“Oh, dolce Bambina, vieni qui.” She said in our native Italian. I almost hated hearing it at home because it reminded me of what I’d lost, but to hear Anna speak a few simple words to me meant so much. The hug was so much more.

“Would it be okay if I went outside? It’s a beautiful day,”

“Of course, if you take the flower path, it will lead down to the water, where you’ll find a gazebo and chaise lounges. You will be very comfortable but take a jacket. It tends to get colder by the water.”

“I seem to remember that; thank you, Anna,” I hugged her, and then she handed me a jacket to take with me, along with fresh coffee in a travel mug and a croissant. I practically skipped down the path with the cool breeze on my face. I felt exhilarated with an abundance of energy. I took a few bites of the flaky and decadent pastry and then felt like running. I missed running, and what better place to run than the beach? I tossed the jacket and was happy I wore sneakers instead of boots. I didn't know how long the stretch of beach was without my fit watch, so I winged it.

I ran from one end to another and then back again. The last time I ran and worked out for real was back at schoolon the greenways; escaping from my apartment doesn’t count. I continued to run sprints up and down the beach. “This feels great!” I shouted joyfully, looking up at the bright blue sky. I never felt more exhilarated. I inhaled and exhaled a few breaths, enjoying the clean air and the warm sun on my face. I looked at the crystal blue water, and an idea formed in my head.

“Don’t even think about it, Sabina, just run out there,” I said, giving myself the boost I needed to do what I probably would have done on my own if Bourne hadn’t thrown me in. I felt a longing inside of me to be adventurous. For the first time, I didn’t have Papa, Lucas, or the mafia controlling my every move. I scanned the beach, not seeing anyone, especially my handsome captor, so I went for it. This is what freedom feels like, and I will enjoy it for as long as I have it. I kicked off my sneakers and socks and tossed the jeans and sweater.

“Holy shit! I’m doing this!” and I was off.

The rush of cold water hitting my skin felt like thousands of pins and needles, but in that joyous moment, I wanted to experience all of it. So I did one quick lap and then swam to the shore. I was shivering when I returned to the beach, my skin turning light shades of blue. It was all seen by Anna rushing toward me with towels and a blanket.

“Ragazza sciocca, vuoi congelare a morte? cosa stavi pensando? dimenticalo, non voglio saperlo. Lasciati riscaldare prima che scopra cosa hai fatto.” She wrapped my frozen body in towels and a warm blanket. I was okay, and she could yell at me all she wanted in Italian, and it wouldn’t make me feel any less than just amazing. In my defense, I tried to explain my reasons for taking a polar plunge.

“Anna, I’m not foolish and knew what I was doing back there. I loved it and would do it again to feel this elated.”

“By freezing to death? I will never understand you young people doing crazy stunts.”

“Was it okay when Bourne threw me in?”

“No, it was not! And believe me, I gave him a piece of my mind. I didn’t believe you would repeat it.” She continued to berate me as if I was a child. I wouldn’t complain since she reminded me so much of my mother. “Let’s get you inside and into dry clothes before you catch pneumonia.”

She had her arms around my shoulder, holding me close to her. I wouldn’t regret my actions, not one bit. Did I need this? A motherly figure taking care of me? Tears filled my eyes, knowing I longed for it, missing my mother. She felt me tremble and then rubbed the cold from my arms. I told her I was okay as she continued scolding me in Italian.

We began to go upstairs, and that’s when my heart nearly stopped at the sight of Bourne standing at the top landing. I couldn’t read him at the moment since ninety percent of the time, he is severe and stone-faced with those gorgeous eyes that suck me in with one glance.

“Thank you, Anna, I’ll take it from here,” he said with a slight upturn to his mouth. She patted me on the shoulder and left me with Bourne. “Come here, Principessa,” I made it two steps, and then I was in his arms. He breathed me in and began to kiss my neck, sending shivers down my spine. “I love you” was all he said and what I needed to hear as he carried me inside his bedroom, locking the world out.



I felt around for Sabina; her pillow was the only thing I held. Rising on my elbows, I scanned the room and called out her name with no response in return. Flopping back into the pillow, I groaned and forced myself out of bed. I padded into the bathroom, hoping she was in there, but another strikeout. It was clear she used it while I was sleeping, but where is she now?

I figured she was downstairs with Anna since I hadn’t let her out of my sight since her first escape attempt. We’re different now, and I doubt she will run again, so I wasn’t too worried and took my time in the shower. I stepped into the kitchen and called out for Anna. “Hello, anyone here?”

“What the hell is going on? And where is Sabina?” Then, before I could dial Edric, he came out of the surveillance room with the biggest smirk. It was the look of amusement I didn’t see too often.

“Looking for someone?” he asked.

“I am, but I’m guessing you already know where my Principessa is,” I surmised.

“Oh, I do, and I have to say it’s been a very enlightening morning watchingyour Principessa,”

“What the fuck, Edric!? Where is she?” He raised his hands to calm me down, but I was five seconds away from putting him through a wall.

“Sabina is out on the beach, and she’s been swimming, not skinny dipping, but pretty close to it. Anna is with her and has been yelling at her in Italian for the last five minutes.”

“Is she crazy? That water is just above freezing.” I practically shouted.

“It didn’t stop you from throwing her in last week, but it’s now a travesty when she does it.”

“Last week was about teaching her a lesson, and it worked now that we are on stable ground and the truth is out between us. Unfortunately, Sabina’s behavior today is irresponsible!” I shouted. “God, what if something had happened to her with no one around to help her?”

“Wrong, because if she were in any danger, I would know about it and sound the alarm for you to race to the rescue.”