed the door and got in front with the driver.

We didn’t talk during the entire drive back to our family estate. I closed my eyes and imagined being with Lucy, dancing the night away in her dorm. Back at school, I lived without interference from my family, and it was the most freeing time of my life.

“Sabina, we’re home. Come,” he instructed again. I was silent and compliant. Lucas didn’t leave me any other option. As we approached the front door, staff and guards surrounded our entrance, but one was missing until I saw him at the top of the stairs. My father wore his finest suit, and his expression was unreadable as he descended the sprawling staircase.

“Sabina, welcome home,” he greeted me with a fake smile and a kiss on my cheeks. His fingers pressed into my face as he stared into my eyes. “It’s been too long since you’ve been home. We shall not have that again, dear daughter.” His voice alone sent chills down my spine.

He released me and then looked at Lucas, greeting him with the highest respect. He kissed my brother’s hand, and then my brother returned the pleasantry. “It’s been a long few days and flight. I want Sabina to retire to her room with me doing the same. We will catch up tonight at dinner. Clear?” he said to our father, who nodded in agreement but not without giving me a weird look as my brother led me away. His arm entwined with mine, and when we reached my door, he opened it and ushered me inside. It was just as I remembered it. Once upon a time, I loved it, along with my childhood. I miss my mother.

“Sabina, the silent treatment will end when you join us for dinner. You’ve had your time to pout, and now I want you to get some rest and then come down and be the sister I know you to be. Do you understand?” he warned, and I knew I couldn’t refuse him.

“Yes, Lucas,” I answered numbly.I silently vowed to escape the first chance I could.


Iwalked into the office that I had adjacent to my bedroom. I poured myself a double bourbon and called Gio for a conference. I was too wound up to do anything but think of Sabina. Her beautiful brown eyes were now colorless and void. I hated to think I put that look there with my appearance at her graduation and what transpired next. I finished my drink and poured another when Gio walked in.

“How is she?” he asked.