“It matches your necklace,” I touched the small charm that sat perfectly at the base of her neck. “I don’t know why I haven’t noticed it before,”

“Well, you were busy kidnapping me, so I won’t hold it against you,” she laughed, and it was the sweetest sound.

“Will you tell me more about your mother?”

“Bourne, please understand that I wasn’t purposely keeping my past from you. The truth is, most of the horrifying memories have been repressed. I guess that’s the right term for it. I began to have flashes of memories from the moment I arrived home, but most of them didn’t make sense until my father caught me in the library. It was where my mother’s piano was, and any good memories I have of her were from when she played it for Lucas and me. But, of course, she could only play with my father’s permission.”

“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry he did that to you,” I caressed her face, wanting to hold her and make all her pain disappear.

“He did a lot to me, and what’s worse is that I blocked most of it out, especially my mother’s murder. I can’t explain it; maybe that’s why I was in the library. It was the one room I felt most connected to my mother. I wanted to feel her again, and then I experienced the strangest feeling overcome me, drawing me to the shelf where my mother’s music box sat, collecting dust. The moment I opened it and heard her music, I felt the waves of happy memories engulf me, but they only lasted a second because my father came in and yelled at me. He told me I was not permitted to be in the library and ordered me to leave. Lucas heard the commotion and defended me against my father. I was scared, and I ran down an unfamiliar hallway.”

“Where did you go after you left the library?”

“I was just walking and then I found this door, and it opened. I went inside and discovered it was directly behind the library. I could hear my father and brother arguing as I descended the corridor. After Lucas left, I remained where I was and heard my father say he would soon gain control of the family. After he left the library, I couldn’t move. It was as if I was frozen, and then it happened.”She wrapped her arms around herself and attempted to hide her tears.

“Hey, no more hiding. It’s alright; you can tell me,” I whispered.

She closed her eyes and said, “The memories were no longer broken images. It was one memory after another hitting me straight in my heart. I could not escape them, and once everything was pieced together, it felt like it was happening all over again. No matter what I did, I could not stop my mind from seeing what happened in the library.”

“What was it? Please, you can tell me,”

“My mother’s murder.”

“Dear God, you were there?”

“Yes, and I heard every gruesome detail of it.”

“Oh, baby, come here,” I pulled Sabina into my arms and held her trembling body as she relieved the horror of that day. “I can’t do this to you; hearing you go through this breaks my heart.”

“Bourne, I owe you the truth, and it doesn’t matter how much it hurts me; you deserve to know the truth.”

“What about you, Sabina? Haven’t you suffered enough?”

“No, I don’t believe it will ever be enough. I’m responsible for all your pain, and how can I ever make that right? Your sister and father are dead. My mother is dead, and my father is responsible because he committed those murders in my name. I don’t know how you will feel about me once I tell you the rest, but I only ask you to allow me to do so.”

“Principessa, no matter what you tell me, my feelings will not change.”I made my promise and would stand behind it, but the devastation written all over her beautiful face told me she believed differently.

“My eighteenth birthday was approaching, and my mother gave me this necklace and made me promise never to take it off. She said one day it would save me from this life and the family I was born into. I didn’t understand what she was saying until years later, when I finally allowed my subconscious to fightthe barrier and remember. Papa was so angry that she was in the library and he wasn’t alone. She tried to escape, but he wouldn’t let her, and then my father was taunting her and saying disgusting things about me and how I would make a good whore for the man he called, Andreas. I never knew his last name because my father never said it. Another man was there, but he never said his name. My mother was brave and fought my father, but it was useless, he was too strong, and as her punishment for fighting for me and standing up against him, he ordered Andreas to rape my mother. A preview of what was to happen to me.”

“Fucking hell!” I erupted in rage. “I will make him suffer for every tear he has ever caused you. I will kill them all for you, Principessa. I will avenge all the lives he took and the pain he caused. Come here,” I demanded. My beautiful Sabina walked right into my arms without hesitation, and I crushed my mouth to hers, and she opened immediately for me. I wanted her so much, but I had to stop because if I was ever going to move forward with her, I needed to know every last painful truth that still lingered between us. I took a breath and then touched her face with Sabina leaning into my palm. “Forgive me, Principessa, but it was all I could do to show you that my promises remain true, and I want you with me. If you’re up to it, please tell me the rest, and once you do, it will be the last time you ever cry over them.”

She nodded and said, “Even in my mother’s darkest hour, she fought the monsters. She stabbed Andreas, but then my father shot her, killed the unknown man, and made it look like an ambush on our compound. He set the stage and waited for Lucas to arrive home. He fooled them all, and I was the only witness to the carnage of that day.”

“I ran from the secret corridor, and once some of the shock wore off, I ran back into the house, and I threw myself over her bloodied body and stayed there until Lucas pulled me off her. Itwas just a blur after that, and the trauma of that day I blocked out and buried so far down in my mind that I couldn’t find it until now. I remember my father’s words that sent a million frozen chills down my spine. It was haunting, but it was real Bourne, and now that I remember it, I fear it will always be there, and I want it gone.”

“What did he say? I need to hear all of it.”

“Haven’t I said enough for you? Do I have to repeat the last words my mother ever heard?”

“Yes, you do because it’s the only way to be fucking free of him.” She didn’t want to; I knew it was ripping her apart piece by piece, it was for me too, but it had to be said. She picked up the music box again and opened the lid to hear the music coming from it.

“My mother was crying, and then she called out my name. He mocked her, and then he said the phrase forever burnt into my memory. The way he voiced the words in that cruel and maniacal way was how he always sounded, but on that day, it was pure evil.”

“Sabina, your father is a sadistic bastard, and his evilness changed our lives, but once you free us both, we will survive him and find something good to rise from the carnage he left behind. You can do this; I know you can.” She squeezed her eyes closed and exhaled before looking into my eyes. She was fearless.

“The lamb who survived the slaughter.”

“Sabina, are you sure?”